Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 101: Finally get together

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The big tail was drawn in Ma Yuan's arm, and the huge impact force directly flew Ma Yuan, causing Ma Yuan to retreat sharply, and wanted to fight back, but the feeling of the arm upload made him dispel this idea.

The big tail was like steel, and was heavily drawn on Ma Yuan's arm, making them all feel a bit painful, let alone counterattack.

Soon, Ma Yuan's pace of progress was blocked, and he had no choice but to watch the big rat slip away quickly.

"I didn't expect this big mouse to have such ability. I really underestimated the beast before."

Ma Yuan raised his arm and watched a blood mark on his arm after he was beaten. He couldn't help expressing emotion, and also realized that during the fight, don't be careless, and the Lion and the Rabbit will do their best.

"Ma Yuan, are you okay?"

Naz and Lucy stepped forward, caring and greeting.

"I'm okay, just slipped away by the big mouse, and I wanted to teach it a bit, but it's a pity."

Ma Yuan rubbed the blood stain on his arm, and this time Quan had learned a lesson.

"Huh, that mouse is so cunning. I used this trick when I didn't pay attention. It made me suffer a lot."

After thinking of the last lesson, Naz also said indignantly, and he was also determined to secretly, if he meets the big mouse next time, he must find his way back!

"Oh, Ma Yuan, why did you follow me, did you come for that mission?"

Seeing that the danger was eliminated, Lucy asked her question and asked Ma Yuan, close to Ma Yuan, and put her hand on Ma Yuan's shoulder, jokingly said: "If you can help us complete that task, you will be paid Occupy the big head."

The strength that Ma Yuan showed just now made Lucy breathtaking. It was only a few days later that Ma Yuan's strength became so powerful. Lucy, who has always been shrewd, naturally wanted to win.

Naz heard it and felt very helpless, sighing again and again, that was how Lucy had brought him over to the pit. Now, not only did he not find Garna Island, he also lost Habib.

Ma Yuan heard that he was unhappy, and he gave Lucy a white glance, and said solemnly: "Are you okay to mention it? If not the two of you guys received S-level missions without permission, would I follow?" !If you don’t follow, **** will not lose! And Habi will not lose! Are you embarrassed to increase the reward? Huh!"

Ma Yuan took these two S-level missions privately, seriously violating the regulations of the guild, making the president angry, and everyone worried, including the danger he and Gray encountered at sea, all told about it.

"Ah! My goodness! The grandfather of the president wants to expel us?! This is done!"

When Naz heard the news, he jumped up with excitement and was very crazy. He could already imagine the scene of Makarov's anger at that time, and he could not help but be ashamed.

"I blame it... I don't know what to do...I'm sorry..."

After Lucy heard Ma Yuan's words, she realized how much trouble she had wrought, causing Ma Yuan and Gray to almost be in danger. Now Hell Devil Dog and Harpy are also lost. The culprit of all this is the original Blame her.

At this point, Lucy became more guilty and buried her head in embarrassment, afraid to speak up.

Naz lost Habib, was originally very angry, just wanted to ask Lucy for guilt, but when he saw Lucy's pitiful appearance, Naz couldn't bear it.

And Ma principle is not right, just like an elder, continue to speak out and say: "If it were not for you, where would there be so many troubles, it is really a reckless, willful mistress, I really convinced is you!"

Upon hearing this scream, Lucy realized the seriousness of the matter again and realized how serious the mistakes she had made. When thinking of this, Lucy couldn't help but awkwardly tears down her eyes.

After seeing Lucy grieved and crying, Naz couldn't bear it, and elbowed Ma Yuan, instructing Ma Yuan not to go too far.

When Ma Yuan saw it, it came back and realized that his tone was too heavy, not to mention a girl.

It seems that the disappearance of the Hell Devil Dog has had a big impact on Ma Yuan. Now that he is awake, Ma Yuan can't bear it, and said weakly: "Lucy, I'm sorry, I was just too much, please don't Mind."


It’s okay for Ma Yuan not to apologize, but Lucy could not help crying. Unexpectedly, Ma Yuan’s apology made Lucy feel more guilty in his heart.

"Haha, you're done, you even made Lucy cry. Let's see how you clean up."

Naz pointed at Ma Yuan and fell into the rock, mocking Ma Yuan.

Seeing this, Ma Yuan immediately panicked, not knowing what to do for a while.

"I blame me..." Lucy blamed herself, trying to control her tears and emotions, but it was of no use.


At this moment, there was a sudden movement around the jungle, the leaves swayed, the grass rubbed, and made a noise, so unusual and unusual.


Ma Yuan and Naz instantly felt something was wrong. Both of them raised a finger and put it to their mouths, making a silence gesture to signal Lucy to calm down.

Seeing that, Lucy suddenly stopped, red eyes, staring blankly at Ma Yuan and Naz, not knowing what happened.


At the next moment, a dark shadow suddenly emerged from the grass and swept to Mayuan before them.

The alert Ma Yuan took a quick step forward, with flames wrapped around his arms, waiting for him, while Naz was close to Lucy, guarding it, and looking around to prevent any accidents.

The figure was rushing forward at a very fast speed, with great danger, approaching the crowd, but when seeing Ma Yuan's face, the figure immediately stopped moving and looked Suddenly, Xuan is even surprised.

"Ma Yuan! Naz! Lucy! How could it be you?!"

That’s right, it’s Grey.

When both sides saw the familiar faces again, they were both pleasantly surprised.

"Exposure, why are you!"

Naz's tone was not good, but his face was full of surprises, and he was surprised by Gray's appearance.

"The two of you guys finally caught you, and sure enough, you still ran to Garna Island."

Gray looked at Naz and looked at Lucy again, blaming.

When Lucy heard the words, she buried her head again, speechless, and Naz did not refute, turned her head, and said nothing. ,, ..

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