Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 107: Jungle adventure

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Around Ma Yuan and others, the grass shook violently, and the sound of rustling sounded, which surprised the originally listless Lucy and others.

"Everyone be careful, the situation is wrong!"

Ma Yuan was vigilant and said seriously, his eyes looked around, and the power of the hurricane had been secretly running on his hands, waiting for it.

Everyone heard it, and did not dare to be negligent. They mobilized magic one after another, and even Lucy clenched the key in his hand as if he was facing an enemy.



Not only was the sound of the grass shaking violently, but then, there was a sharp cry, and the sound was huge, and it seemed to be constantly approaching the crowd.

"What is this voice?" Lucy asked, his white forehead covered with fragrant sweat, apparently nervous.

Uh, uh, uh!

At the next moment, just after Lucy's voice fell, a large mouse suddenly appeared in the grass all around. These mice were much larger than the average mice, and each had a full head size. .


There are a lot of mice, just like the tide, they keep pouring out of the grass, grinning their teeth, and pounce at Ma Yuan and others!

"Ah! It's a rat again!!"

After seeing the mice, Lucy jumped up in fright, but actually jumped on the side of Naz's back, seeking refuge.

"Hey, Lucy, hurry down, you will prevent me from fighting!"

Naz was pressed to the back by Lucy, and his movement was hindered. While shouting and twisting his body, he wanted to get rid of Lucy, but Lucy grabbed too firmly, just like a dog skin plaster sticking, throwing all Not off.

"Huh, what the **** do I think? It turned out to be just a group of little mice. If that's the case, then try my new skills!"

At the next moment, just as a large number of mice pounced on them, I saw Ma Yuan's left hand mobilize hurricane magic, and his right hand cast fire magic. Two groups of magic with different attributes entrenched in Ma Yuan's palm, forming two round balls.

Afterwards, just as the army of mice rushed in, Ma Yuan decisively threw out two long **** of light that had been brewing for a long time!

The two **** of light were thrown out in an instant and collided with each other. Two kinds of magic with different attributes collided with each other, causing violent friction and repelling each other, and finally merged together!


However, at the moment when the two **** of light merged with each other, the two suddenly exploded, swept a scorching wave, and whistled towards the army of mice!


A whisper of chatter rang continuously in the wave of the explosion. If the previous call was a huge one, then the current call is sorrowful.

After being affected by the air waves, the mice clamped their tails and fled in embarrassment, daring not to approach Ma Yuan.


As soon as the rats retreated, there was a sound of wind breaking in the air, carrying a strong wind, sweeping towards Ma Yuan.


At the next moment, a huge black shadow suddenly fell from the sky, smashed in front of Ma Yuan and others, swept a burst of dust, and quickly spread out.

"Cough cough!"

Everyone was surprised by the sudden situation and coughed repeatedly with smoke.

"What's going on? It seems that something has fallen from the sky?"

Naz kept waving his hands, waving away the dust in front of him, wondering.


As soon as Naz's voice fell, a hoarse and low howling sounded, and the invisible sound wave approached everyone, as if it had turned into substance. The sharp ears and the eardrum caused a stir, making everyone quickly cover their ears.

call out!

There was another sound of breaking wind. In front of Ma Yuan, although the smoke was filled, he could still faintly see a black shadow roaring, just like an iron pillar, swept over him!

Ma Yuan raised his arms subconsciously and crossed his chest to defend him.


The black shadow hit Ma Yuan's arm heavily, and a dull sound rang out. At that moment, Ma Yuan could feel a tingling in his arm, which made him frown.

After being hit, Ma Yuan's body flew out suddenly!


Ma Yuan's body flew backwards and hit Naz, Gray, Lucy and others. Everyone was like a bowling ball. At that moment, they were knocked down and howled.

"It hurts! Who's foot stepped on my face?!"

Naz felt a fiery face on his face and shouted in pain.

Stepping on Naz's face is a slender beautiful leg, wearing high heels, naturally Lucy is undoubtedly, the high heels worn by Lucy, the awl on the heel is against the door of Naz, rubbing back and forth, making Naz Sorrowful.

After Lucy heard the words, she shrunk her feet back immediately and responded with embarrassment: "Sorry, Naz, I didn't mean it. God knows how Ma Yuan suddenly rushed towards us!"

"Who are you asking me?! The enemy came too suddenly, and I was beaten before I could be prepared."

Ma Yuan also disgusted, retorted.

"All right, don't be noisy, let's hurry up!"

Gray's voice sounded, but everyone looked around, but Gray couldn't help but wonder.

"Huh? Gray, where are you? How can you hide so fast?"

Naz looked around and couldn't see Gray's shadow, he couldn't help asking out loud.

"Hide you a big head ghost! I was crushed by several of you guys!" Gray shouted, with a hint of anger in his tone.


When everyone heard the news, they were shocked, looked down, and found that Grey was really lying at the bottom, acting as a seat for human flesh. When they saw it, they got up quickly and helped Grey up. It was embarrassing.

call out!

Before everyone could take a breath, the sound of the wind breaking again, and a strong wind screamed at everyone!

Knowing the strength of the opponent's power, Ma Yuan immediately opened his eyes and felt bad, so he opened his throat and shouted: "Hurry up and spread out!"

After all, the black shadow had appeared in front of Ma Yuan. The shadow was black and slender, just like an iron whip, swept out.

Ma Yuan knew that it was too late, so he quickly urged a hurricane, and a powerful airflow erupted in vain from Ma Yuan. In an instant, he flew Naz, Gray, Lucy, and Habi together and successfully escaped from that path. Attack range of black shadow.


Naz and others successfully escaped, but Ma Yuan was hit once again. With a dull noise coming, Ma Yuan flew out, after drawing an arc in midair, and then It was hit **** a thick trunk! ,, ..

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