Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 87: Scary demon island

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The two soon arrived at the pier, and as long as they waited quietly, as soon as the day lighted, there would be ships on duty, then they could go to the mission location.

"Hey Lucy, what is our mission this time?"

Naz, who was in the lonely wait, only remembered this time. Fortunately, he sneaked into the second floor. Until now, he still has no idea what the task he will take over is.

Lucy heard her face, and she couldn't help but become dignified. She said seriously: "I heard that the island of Garna was cursed. Every night, when the moon came out, the villagers there would become ugly demons! And our mission on this trip is to crack that strange curse."


After Naz listened, his expression also seemed a little unnatural. He was the first to hear about this kind of thing. He was the first time he had contact with this intangible thing. Now that he wanted to come, Naz’s heart appeared inexplicable. Stimulation, eager to try.

"I really want to get a good idea of ​​what the legendary curse looks like!"

Naz shouted excitedly, not only did he not feel the danger of this task, but rather looked forward to it.

Conversely, when Lucy on the side knew this inexplicable task, she immediately felt numbness in the scalp, a chill, and to be honest, she was very resistant to this horrible thing. If it was not for that rich reward, Lucy was It wouldn't take such a risk.

At this time, the sky in the distance was already dimly lit, and while the two of Naz were waiting, a wave of waves appeared in the Fairy Tail Guild.

"Chairman of the report, when I received the commission this morning, I found that there was an inexplicable power of attorney on the second floor!"

Milazhen hurriedly ran down from the attic and said to Makarov that the expression was very anxious. In fact, Milazhen may have guessed that this missing power of attorney was probably secretly uncovered by Lucy!

Not only did Mirazheng think of this, but everyone began to doubt it, because the loss of the power of attorney on the second floor was in full swing in the guild. After receiving the news, everyone rushed over.

Except for the few S-class mages who were often not in the guild, everyone was present, except that the newcomers Lucy and Naz and the kitten Habi disappeared together with the power of attorney!

It goes without saying that the big guy can basically guess who the person who took away the power of attorney is, but the big guy has a clear heart, but no one dares to speak out.

You know, according to the rules of the fairy tail, the corresponding magist will have a corresponding task arrangement. If there is a magister who takes over the task, it may be expelled from the guild!

For this reason, they are also very worried for the two stupid thieves, they can not help but shame, it is estimated that this kind of thing, except Naz, I am afraid no one can do it?

After Makarov heard, his whole heart was suspended, although he was also doubtful, but it was difficult to accept. I hope this is a false alarm, I hope that the S-level power of attorney is blown away by the wind of.

However, in the end, this is just a hint of self-consolation.

"Humph, it's not what I expected."

Just when everyone was worried and worried, Laxus in the attic suddenly stood up and put his hand on the fence. It was still that arrogant attitude and said slowly.

"Laxus, what do you know?"

Makarov asked with a straight face, a serious tone.

"Last night, when I was drinking on the second floor, I found a few mice slipping past me..."

Laxas laughed evilly and paused deliberately, gazing at Makarov with a sly look, and his heart seemed very happy.

"And I saw that these little mice even took off a power of attorney from the taskbar..."

Laxus paused again and smiled meaningfully.

Everyone heard it, and "choked" in their hearts. It was really as they expected. Naz and Lucy dared to sneak into the second floor. They did not hesitate to violate the regulations of the guild and accepted S-level missions privately!

"Did you say these two little mice have pits in their heads? Dare to get fingered easily in places like Garna, is it impatient to live? Ha ha."

Laxus made matters worse, Gu Zi mocked.

"What?! The mission of the power of attorney turned out to be Garna's mission!!"

When he heard the three words "Garna", Makarov was directly taken aback. He was very clear that Garna was called the Alcatraz Island by the world, not because of the terrible existence on this island. , But there is an invisible substance that is more terrifying than the demon!

That is, the curse!

As far as this invisible magic is concerned, even Makarov dare not easily get involved, so the power of attorney has never been stupid enough to receive from the time it was released!

Now, Naz and Lucy nibble this hard bone! How could Makarov not know about this danger? I'm afraid that Naz and Lucy's trip, I am afraid that there is more and less fierce.

At the thought of this, everyone was taken aback, and their hearts had long been messed up. Although they wanted to do something, they were attentive and spared no effort. For the S-level missions, now in the guild, in addition to Elisa Outside of Laxus, no one can help.

And it happened that since Elusa returned from the House of Representatives, she immediately took a lot of tasks and went out to perform. Now, only Laksas can save Naz and Lucy from the flames.

So, at this time, everyone focused their eyes on Lexus, and many pairs of pleading eyes were watching, many looking forward to the eyes.

Laksas also felt the wonderful atmosphere now, but he just snorted, disdainful, and said coldly: "Why? Do you still want me to help these two stupid bad ass? I remember, it seems that in the guild No such rule?"

Hearing Laxus's cold words, it didn't seem to intend to help each other, and his expression was indifferent to the extreme. When this word came out, it aroused the dissatisfaction of many people, all glaring at Laxus.

However, Laxus disagreed, still cheeky, raised his glass, and played with himself.

"Laxus, now you have the ability in the guild, you can pull them back, no matter what, you are all companions! Do you just die like this?!"

At the next moment, Makarov looked up in a pleading tone, and said to Laksa in earnest.

Everyone was silent, looking forward very much, and the president's words could impress the ruthless Laxus. ,, ..

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