Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 99: Oolong constantly

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"Oh, toss for a long time, it turned out to be really effective."

Ma Yuan smirked and shrugged. Not only was Ma Yuan not afraid of the behemoth that suddenly appeared in front of him, but he was a little surprised and at the same time rejoiced.

I can't think of anything like this.

"Hurry up and hand over the Hell Devil Dog. I can give you a happy heart. Otherwise, I will bake you!"

Ma Yuan said coldly, with a muffled noise on both arms, two flames rose up in vain, and the two arms were wrapped up.

The torches in the cave were all destroyed by Ma Yuan, so now the cave is dark, and it is not clear what the monster that appeared suddenly is, but now the flames are burning, and the whole cave is instantly illuminated.

At this time, Ma Yuan could only see clearly. The giant in front of him turned out to be a huge mouse!

"Wow, are you a rat spirit sent by a monkey?!"

After seeing a big mouse about five or six meters tall, Ma Yuan was a little shocked.


At the moment when the flame rose, the big mouse's eyes kept locking on the flame on Ma Yuan's arm, and a pair of big mouse eyes seemed to be filled with a trace of fear.

However, this big mouse had a very good quality of mind, and soon forcibly calmed down. His teeth grinned, revealing its two white front teeth, and he kept roaring toward Ma Yuan, seeming to be provocative.

"Smelly mouse, don't you understand human words? I hope you didn't pull a piece of meat from the **** devil dog, otherwise, you're done."

Ma Yuan was not afraid, threatening the big mouse with a cold face.


Unexpectedly, the big mouse turned out to be chattering, dancing with his hands, two paws on the swollen belly, licking his mouth, even knowing how to tease Ma Yuan with a provocative look, It seems to be saying: "Your companion has been eaten into my stomach, and it's delicious!"

Ma Yuan was a discerning person, and at a glance he knew what the big mouse was expressing, but when he understood it, he couldn't help but get angry and his heart began to burst into killing.

"Dead mouse, you are done!"

Ma Yuan no longer talks nonsense with the big mouse, his body violently shoots out, carrying a raging fire, and the fire fist slammed into the big mouse!

The big mouse's eyes widened at that moment. It seemed very surprised. It was really unexpected that Ma Yuan's explosive power was so powerful.

Ma Yuan's speed was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, he approached the big mouse, and then a punch fell, hitting the fire punch on the big mouse's belly.

The flame was extremely compressed by the hurricane, and the moment it touched the big mouse, it instantaneously detonated. The powerful impact force directly pushed the big mouse, pushed it all the way, and rushed out of the cave.


At this time, a large hole was pierced through the cliff, and a huge mouse was seen. Under the impetus of Ma Yuan, it was directly smashed out of the cave, and then fell heavily to the ground, making the ground overwhelmed. , Shaking.

"Can you tell me now? Where is my partner?!"

Ma Yuan landed lightly and scolded sharply.

The big mouse was punched and fell from a cliff that was seven or eight meters high. Now he was covering his stomach, curled up and twisting on the ground in pain.

Under heavy blows, the big rat was bleeding from the nostrils and mouth. Now it still has the same teeth and grin, but it is biting its teeth in pain, completely without the momentum of predation.

"Today, is it okay? Don't blame me for that..."

Ma Yuan's icy expression was very infiltrating, increasing the fire on his arm, stepping forward, and slowly walking into the big mouse.

After seeing Ma Yuan's appearance, the big rat shivered, and the human in front of him was gradually approaching it like a death gown.

A strong chill and fear struck the body of the big mouse, and the small heart had already been frozen by fear, and a strong fear appeared on the face of the big mouse.


There were still three steps away, and the big mouse had reached the limit of his heart, so he began to chatter again, but the sound was very weak, as if he was compromising with Ma Yuan and whispering.

When Ma Yuan saw this, he stopped, cold eyes like ice cones, watching the mouse quietly, as if communicating with the mouse with his eyes, as if to say, "I will do it myself!"

The rat has a spirituality comparable to that of human beings. It quickly received information from Ma Yuan's eyes and immediately understood it. Even if he stretched his neck, his head and eyes pointed in a direction on the cliff.

And Ma Yuan also received the meaning expressed by the big mouse, it seems that this big mouse is hiding the **** magic dog on the cliff.

Without saying anything, Ma Yuan followed the guidance of the big mouse, jumped up the cliff, grabbed a green vine, and then looked at the big mouse lying on the ground, said coldly: "Is it hidden?" Are you here?"


The rat rattled, and nodded quickly, responding, fearing that it would be slaughtered by Ma Yuan if it was slowed by half a beat, very frightened.

The big mouse is very smart and smells the danger of the human in front of him. He also believes that he will really kill him. At this time, the big mouse is very uneasy and very frightened.

Seeing the rat nodding, Ma Yuan reached out and pulled away the vines on the cliff, and found out that the vines really covered a cave!

However, this cave is very small, only about two meters wide, and after removing the covered vines, it is not the expected Hell Devil Dog that caught Ma Yuan’s eyes, but Naz and Lucy who took the S-level mission without permission. !

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ma Yuan was shocked and surprised, but it was more of a surprise. He thought that the big mouse caught the **** devil, but it was the two guys Naz and Lucy.


After seeing Ma Yuan’s familiar face, the two of Naz and Lucy couldn’t believe it at first, and they reacted for a long time, so they wanted to shout, but they were confused. The grass closed his mouth, and there was no sound.

Seeing the excitement of the two of them, Ma Yuan was really a little crying and laughing, but shook his head helplessly, and even rescued the two from the cliff.

After landing, Ma Yuan untied the rattan bundles for Naz and Lucy. After doing this, Ma Yuan began to frown, always feeling something was missing.

"Ma Yuan, did you see Habi?"

At the next moment, the weed in Naz's mouth was spit out, and before he could breathe, he shouted for the first time, his face full of worried expressions. ,, ..

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