Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 80: Acquitted

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The frog messenger stood silently in front of the prison where the two were imprisoned, staring blankly at the cage with both anxious Naz and Elusa inside.

"I just received the latest order from the Judiciary, and after the investigation by the House of Representatives, we finally found out. In this terrorist incident, everything was made by Ellie Gore, with Shukaleto Allu. Sha doesn't matter."

Due to the reason that the frog messenger arrested Elusa before, there was some conflict with the fairy tail during the period, so when the instruction was announced, it was still accompanied by a complexion.

But despite this, Elusa was not affected by the stinky face of the frog messenger. When she heard the frog messenger announced the news, she couldn’t believe it. After she froze for a moment, she reacted. , A sudden burst of joy in my heart.

"Oh! I heard it right?! Elusa, this big frog said you are all right! Then wouldn't you be released without innocence? Hahaha!"

Naz on the side was also happy for Elusa. The sudden news made both of them pleasantly surprised. From the moment when Elusa entered the House of Representatives, her face of melancholy suddenly disappeared, exquisite Shu's face spread a smile of relief.

As the so-called Shou Deyun sees the moon and the moon, after feelings of setbacks and sufferings, it is very wonderful to get a new world.

The two rejoiced in the cell for a long time. After coming over for a while, Elusa slowly pulled out of joy and looked at Naz's excited and excited face. a line.

"Since I was acquitted, what about Naz? Shouldn't I..."

When the frog messenger announced the order, he only mentioned Elusa, but Naz, who was making trouble in the House of Representatives, did not mention it.

Although Elisa hoped that Naz would be pardoned by the House of Representatives as he thought, this was only a thought.

With such a reminder from Elusa, Naz also gradually awakened from joy. After hearing the news of Elsa’s innocence, Naz was ecstatic, but he ignored his current situation. .

"Yes, what should I do?"

Naznana said that there was some worry in her heart, and then she began to regret the previous recklessness.


Just as the two were uneasy, the messenger of the frog outside the cage impatiently coughed heavily, cleared his throat, glanced at the frustrated Naz in the cage, and read again: "Because of Dolagni Earl Naz's recklessness and rioting in the House of Representatives seriously affected the order of the House of Representatives, and his behavior was extremely bad!

The frog messenger was full of emotions, and he read it with frustration.

At this time, Naz, who was in the cage, seemed to have expected his tragic ending, and quietly hid in a dark corner. Gu buried himself in his head, looking very depressed.

Elusa heard the words, her heart was also in vain, no joy at the news that she had been acquitted, and the frog messenger's reading was like a prelude to the ruling of Naz.

"After discussion among many judges, I feel that after all, Doragnir Naz was not bad..."

The frog messenger continued to read, and when reading this, he paused deliberately.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this sentence, Elusa became more nervous. It seems that this has become a hope for Naz to be forgiven. Although the hope is very small, but Elisa is still reluctant to give up, her eyes are running. Jing Guang, carefully watching the frog messenger outside the iron fence, eyes full of a sense of eagerness and expectation.

Even when Naz was hiding in the corner, he turned his head subconsciously. Obviously, he also regarded this sentence as his turning point. He was also very impatient and looked forward to the frog messenger.

At this time, both of them suspended their hearts, waiting for the final sentence.

"Dorgnir Naz arbitrarily broke into the House of Councilors for the safety of his companions and disrupted the order of the trial. He should have been severely punished.

"Ooo! Ooo! Extraordinary grace! That is to say, I'm fine?! I'm fine! Hahaha!"

Before the frog messenger had finished speaking, Naz jumped violently, unable to restrain the ecstasy and excitement in his heart, and could not help but cheer and jump.

Even Elisa was relieved at this time, letting the suspended heart down like a load.

Seeing the announcement was interrupted by Naz, the frog messenger couldn't help but roll his eyes at Naz, very impatient, so before a long time for Naz and Elusa to be happy, a serious voice rang again: "But!"

Hearing that the frog messenger had not finished reading the instructions, and there were follow-up articles, Naz and Elusa were stunned again. Both were still at this time, and the heart that had just been put down was suspended again, looking nervously at the frog. The messenger, a little uneasy in his heart.

"This kind of behavior has a great impact on the reputation of the House of Representatives. This attitude of extreme contempt for the House of Representatives' law will give Doragnell Naz a serious warning! No loan!!"

The frog messenger sonorously read, and looked at the two of Naz and Elusa in the cell, still expressionless.

But this time, Naz and Elusa in the cell did not make any movement like before, but froze in place, blankly ignorant.

There was a kind of silence in the prison. After a long time, Naz responded. Mumu asked, "Is the reading finished? No?"

"Then we two were acquitted?"

Elusa was also afraid to be sure. He echoed and said once again, otherwise, the previous recurring transitions would be general, which would frustrate people enough.

"Well, acquitted, you can go now."

The frog messenger made a wink at the guard behind him and said lightly.

The guard immediately noticed, took out the large bunch of keys around his waist, and stepped forward to open the iron gate holding Naz and Elusa in a familiar way.

Seeing this scene, Naz and Elusa didn't mention how happy they were. They couldn't believe how stunned they were. They were shocked just now. Now I want to think that it was just a false alarm.

"Hahaha! This time it is true! Elusa, we are acquitted! Hahaha!"

Naz was stunned by joy and excitement again, cheering and jumping, and ran out of the cell in a jump. When he passed the frog messenger, he was so excited that he hugged the frog messenger tightly and grunted. Kiss on the face! ,, ..

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