Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 81: Aftermath

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The matter of Naz, Elusa and the House of Representatives came to an end temporarily, the two walked back to the guild with joy of relief, and the previous unpleasantness suddenly vanished.

Ma Yuan and Gray also returned to the guild after leaving the House of Representatives that night, and after a crazy battle, Ma Yuan was still comatose at this time.


The door of the guild was suddenly pushed open, a ray of sunlight shining in, and two familiar figures suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Hello, hello everyone! Long time no see, we are back!"

Naz's familiar voice sounded, and everyone looked around, staring at the beads, an incredible look at Naz and Elusa standing at the door, and the hanging heart finally fell at this time, everyone's All smiles on Shu's face.

As soon as Naz returned, he immediately gathered in the crowd, without any care, he lifted a glass with half a beer on the table, cheered, and soon became a crowd with everyone, completely without the rustiness after leaving sense.

Even Elusa, who was usually respected and far away, was surrounded by a group of people at this time.

In the guild, this moment seemed very warm.

"Huh? Why didn't you see that exhibitionist Gray? Where did this kid go?"

After Naz had some trouble, he suddenly thought of it and returned to the Guild for so long without seeing Gray, so he felt a little strange.

After Naz's reminder, Elusa also recovered, and scanned the guild, and found that not only was there no Grey, but even the newcomers Ma Yuan, Lucy, Hell Devil Dog, and Habi were missing.

Seeing that Naz and Elusa discovered the clues, the people quickly woke up from the lively atmosphere, bowed their heads in silence, and said nothing.

Seeing this atmosphere, Naz felt a daze, but couldn't hide the shrewd Elusa. Elusa felt something wrong, so she looked at Milazhen on the bar, trying to get away from Milazhen's I learned something in my mouth.

"What the **** happened? What about Ma Yuan, Gray, Lucy, and Habi?"

Elusa asked doubtfully.

Milazhen knew that she was locked by Elusa and shook her head helplessly. This explained: "When Naz secretly ran to the House of Representatives to save you, the grandfather of the president was afraid that Naz's hot personality Trouble, so Ma Yuan and Gray followed."

"Ma Yuan and Gray have also been to the House of Representatives?!"

For this news, Elusa was surprised, and seemed to guess something.

"Well, but they came back quickly. When they came back, Gray came back with Ma Yuan, and Ma Yuan seemed to have been seriously injured. I don't know the specific situation."

Milazhen gave a brief account of the incident, and he was relieved immediately. He continued: "Now, Grandpa President, they are treating Ma Yuan in the backyard."

After hearing this, Elusa frowned and hurried to the backyard. When Naz saw it, she quickly followed.

"Hey, you said that Ma Yuan's strength is not under Gray and Naz. Who is so powerful and can hurt him like that?"

After the two of Elisa and Naz left, there was some discussion in the guild.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone started to boil. They remembered the night when Ma Yuan and Gray returned to the guild. Ma Yuan was dressed in a ragged and embarrassed state, and since Gray also came back, his spirit has been in a trance. Feeling distraught, all day absent-minded.

It stands to reason that the two young guys Ma Yuan and Gray ranked best in the guild, but after just going to the House of Representatives, they looked like that.

God knows what happened to Ma Yuan and Gray in the House of Representatives.

Elusa and Naz soon came to the backyard room, and when they saw the door, they found that Ma Yuan was lying on the bed, surrounded by Lucy and Makarov and others, although Ma Yuan had been awake at this time, but The bloodless state couldn't hide how fierce the battle was before.

Elusa also found out that in the corner of the room, Gray's lone figure was leaning against the table, his eyes loosened, as if in a state of uneasiness.

Seeing Alusa and Naz suddenly came in, everyone was also happy.

"Elisa, Naz, are you finally back?!"

Makarov was deeply concerned and showed kindness, smiling.


After seeing Naz, Habi suddenly couldn't bear the joy, fluttering his wings and rushing into Naz's arms.


And after seeing Habi for a few days, Naz was also in a burst of joy. He rubbed Habi's small head indulgently and was very happy.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with Ma Yuan?"

Elusa asked, and when Naz heard the words, he immediately stopped his movements and looked at Ma Yuan who was lying on the bed. He looked at Gray, who was in a daze in the corner. What happened in the end.

Makarov heard the words, but sighed helplessly, and said nothing.

On the other hand, Ma Yuan smiled at Elusa and Naz, and said naturally: "In fact, there is nothing, but a little injury, plus the previous mana consumption was a bit overdrawn, so I fell asleep. It’s just for a while, you don’t have to worry.”

Hearing Ma Yuan said comfortingly, Naz also showed a smile, but Elusa didn't take it seriously, and continued to question: "I'll ask you, why are you hurt? Who did you meet in the House of Representatives? How did the conflict arise? ?"

Faced with the repeated questioning of Elusa, Ma Yuan looked a little unnatural.

"Also, what about Grey's status?"

Before waiting for Ma Yuan to answer the previous question, Elusa asked again.

"For Gray, I don’t know what happened to him. In the jury, we met a judge named Tsz Klein..."

"It really is him!"

Before Ma Yuan had finished speaking, Elusa roared angrily, seemingly expected to be normal.

As a result, Ma Yuan confessed what happened to the House of Representatives that night, and because of clashes with Tsekley, Gray was beaten back by the black-haired woman, and everything was explained to Elisa in one hundred and fifty.

After Elisa listened, she narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists firmly. There was a faint anger in her heart that she wanted to pour out.

Ma Yuan looked at the frost on Elusa's face, and was very strange in her heart. She was puzzled and even puzzled as to why Elusa had such a reaction.

"I go to him to settle the accounts!"

After a long silence, Elusa rose suddenly, screaming, and was fierce. ,, ..

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