Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 88: In the scary Alcatraz island

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Everyone's eyes were focused on the figure in the attic, and the audience was silent.

Ma Yuan, who has been sitting in a corner and watching all this silently, is also looking forward to how Lexus will choose, and at the same time is very curious about the Alcatraz island they said.

Even Gray, who had been depressed for a few days, was attracted attention. He recovered and looked up at Lexus, seemingly waiting for something.

"Huh, don't classify me and these **** as one. I'm different from you. I'm responsible for the misfortunes I've done, and I can't do anything!"

In the expectation and prayer of everyone, Laxas was still so ruthless. After all, a thunder burst on the second floor, and I saw a flash of lightning, and the figure of Laxas disappeared in the original. Ground.

"This Laxus is really merciless!"

"The arrogant and rude man, just seeing death will not save him!"


As Laksas left, everyone started a series of verbal abuse and discussion. The guild boiled all at once, all complaining about Laksas's ruthlessness and indignation.

"Enough! Quiet the old man!!"

Makarov, who is the president, was more angry than anyone else at this time, and with a scream, everyone calmed down.

Makarov really didn't expect that Laxus was so ruthless to this point. In the guild, he treated everyone as his own child. But now there is such a rebellious thorn, naturally it is to let He felt distressed.

Especially for Laksas, Makarov felt a headache. It can also be said that he hates iron for not making steel!

"President, as I see it, or am I going to the island of Garna to bring Naz and Lucy back?"

This is that the silent Ma Yuan suddenly stood up and slowly walked to the bar, suggesting that.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all pleasantly surprised in their hearts. A burst of joy emerged from their hearts, and the joy was vivid, and the previous depression disappeared instantly.


Makarov looked at Ma Yuan and looked at Ma Yuan carefully, which seemed to be somewhat questionable.

When Ma Yuan saw Makarov's expression, he had expected it, but the expression on his face grew firmer and focused more on his head.

"I know you are worried about Naz and Lucy, but which one of them is not worried? But do you know, where is Garna Island? It's very dangerous there. I'm afraid even the old man will go there. Some are fierce, but you..."

Makarov can’t talk about it here anymore. For Ma Yuan’s strength, although he had dealt with Zikrein, who was known as one of the “Holy Ten Great Magisters”, in the House of Representatives a while ago, However, his strength is still lacking. If Ma Yuan was allowed to go to Garna Island, he would be very worried.

"Although I don’t know where the island of Garna is, I know that there are two of my companions there, and I don’t know what dangerous they have experienced! I am very clear that I am going to Garna with my own strength. The island is still far-fetched, but I will bring Naz and Lucy back safely at all costs!"

Ma Yuanyi said indignantly that the momentum was magnificent, making the hearers all moved, and his heart was amazed by Ma Yuan.

But despite all this, Makarov still did not make an expression, bowed his head, hesitant, and seemed to be weighing something.

Going to Garna Island with Ma Yuan's current strength is almost sending sheep into the tiger's mouth, and there is no return. Although Ma Yuan is unpredictable, there are many secrets in his body, but Makarov is still a little worried.

"Grandpa, grandpa, let me follow you together!"

Just as Makarov hesitated, Gray, who was almost ignored by everyone these days, suddenly said aloud, and stood up resolutely and volunteered.

"Ma Yuan was right. After all, Naz and Lucy are our partners. Although these two guys are a little stupid, but now they are in difficulty, we still want to do our best!"

Seeing Makarov still hesitating, Gray continued to persuade.

"Yes, President, let Grey and I try it out! Although this matter is dangerous, it is a good practice for us!"

Ma Yuan continued to agitate and encourage.

"Yeah, President, just let them try Ma Yuan and Gray!"

"After all, only Ma Yuan and Gray are the best in the guild now, not to mention that Ma Yuan was able to escape from a judge a while ago and return to the guild with his whole body?!"

"Yes, President, you believe them once!"


Everyone spoke to persuade Makarov, and they were also forced to do nothing. Now the only two generals in the tail of the goblin are Ma Yuan and Gray. If they delay the time, they will be even more dangerous for Naz and Lucy. This is what everyone does not want to happen.

"Grandpa, grandpa, let them go. In my opinion, since Ma Yuan returned from the House of Representatives, the magical breath has become more intense! I believe that this time, he will definitely be able to bring Lucy and Naz they brought it back!"

Milazhen on the side of Makarov also helped to speak, and expressed some of his views.

With such a reminder from Mirazhen, Makarov turned his gaze to Mayuan again, but found that as Mirajan said, the magic power of Mayuan is now stronger than before!

And not worse than Naz and Gray!

Seeing that, Makarov gritted his teeth, and decided to say: "Well, you two are going now. Be sure to bring Naz and Lucy back!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was relieved and joyous.

"Yes, President, you must meet your expectations and complete the mission!"

Ma Yuan and Gray were even more delighted. After hearing the words, they immediately got upright, straightened their waists, and clanged powerfully, saying in unison.

"Well, go!"

Ma Yuan and Gray hurry up, and even if they can't take care of their luggage, they stride out of the guild door.

"Hey, wait!"

At this moment, when the two were full of blood and had reached the door, they were suddenly drunk.

When the two heard the words, they immediately stopped and turned to look at Makarov, who was thinking that Makarov would be repentant and blank.

After Makarov hesitated again and again, he bowed his head and said weakly: "Be careful, this trip is not easy."

Seeing Makarov's appearance, Ma Yuan and Gray were relieved again, relieved, responded with a smile, and embarked on the journey.

While Ma Yuan and Gray set off, Lucy and Naz had already boarded the ship and slowly set off toward the legendary Alcatraz. ,, ..

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