Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 100: Counterattack

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After such a reminder from Naz, Ma Yuan recalled this, no wonder who always felt missing, it turned out that Naz's little partner Habi disappeared.

However, Ma Yuan did not know about Naz's question and was puzzled.

"I want to ask you here, hasn't Habi been with you all the time? Why? Has it also disappeared?"

Ma Yuan said that for Habi, who had always been inseparable from Naz, he could also disappear under Naz's eyelids, which puzzled Ma Yuan.

"It's not the big mouse! It came out and attacked us without saying a word. I was careless, so I was stunned by the big mouse until I woke up and only saw Lucy beside me, and Hobby is gone."

Naz talked about what happened to the big mouse, and finally regretted his slack, and then he was worried.

However, after Naz finished speaking, this came back and asked doubtfully: "What's missing?"

Naz looked at Ma Yuan in confusion, and after seeing the little black dog **** demon dog that Ma Yuan had been following, he also disappeared, so he suddenly realized that he said, "Did you lose the **** devil dog?"

As for Naz's inquiry, Ma Yuan looked downright, and he bowed his head in shame, and when Naz saw it, he couldn't help feeling sad and touched Ma Yuan's wound. He felt embarrassed and lowered his head.

Lucy, who was on the side, was also frustrated and frustrated. He didn't know how to comfort Ma Yuan and Naz.

For Habi, Naz regards it as a family, behind his feelings, and the Hell Devil Dog and Ma Yuan, although they do not know what their master and servant have experienced, presumably the relationship between them is also very deep.

However, this kind of feeling is known only by the person involved, Ma Yuan, straddling two different worlds, conquering and fighting many times, fighting blood and fighting, and never leaving it. Although there have been contradictions in the past, but later it was able to turn it into a jade silk.

In Ma Yuan's view, he has regarded Hell Devil Dog as his comrade-in-arms, his most trusted brother, and now he has lost him, and Ma Yuan can't help it.

After losing for a while, Ma Yuan adjusted his emotions because he knew that now the whereabouts of the Hell Devil Dog were unknown and he was not blaming himself. After adjusting his condition, he slowly walked towards the big mouse.

After seeing Ma Yuan walking towards him, the big mouse saw Ma Yuan's bad-faced look. He couldn't help shivering and moved his body in pain, constantly backing away, trying to stay away from this fierce god.

"Don't be afraid, just want to ask a question."

Ma Yuan walked into the big mouse and smiled, said lightly, with a harmonious and friendly look on human and animal faces.

When the rats saw this, they couldn't help but froze, blinking their eyes, as if they were puzzled.

"Is the kitten eaten by you for dinner?"

At the next moment, Ma Yuan immediately pulled his face down, and said sullenly, the murderous surging on his body approached the big mouse.


After the big mouse heard this sentence, he began to whisper, shaking his head and shaking his head, his body moving back and forth, very flustered.


Ma Yuanpi smiled, but continued to take a step closer and said to the mouse: "Or, are you lying to me?"

The big mouse is not stupid. He heard the strong murderous intention implied in Ma Yuan's tone, but he just shook his head and kept increasing the shaking.

Seeing the appearance of a big mouse, Ma Yuan couldn't help frowning. Looking like this, the big mouse didn't seem to be cheating, but this caused Ma Yuan to be puzzled, since it wasn't what the big mouse was doing, Naha Where did it go?

However, Ma Yuan didn't stop there. He continued to step forward and said coldly in that pleasant tone: "Have you ever seen a puppy, black."

When the mouse heard the words, he still shook his head, saying that he had never seen it.

Since the big mouse didn't see the hobbit and the hellhound, how could they both disappear for no reason?

Ma Yuan stroked his chin and began to fall into contemplation, as did Naz and Lucy behind him.

"Ma Yuan, be careful!"

At the next moment, Naz's voice suddenly rang.

When Ma Yuan hadn’t heard Naz’s reminder, he could feel that there was a wind breaking sound in front of him, so he quickly looked up and saw that the big mouse that was lying on the ground just now was already a dragon, a tiger. Pounce on Ma Yuan!


The rat regained its ugly face, grinned his teeth, and flew towards Ma Yuan, and when Ma Yuan saw it, he subconsciously summoned the flame, wrapped it around his body, and at the same time urged the power of the hurricane to use the wind to fuel the fire.

In an instant, a raging fire broke out on Ma Yuan, up to tens of meters, and the hot flames surprised both Naz and Lucy on the side.

Unexpectedly, in addition to being able to perform wind magic, Ma Yuan was also able to perform flame magic, and he was able to use it to perfection and extraordinary power.

Nothing was more shocked than Naz, who also used flame magic. Seeing the flames displayed by Ma Yuan, his shadow was revealed in his bones. His heart was already horrified, and he couldn’t understand what Ma Yuan was. It's time to steal his nirvana.

And it was so gorgeous and magnificent, which really shocked Naz, but it was more admired, admired by heart!

The sudden fire burst out, making the attacking rats all stunned and suddenly stunned, so they hurriedly stopped to move forward. If they were stuck by the flames, it would burn out within a few minutes of terror. Gray.

The rat became more and more frightened, and quickly withdrew and retreated, turned his body, spread his legs, and ran back desperately.

"Want to run? No way!"

Where Ma Yuan would easily let the mouse that attacked him ran away, after a cry, his body shot out like a fireball, hitting the hapless big mouse.

The big mouse felt a cold back, and all his hair fell upright. Seeing that Ma Yuan had come behind him, he was about to fall, so the big mouse wriggled its butt, and the long, thick and sturdy big tail quickly whipped. Go out!

The tail of the big mouse was like an iron whip. It burst out of the wind and swept toward Ma Yuan. The latter was also surprised when he saw it. I really didn't expect this big mouse to have this hand.

Looking at the big tail sweeping through the sky, Ma Yuan caught off guard and immediately changed the original offensive trend. Two arms crossed his chest and turned into a defense, so as to resist the attack of the big mouse. ,, ..

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