Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 56: Emergencies

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Ma Yuan and Naz talked about some things about magic, briefly understand the formation of magic, know that magic can only be launched under the traction of a certain spell, but different Ma Yuan and Hell Devil Dogs are randomly launched.


Soon, a magic four-wheel drive suddenly drove over, a speed drift came.


After seeing that the person in the car was Elusa, Naz waved quickly.

"Ma Yuan."

After Elisa got out of the car, she directly ignored Naz in front of her, walked to Ma Yuan, and said lightly.

"Well, what's wrong?" Ma Yuan smiled and promised.

"Are you defeated by Elgor?"

Elusa looked at Eli Gol, who was dying on the ground, questioning. Elisa is very clear about the strength of Elligor. Since he can arrange a huge magic like the magic wind wall, his strength is definitely not weaker than Ma Yuan.

However, according to Elisa's speculation, looking at Ma Yuan's spotless appearance now, and then looking at El Gower's dismal appearance, he knew that El Gore was completely crushed.

And looking at the injury to Elli Gore, it was obviously burned by flames, not like the handwriting from Ma Yuan, because Ma Yuan used pure wind magic.

"Oh, this guy was knocked down by Little Black, it's none of my business."

Ma Yuan answered truthfully, he also felt a little worried about the magic of wind that Eligor played.

Ellie Gore has been learning to control wind magic since he was a child. It is estimated that he has already practiced it. If he really wants Ma Yuan and Ellie Gore to fight hard, I am afraid Ma Yuan will suffer a lot.

"Hey, why are you taking all the credit to Xiaohei? If it weren’t for me when I was fighting with Avery Gore, it consumed a lot of his magic power. Xiaohe could defeat Avery Gore so simply ?"

Naz dissatisfied and came out to invite credit.

Everyone heard the words, just smiled and didn't speak.

"Xiaohei uses fire magic?"

Elusa questioned again, and even turned her gaze to the Hell Devil Dog and looked carefully.

"Huh, Elisa, you didn't see it. The fierce look after Xiaohei's transformation just now is so tall, so big, so cool!"

Naz grabbed the right to speak, carefully gestured to Elusa, watching Naz's eloquent description, Alusa raised interest and looked at Naz.

"You didn't see the scene just now, Xiaohe directly smashed Eligor's hurricane magic with his body, and then Xiaohe used it to steal my tricks, the fire dragon roared, and spit a red flame , Directly bake Elligor!"

"Fire Dragon's roar?"

Elusa is surprised that this move is a special trick of Naz. It is said that it is still a lost ancient magic. How did **** devil dogs come about? This made Alusa feel very strange, even looking at Ma Yuan, and Ma Yuan just shrugged his shoulders, smiling and not talking.

"Mahara, Naz!"

Next, Lucy and Gray got off the magic four-wheeler and greeted Ma Yuan and Naz.

"Wow, what's this black stuff? Naz, why are you so cruel, it has burnt people."

Grey saw the traces of El Gower burned by flames, and thought that Naz did it, so he nagged him.

When Naz heard this, he immediately became unhappy and immediately retorted: "Hey, stinky Gray, who is cruel?"

Having said that, Naz went angrily towards Gray, with a dry posture, and he was fierce.

"It's you, violent!"

And Gray was unwilling to show his weakness, immediately took off his jacket and squeezed his fists to provoke Naz.


Two happy friends, Naz and Gray, got together. The two heads collided with each other, and a dull sound rang out. You pushed me, and the smell of gunpowder was full.

And Elusa, holding her hand all the way, fixedly watching the two men's farce, did not deliberately step forward to stop, just quietly watched.

"Hush! Naz! Gray! Don't make trouble!"

Lucy on the side kept his voice as low as possible, trying to persuade Naz and Gray. After a short quarrel, Naz and Gray suddenly realized something was wrong, so they started to stop, and at the same time turned their heads to look at Elusa not far away, goose bumps erected instantly.

At the next moment, I saw Naz and Gray two smart ghosts blinked their eyes and rolled their eyes, so they pulled their cheeks and smiled hippy, and the two hugged each other quickly, forcibly pretending to be in harmony, very It is unity.

And the funny scene just now was like a joke, and was ignored by the two.

"Okay, now that we have successfully stopped the Iron Forest conspiracy, let's go home."

After experiencing a thrilling deed, Elisa was relieved and relieved.

"Then how about the Lalabay Magic Flute?"

At this moment, Lucy picked up the magic flute from under her feet, held it high, and questioned.

Everyone saw it, all focused on the flute above Lucy's head. The culprit of everything that happened before was this flute that could play a dark magic song called "Songs".

Just as everyone made a choice, in the carriage of the magic four-wheel drive, Kajayama had begun to wake up. When he reached out to lift the curtain on the car, he suddenly saw the flute held up by Lucy, and his eyes suddenly Out of the light, a trace of greed and selfishness eroded his heart instantly.

"Destroy it!"

"Break it!"

At this time, everyone's thoughts were exactly the same, and he did not hesitate to choose to destroy the Lalabai Magic Flute.

Just as everyone made a decision, Kajaama suddenly appeared in the carriage, quickly sat in the driver's seat, skillfully put on shackles, and began to infuse the magic into the magic four-wheel drive, and the car sensed a magic surge As soon as it exited, the wheels quickly spun and rushed forward.

"Lucy beware!"

Everyone found something wrong and quickly reminded Lucy, but it was too late.

The magic four-wheel drive passed by Lucy, and Kajayama quickly shot, grabbing the Larabay Magic Flute in Lucy's hand.

Lucy also reacted, although she desperately clung to the magic flute, but helpless Kagayama was too strong, plus the inertia of the magic four-wheel drive, it directly overturned the thin Lucy to the ground, flute He also had to get out of his hand and land on Kajaama.

With the help of the magic four-wheel drive, Kajayama rammed, and the wheels ran over Naz and Gray's bodies and flew away. ,, ..

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