Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 55: The way to practice is still far

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"Xiaohei, beware!"

When Naz saw the Hellhound, he dashed straight across, and couldn't help reminding.

But the voice of Naz had just fallen, and the body of the Hell Devil had already hit the storm wave, even blowing the storm wave directly!


Naz was shocked, and even Ellie Gore was shocked. They really did not think that Hell Devil Dog would choose to use a pure flesh to pass through the hurricane hovering at a high speed, and it was unscathed.

It can be seen how tough and powerful the Hell Devil's physical strength is.

"How can it be?!"

Eli Gore still did not recover from the shock, staring at the **** demon dog rushing towards him.

After the hellhound rushed through the storm, his legs kicked violently, and he rose into the air, with a red flame wrapped around his feet, flying towards the sky, and then rushing to El Gower!

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you, beast!"

At this time, Eli Gore forcibly calmed down, and after seeing the posture of Hell Devil Dog, he quickly launched an offensive.

Elligor first wrapped himself with a thin layer of sand clothing as a defense, then waved his big hand, and two tornadoes screamed out, impacting the Hell Devil Dog!

The Hell Devil Dog is still a heroic and fearless look, and the momentum is fierce. When the tornado screamed, the Hell Devil Dog opened his mouth of blood basin, and a blaze of red flame spewed out of its mouth instantly.

"Huh? How can Xiaohe understand my tricks?"

After seeing the offensive launched by the Hell Devil Dog, Naz became suspicious, because the Hell Devil Dog's trick now is to spit out flames from his mouth, which is like Naz's "Fire Dragon's Roar". ".

"Oh, this is not your unique trick. Your fire, the roasted chicken wings are still waiting for fire."

Ma Yuan heard that and made fun of Naz, causing Naz to roll his eyes and express his disapproval.


The red flame hovered in a circle, rushing towards the tornado of El Gower. The different attributes of the hurricane and the flame were instantly mixed, with the wind in the flame, and the flame in the wind, mixed together into one group.

But what is shocking is that just after the flame and the wind entangled for a moment, the wind gradually weakened, and finally disappeared completely, leaving only a blaze of flames continuing to hover, whistling to El Gower.

"How...possible?! No!"

The flames covered him, and until now, Elligor only tried to urge the remaining magic power to strengthen the airflow on the surface, making the sand clothing a little heavier, and used it as a defense.


The flame instantly covered Elligor, and despite the "windbreaker armor" as a defense, it still failed to resist the erosion of the Hell Devil Dog. A strange sound sounded, just like the food in the oil pan was fried, it issued " "Ziz" sound.

Without the blessings of the hurricane, Elligor quickly fell, fell to the ground, fell a dog to eat mud, it was very embarrassed, the flames were entangled in Elligor, no matter how he struggled, How to put it out is useless.


Elligor's screams rang through the sky, and they shrieked.

"Xiaohei, it's almost okay, it should be confused later."

After burning for a while, Ma Yuan couldn't bear to look directly, so he said to the Hell Devil Dog, and signaled the Hell Devil Dog to stop.

The Hellhound understood, and then withdrew the flame. I saw it walking towards Eligoir and spit out a slobber of arrogance directly, easily extinguishing the flames in Eligore.

"Wow, what a ruthless little black."

After the flames were extinguished, Naz saw that the body of El Gore had been burned by flames, and the flesh was blooming, the flesh was blurred, and the whole body was black, which was shocking.

"Hey, yes, it’s also a flame attack. Why did mine not work at all for Elgor, and Xiaohei is just like this... just spitting a ball of flame can pass through the hurricane of Elgor, directly Hurt him?"

Naz felt very strange about this, so he asked.


At this time, a burst of white eyes appeared on the Hell Devil Dog, and his body shrank rapidly, becoming two slap-sized puppies, shaking his body blankly and heading towards Ma Yuan.

"Brother, I don't know what is going on. After coming to this world, my magical time seems to have shortened my transformation."

Hell Devil Dog raised his doubts to Ma Yuan. If he changed to usual time, he used the huge magic power of Hell Devil Dog. After the incarnation, he insisted for a long time, almost arbitrary control, but now comes to "Fairy Tail" After this magical world, time has shortened so much.

In this world, there seems to be some kind of bondage, similar to the law, which checks and balances the magic power of Hell Devil Dog.

After hearing such a reminder from Hell Devil Dog, Ma Yuan also began to frown and sink into contemplation.

A moment later, Ma Yuan came to a conclusion, so he said, "It may be that this space law is doing strange things. The spiritual power we cultivated before and the magic power of the world now conflict with each other. I also feel that my own power is being affected. Assimilation bit by bit, no no no, it is better to say that assimilation is compressed, our power is being compressed and concentrated."


Hell's Devil Dog is not sure why, but his heart is still puzzled.

"Yes, it's not that our power is weakening, but it's compressed, just like a pile of flour, and finally compressed into biscuits, which means that our potential space has become larger."

Ma Yuan continued, and Naz on the side listened very carefully, but it was frowning or foggy. Even after listening to the Hell Devil Dog, it was a seemingly incomprehensible look, really Not sure.

"In any case, in short, we still have room to move forward, and we can continue to practice to improve our strength."

Seeing that the **** devil had doubts, Ma Yuan explained.

Hell Devil Dog heard the words and nodded gently, while Naz heard the words, a **** look, full of energy, said: "Although I don’t know what you are talking about, but if you want to become stronger through practice If I don’t, Naz will not lose to you!"

Both Ma Yuan and Hell Devil Dog smiled when they saw it. ,, ..

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