Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 106: Jungle adventure

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"Destroy the moon? Is it really possible?"

After hearing Ma Yuan's place, Moka, the village head, felt shocked, stopped crying, and quickly got up, holding Ma Yuan's hand tightly, very excited.

"But this is just one of our ideas."

After seeing the behavior of the village chief Moka, Ma Yuan was also a little crying and laughing, but still deeply sympathetic to this, said lightly: "I think that the so-called curse cannot be caused by the magic of the moon, which There must be something wrong."

The village chief Moka could not help but stunned. He had always thought that the curse was caused by the magic of the moon, but now Ma Yuan denied his idea, which made him a little difficult to accept.

After the village chief Moka froze for a moment, he was excited and said: "There can still be some strange things in it. The old people live on the island all the year round. Why don't you know what else is there? Master Magister, you send mercy and help Let’s ruin the moon, and we’ll be grateful! We can satisfy you for whatever you want, and beg you!”

The village chief Moka thought that Ma Yuan was taking the opportunity to blackmail, and the previous remuneration was too low, so he knelt down again and begged hard to say that he was afraid that Ma Yuan would go away and ignore them.

Seeing the village chief Moka kneeling and begging, the villagers behind him quickly knelt down and begged.

Seeing this, Ma Yuan and others were also crying and laughing, and suddenly embarrassed. It seems that the villagers misunderstood their meaning. It was not that they did not want to destroy the moon, but that they were confined to themselves.

Ma Yuan helped Moka, the village head, and explained: "The head of the village, you misunderstood. This is not the case. The way to destroy the moon is also very difficult for our magisters. It is not that we want to shirk. It's very tricky."

The village chief Moka heard the words, calmed down temporarily, and listened carefully to Ma Yuan's words.

"I just doubt it now. When I landed on this island, I felt that there is a mysterious force on this island. If I guess right, it must be hidden in the depths of this jungle. What a secret! Uncertainty, it is also related to the so-called curse."

Ma Yuan said what he thought in his mind, to appease the elderly. Sure enough, after listening to the villagers and village head Moka, he was stunned. He raised his head suspiciously and cast his eyes on Ma Yuan.

Unexpectedly, after Gray heard it, he quietly leaned behind Ma Yuan and whispered in his ear: "Ma Yuan, are you talking about true or false?! You won't be fooled? How do I feel not?" What mysterious power still exists on this small island? You are wrong like this!"

Gray also thought that Ma Yuan was only using expedient measures to deceive the villagers, so as to appease him, so he began to reprimand Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan laughed helplessly at this, turned his head to the side, and said seriously: "Of course you can't feel it. My perception of your world is very sensitive. I can really feel that this small island There is an alternative atmosphere, which is not like magic, but has a kind of charm of the foreign world."

"Our world? Alien world? What are you talking about?!"

Gray was very strange about what Ma Yuan said, and he couldn't understand it for a while.

In this regard, Ma Yuan just smiled mysteriously and said: "I believe you will know in the future, believe me, I have a sense of self."

Gray heard the words, frowning and wondering. Although he didn't understand Ma Yuan's meaning, seeing Ma Yuan's serious appearance made them have to trust him.

"As for the secret, it's already late at night, so I have to wait until tomorrow to explore."

Ma Yuan finally told the village chief Moka that he turned back to the house. When Naz and others saw it, the villagers waved their hands and followed Ma Yuan into the house.

"Hoo, scared me, it turned out to be a false alarm."

After entering the room, Lucy lay directly on the bed and exhaled, suddenly relieved.

"The villagers are so pitiful, we must help them lift the curse."

Naz also lay in bed, determined to say.

Ma principle didn't pay attention, leaning quietly against the window and looking up at the night sky. The strange purple moon in the night sky made Ma Yuan feel a little uneasy.

"Ma Yuan, doesn't it mean that the sky will get up early into the depths of the jungle? Don't you rest now?"

Gray made his bed while looking at Ma Yuan, reminding him.

"I haven't fallen asleep, you should rest early."

Ma Yuan's eyes have been on that round of Ziyue, said lightly.

Seeing this, Gray couldn't help but shook his head, knowing that Ma Yuan must now be worried about the missing Hell Devil Dog, and the expectations given by the villagers, these pressures made Ma Yuan breathless.

At this point, Gray felt ashamed, but he was helpless, extinguished the candlelight, and lay down on the bed.

And Naz and Lucy are also very acquainted, actually cooperated tacitly, both were silent, did not disturb Ma Yuan.


"The magic of the moon...curse...hell dog..."

In the silent night, when everyone was immersed in their sleep, they only leaned against a figure by the window, making a subtle sound in their mouths.


The next morning, the sky was just dim, and the fog in the jungle hadn't had time to dissipate. The four Ma Yuan and the kitten Habi already appeared in the jungle.

"How long will it take? There are a lot of snakes, worms and ants here."

Ma Yuan and others lingered in the jungle for a whole morning. They had not yet reached the end of the jungle, but they caused Lucy to complain.

I saw Lucy wave his hand at his arm, photographed it fiercely, and flicked the body of a mosquito with his index finger. His pretty face was disgusted, and he complained again: "Ma Yuan, are you mistaken? Yeah? There's nothing in the jungle?"

"Oh, Lucy, you're so annoying. There are always twitters along the way, noisy!"

Naz dragged his tired body and hung his shoulders impatiently, but when he said this, it caused Lucy to glare and scared Naz quickly, and he dared not talk again.

"The big guy insists again, I believe it will arrive soon, my feeling is getting stronger and stronger, our goal is right in front!"

Ma Yuan looked ahead and encouraged the morale, saying that everyone had heard it and did not make much reaction. It was still a listless look.

This sentence, along the way, Ma Yuan said no more than ten times, and heard their ears almost cocooning.

"Another sentence, Ma Yuan, can you change a line?"

Even Gray said a little helplessly.


At the next moment, the leaves in the jungle rubbed violently, making a noise.

After everyone heard the movement, they suddenly felt shocked and alert. ,, ..

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