Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 89: Under the scary Alcatraz

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On the vast sea, Naz and Lucy, together with a cat habi, led by a kind boatman, successfully embarked on the journey to Garna Island.


Half of Naz was outside the boat, and he dumped filth into the sea all the way. From the moment he got on the boat, Naz began to change color, his face was extremely pale, and his body was weak and weak.

For transportation, Naz still behaved as usual, with strong resistance and incompatibility.

Lucy on the side saw the appearance of Naz, but also feel helpless, can not bear to look directly.

"Hey, this uncle, it's really thanks to you this time, and I don't know what's going on. Those boatmen heard that we were going to Garna Island, and they shunned us quickly. It's really strange."

In the process of waiting for the boat, Lucy and Naz were repeatedly rejected. At first, many boatmen were happy to see Lucy and Naz going to sea, but when Lucy reported that he was going to be After the island of Garna, all the boatmen changed their colors.

And with a strange look, he looked at Lucy and Naz, and then quickly avoided, the boatmen seemed to have a lot of resistance to Garna Island.

Knowing that later, it can be said that the emperor is not disheartened. When an uncle heard that Lucy and Naz were going to Garna Island, they not only ran without turning their heads immediately, but they were very excited.

When Lucy felt strange, he finally boarded the boatman.

Seeing Lucy asking enthusiastically, after the boatman was silent for a moment, he slowly took off the cloak hat he had been wearing on his head, stopped the paddling, and turned to look at Lucy and Naz who was still vomiting by the boat, Thoughtful.

Lucy naturally also found the strange look of the boatman, and was also puzzled. Why did the boatmen refuse to take them to Garna?

And all of them were very scared. Only the uncle in front of him not only felt no trace of fear, but also was very excited, and there was some joy in the excitement. He promised to go to Garna Island without saying anything. .

Lucy was puzzled.

"Little girl, are you a magician in the Fairy Tail Guild?"

The boatman looked at the sign of the fairy tail on Naz's arm and on the back of Lucy's palm and said.

"Well, Uncle has such good eyesight that he can recognize the medal of our guild!"

Lucy echoed.

"Well, if you are not the wizards of the fairy tail, I dare not let you get on board."

The boatman continued paddling, gazing into the distance, and after a moment of silence, he continued: "And I guessed it, you went to Garna Island this time to carry out your mission?"

As soon as the words came out, Lucy felt a surprise. Even the weak and weak Naz was shocked, and he was full of energy, staring at the uncle in surprise.

"Uncle, how did you know..."

Lucy felt that this uncle was not as simple as a regular boatman, so he tentatively asked.

"Not only that, but I also know, are you trying to understand the curse on the island of Kaialna?"

Unexpectedly, this sentence of the boatman surprised the two again.

The boatman drew back his gaze, put the pulp down, turned to face Naz and Lucy, and gently, slowly pulled up the cuffs on the upper arm, a black and deformed arm soon revealed In front of the two.

Lucy was frightened by this scene and quickly hid behind Naz, where Naz still has some fighting power, but just instinctively, he held Lucy behind him, staring at the weird face in shock. Uncle.

"Uncle, you are..."

Lucy felt numbness in her scalp now, but she still gathered courage and said weakly.

"My name is Popo, a villager who escaped from Garna Island, which is what the world calls Alcatraz Island."

Seeing that Naz and Lucy were alert, the boatman pulled the sleeves back and explained to the two.

Having said that, the boatman named Popo turned towards Naz and Lucy, and "knocked down", actually kneeling down!

"Uncle, what are you doing?! Just tell us what we have. We are Magisters and will help you, hurry up!"

Lucy saw that the other party was not malicious, so she quickly stepped forward and helped the boatman.

"I beg you, you must rescue the villagers on the island!"

The boatman grimaced with tears in his eyes, begging hard.

"Uncle, is your hand cursed?"

Naz was also awake a lot at this time, and said aloud, but the boatman did not answer Naz, but bowed his head and remained silent.

When Naz saw it, he also expressed understanding, so he continued: "Since we have chosen to come to Garna Island, you will naturally help those villagers solve difficulties, so rest assured."

"Shouldn't that, the villagers on the island are like your uncle, cursed into demons, right?"

Lucy seemed to have guessed the so-called curse, so she began to guess. When she thought that the people of the whole island had been cursed and turned into demons, Lucy was covered with goose bumps.

The boatman remained silent and did not answer, but at the next moment, the boatman suddenly raised his head, frowned, looking up at the sky, and said seriously: "Come!"

"Ah? What's coming?"

When Lucy heard this, her nerves tightened immediately. After looking around, she found that nothing strange had happened.

And Naz, with a keen sense, heard faintly from his ears, and there was a violent wave approaching them!


After listening for a moment, Naz yelled badly and turned around violently, only to find a wave of tens of meters high screaming towards their boat!


In just a moment of effort, the huge wave flipped the entire boat, and Naz, Lucy, and Habi were all rolled to the bottom of the sea and disappeared.

After the calm and calm waves, a small boat floated quietly on the sea, and on the small boat, the boatman was unharmed, his face calm and calm, and he was not affected by the sudden scene just now.

"Please, you..."

The boatman looked at his mutated arm, and then turned his head to look into the distance, muttering to himself.

And his eyes are on his village, Garna Island!

At this time, at the dock, the figures of Ma Yuan and Gray were still hovering at the dock, because they also encountered the same situation as Naz and Lucy before them, and there was no boatman willing to take them to the frightening Gal Island.

No matter how high their bid, no boatman is willing to take this kind of sale, because the boatmen know that Garna Island is a place where there is no return! ,, ..

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