Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 108: Under the jungle adventure

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"Ma Yuan!"

After everyone felt that the strong air burst from Ma Yuan shocked them, they knew that Ma Yuan had suffered the sudden attack on their behalf, and they were all worried and shouted.

"I'm fine!"

Ma Yuan didn't dare to underestimate her enemies, so she immediately got up and covered her sore chest with a trace of blood on the corners of her mouth, but Ma Yuan didn't dare to relax at this time, her teeth clenched, and she looked around.

"Damn, the current environment is very unfavorable to us, and you have to find a way to get out of here!"

Ma Yuan looked at the harsh environment in front of him, his eyes were blocked, and he secretly thought about it.

call out!

Another sound of breaking wind sounded, and the fierce black shadow, under the cover of the rolling smoke, launched another attack on Ma Yuan.

At the moment the sound of the breaking wind sounded, Ma Yuan had already reacted, looking at the darkening shadow in his pupils. Ma Yuan's eyes widened, and there was a burst of anger, and he immediately reacted, his hands crossed over his chest.


Another dull noise came, and the black shadow was like a whip made of steel, whipping on Ma Yuan, and the huge impact force directly shocked Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan's steps were retreating sharply, plowing a long mark on the ground, and finally his body hit a tree to cushion his strength, and this finally stopped.


The effect of force is mutual. When Ma Yuan's body hit the tree trunk, he also suffered a great impact. Ma Yuan felt a sweet throat and directly spurted a sip of blood.

"Ma Yuan, are you okay?"

In the billowing smoke, the eyes of everyone could not see the surroundings. They just heard a noise, followed by the movement of Ma Yuan’s blood spray, and they also smelled a **** smell in the air, so Then he became restless.

"I... I'm fine! You need to pay more attention, it's dangerous here!"

In order to prevent his teammates from worrying, Ma Yuan gritted his teeth and said, holding back.

call out!

Immediately afterwards, another sound of breaking wind rang and the hunting rang. After Ma Yuan heard the movement, his brows wrinkled. This time the voice was very fierce. It seems that the enemy is exerting all his strength and wants to kill Ma Yuan .

Soon, the shadow that made Ma Yuan repeatedly attacked appeared in Ma Yuan's sight again!

"It seems that Lao Tzu doesn't show his power, do you think I'm a sick cat? Ah!!!!"

Ma Yuan screamed and straightened his waist. He roared up in the sky, and a strong air burst suddenly broke out on his body, whistling out, and immediately swept away the smoke and dust.

Where the strong wind passed, this turbid environment immediately became clear, and Ma Yuan’s field of vision was suddenly clearer, without the obstruction of smoke and dust. Ma Yuan could clearly see the black shadow in front of him, and was quickly sweeping towards him Come!

Looking along the source of the shadow, Ma Yuan realized that the big mouse he had encountered before stood in front of him! And that shadow, it goes without saying, is naturally the tail of that big mouse!

After the smoke dissipated, the body of the big mouse was exposed to the crowd. Ma Yuan looked at the horrified face of the big mouse and couldn't help laughing with a sneer, even if it turned down immediately.

"I thought he was a ghost? It turned out to be your dead mouse!"

Ma Yuan didn't even lift his head, said coldly, just at the moment when the big tail whipped towards Ma Yuan, Ma Yuan's body suddenly shuddered, his body shot out, and took the initiative to attack and rushed to the order The big tail that he frustrated again and again, grabbed it, accurate!

After the big mouse's tail was caught, the tail immediately stopped moving, and was directly intercepted by Ma Yuan, firmly clamped in his hand, and could not move.

The big mouse stared at the bead and felt the cold murderousness emanating from Ma Yuan. He jumped in his heart, and the secret road was not good.

"Why? Now that I'm scared? Did you abuse me so well?"

Ma Yuan stared at the face, looking at the rat that was spreading his teeth and claws after being flooded with fear, the smile on his face became more intense.

"Dead mouse, I will send you to heaven!"

At the next moment, with Ma Yuan's cry, his arm exerted force in vain, grasping the mouse's tail, flicking hard, dragging the big mouse, and throwing it up into the sky!


After the mouse was thrown into the sky, it was screaming with fear because it saw it, and Ma Yuan did not stop there. I saw Ma Yuan smiling at the mouse in the sky, spread his hands, hurricane and The flames circled in their palms.


Ma Yuan muttered in his mouth, even spinning the hurricane and flame two light clusters on his palm, and hurled them into the sky. The hurricane and flame two light clusters met quickly in the high altitude, and then they rubbed each other. The violent reaction finally merged together.


Just as the two beams of light merged together, the flame exploded in vain under the compression of the hurricane, and a scorching air wave swept through the sky and turned red.

And the big mouse was disappeared under the influence of the explosion.

"Wow, Ma Yuan, what new nirvana is this trick?! It's so cool!"

Naz was shocked by the dazzling magic performed by Ma Yuan. He couldn't help but sigh, and a hot flame burst into his eyes, and his heart was thrilled.

Not only were Nazrin Gray and Lucy both shocked, but they were the first time they would have a Magister who was performing two types of magic at the same time, and his power was so sharp. Now look Ma Yuan was able to do this step, they naturally feel incredible.

It can also be said that Ma Yuan subverted their previous understanding of magic.

"Ma Yuan, won't that mouse be killed by you?"

Even if they are far away from high altitude, Gray can feel the explosion on the ground, so he can't help asking.

"If you are lucky, you shouldn't."

Ma Yuan rested one hand on the trunk and said weakly. At this time, Ma Yuan's face was a bit pale, and his lips did not have the slightest blood color. Obviously, the magic he had cast before consumed Ma Yuan a lot.

"Ma Yuan, are you okay?"

Lucy saw Ma Yuan's weakness and asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just a bit tiring. I'll just take a break. You hurry up and let me catch up after catching my breath."

As Ma Yuan said, his chest was constantly rising and falling, and he did not forget to tell everyone.

"Ma Yuan, are you really okay?"

Naz was a little worried and asked worriedly.

"Don't underestimate your brother and me, OK!"

Ma Yuan seemed a little impatient, so he patted his chest to prove that.

Everyone saw a smile, and they all smiled, so they went on their way and went deep into the jungle. ,, ..

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