Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 86: Secretly pick up the task

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After everyone was quiet, just after everyone thought the ridiculous farce could come to an end, Laxas in the attic was still persevering.

I saw his throat squirming, and after swallowing a cup of sake, he did not care about the majesty of Makarov, and said lightly, "Don't just talk, practice, if you have the courage, come up, I'm not afraid of you This kind of garbage!"

Laxus looked at Naz downstairs and continued to scream, ignoring Makarov.

When Naz heard this, his temper suddenly rushed to his heart, like a volcano that had been sleeping for many years, and immediately erupted.

"You **** guy, let me teach you today!"

Naz snorted, kicked his legs, and jumped into the air, trying to compete with Lexus.


At the next moment, only a dull sound was heard, and a huge palm screamed from the front of Naz. Unexpectedly, Naz was unable to stop him, and he was instantly photographed by the huge palm and fell to the first floor.

"Enough Naz, don't mess around!"

The natural shot was President Makarov.

Naz was heavily pressed by Makarov's giant hand, and despite his struggles, he still could not move.


Seeing this, Laxas in the attic immediately felt relieved and snorted, playing with the crystal clear wine glass in his hand. He did not fear the punishment of President Makarov, and his expression was very indifferent.

When Lucy saw this scene, the whole person was in a daze. Shouldn't the punished person be the arrogant man named Laksas upstairs? What now...

This result also puzzled Ma Yuan, not knowing why.

"Luxus, don't be too proud!"

After packing up Naz, Makarov looked up and gave Laksas a hard blow, giving a verbal warning, but he did not make a shot or give a lesson.

Seeing this, Ma Yuan was puzzled.

Laxus had the upper hand, but under Makarov's anger, instead of feeling a sense of accomplishment, he raised his face, his face was cold, his teeth were secretly clenched, and the bones on his cheeks were exposed, see It seemed that he was not convinced by Makarov's anger, but he dared not to speak.

"Okay, this is what happened today. If anyone dares to have trouble again, I will definitely punish you!"

Makarov's giant hand pressed back on Naz's body and returned to the normal size of the human body. Severe eyes scratched Laksas in the attic, and he walked out of the guild.

Obviously, this sentence is a verbal warning to Lexus. Laxus heard the meaning in his tone and turned his head a little bit dissatisfied, too lazy to ignore it.

"Damn guy..."

Naz stood up slowly, staring at Laksas with a bad look, but did not choose to cross the Leichi halfway of President Makarov, just glared, and he was not convinced.

Lucy watched Milazhen holding the power of attorney, and the money went to the second floor.

Soon, the scorching sun ended quietly, and the farce during the day came to an end.

While it was night, there was no one in the guild at this time, and several figures passed by quickly from the bar counter. Without knowing it, he quickly sneaked up to the second floor while taking cover of the night.

There are two figures, looking back and forth on the task bar on the second floor, it seems that they are looking for something general, while the other little figure is suspended in the stairs and plays the role of watching the wind.

"Hey, Lucy, I found it, is this the one?!"

Suddenly, one of the figures pointed to a power of attorney in front of him and shouted in surprise.

"Hush! Keep it quiet! If it's found, it's done!"

Another figure lowered his voice and shouted. After a while, a figure grabbed a fire twister and started blowing, a faint light illuminating the local area around the two.

Under the light of the faint firelight, Lu Shan's true face was clearly seen. They were undoubtedly Naz and Lucy who participated in the farce during the day, and the figure responsible for the wind was a flying kitten, not ha Who else is better?

With the help of firelight, Naz and Lucy clearly saw the power of attorney in front of them. When they saw this power of attorney, their eyes became hot, and there was an inexplicable flame in their hearts. Gas, can't wait.

For Lucy, in the face of the temptation of the zodiac, she couldn't give up easily. During the day, she didn't dare to act because of the eyes of the guild, so when everyone disagreed, at night Still sneaked up the second floor.

Naz didn’t have much desire for the S-level mission on the second floor, but after a conflict with Lexus in the daytime, when he thought of the status of Laxus’s self-sustaining S-level magician, that’s it. Crazy, Naz became more and more dissatisfied.

So with Lucy's encouragement, he finally crossed the president's Lei Chi, surpassed the rules of the guild, and resolutely sneaked into the second floor.

The purpose is to prove to Makarov, Laksas, and everyone in the guild that they all know that he can also perform S-level missions!

As a guild veteran magnate, Naz naturally knew how serious violations of the guild rules, but under the stimulation of various factors, coupled with a good mentality, Naz decided to follow Lucy into the second floor.

He knows that if he completes this S-level mission, everyone will be impressed by it, especially Lexus, at least will not let him be so self-righteous, holding this mentality, Naz will ignore everything.

Habi, needless to say, naturally agrees with Naz.

"Well, yes, this is the task, let's quickly withdraw!"

Lucy took a closer look and determined that the power of attorney was good during the day, so he quickly pulled off the power of attorney and sneaked out of the guild. Naz and Habi saw it, and they followed.

In this way, the two men and one cat successfully completed the action tonight and successfully slipped out of the guild.

As everyone knows, just when Naz and Lucy thought the operation was seamless and unnoticed, a figure in the attic corner was watching them silently.

From the beginning to the second floor, the figure hiding in the dark witnessed the actions of Naz and Lucy. However, after seeing it, Laxus did not step forward to stop them, but watched silently, silently.

"Huh, naive guy."

A familiar voice sounded, and the witness was Laksas!

Naz, Lucy, and Habi, holding the power of attorney, quickly rushed to the pier, following the instructions on the power of attorney. The goal they were going to perform this time was an island called "Garna".

Garna, also known as-Alcatraz! ,, ..

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