Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 110: Imprisoned puppy

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Looking at Lucy's excited look, Ma Yuan and others were a little dazed, and they didn't know how excited Lucy was.

"By the way, I heard from the village head that the curse in the village is related to the "moon's magic power", so is this "moon drop" now a derivative?

Gray correlated the message brought by the symbol in front of him with the curse of the ‘moon magic’ in the village, and suddenly said.

After Gree was so little, everyone also woke up like a dream and realized.

"The "Drop of Moon" produced by this ritual is the "Magic Power of the Moon" handed down from the village! The source of the curse is because of the sacrifice!"

After careful speculation, Ma Yuan reached a conclusion and said resolutely.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone immediately came to the spirit, but it caused Lucy's doubts. I saw Lucy frown and asked, saying: "According to what Ma Yuan said, assuming this conclusion is true, then sure Someone has performed sacrifices in this place!"

Lucy said that, Ma Yuan also frowned, not thinking that the so-called curse in the village was actually artificial.

"Who is the sacrificer here? What is the murderer's attempt?"

Gray threw questions along the way.

In this regard, everyone had no clue, and all were silent at this time, and fell into a confusion.

"Huh? Why is there a gap in the floor here?"

Just as everyone was in deep contemplation, unable to bear the loneliness, Naz did not know when, and ran to the altar, facing a small gap in the ground, prostrate and observe.

However, for the boring behavior of Naz, everyone felt no interest, no one ignored Naz.

Naz was also entertaining himself, studying the gap in the floor with interest. At the next moment, Naz couldn't help but stretch his finger between the gap and fiddle back and forth.

Afterwards, the floor that had been ruined by the years was directly picked up by a small corner by Naz. When Naz saw it, he became more excited and quickly shouted, "Come and see! This is empty below. , Empty!"

Ma Yuan and others were disturbed by Naz's shouts and stopped thinking, so they recovered and jumped off the altar and came to Naz.

"Naz, what are you guys yelling at?"

Grey said impatiently, but it also followed Ma Yuan to the place where Naz was.

"Hey, look at me!"

Naz ignored Gray's impatience and did not know what the wind was blowing. At the next moment, he saw his legs bent and his foot kicked hard. He jumped up and the spin fell quickly.


When Naz's body first stepped on the floor, a crack was directly hit on the floor.

"Hey, this floor is quite tough! I don't believe it! Look at me!"

Seeing that there were cracks on the floor, Naz was intrigued instead, his legs bent down again, and he had to jump again.

"Naz, don't!"

Ma Yuan found a crack on the floor and felt something was wrong, so he quickly shouted out the crazy behavior of Naz.

But before waiting for the original voice of Ma to fall, Naz was already jumping into the air, and his body was about to land.


At the moment when Naz fell again, the crack on the floor quickly spread and climbed to the feet of Ma Yuan, Gray, and Lucy, and the floor collapsed when he swung it.

"Do not!"

Ma Yuan and others shouted badly, but his body was already falling rapidly.

Under the floor, it was a hollowed-out basement. As the floor collapsed, everyone also fell with it, and fell down to the end, instantly covered by the gravel.


"Huh? What happened?"

Just as Ma Yuan and others stepped on the floor and fell into the abyss, a huge noise alarmed the figure behind the high slope, standing on the edge of the cliff.

"Probably the beast from inside is doing the blame."

Beside the tall figure, accompanied by a tall woman.

The woman has long pink hair, a hair bun tied on top of her head, and a long pink hair draped over her shoulders. She is wearing a leather jacket and blue skirt with high boots. Her eyes have been staring at the person in front of her. Maimai, a little nympho, but it is very cute and cute.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Just a few days ago, I felt that a few strong breath fluctuations suddenly appeared on this small island, so I went to the jungle to explore."

The figure turned sideways, making a rather magnetic male voice.

"Then what?" the pink-haired girl beside her expressed curiosity and asked.

"Then I found this giant beast on the beach."

The man, wearing a snow-white iron mask, reached for the iron cage not far away, and said lightly.


The pink-haired girl looked at a black puppy in the iron cage and was puzzled.

If Ma Yuan and others are here now, they will be surprised to see the black puppy in the iron cage, because this black puppy is the missing **** devil!

Seeing someone mention it, the Hellhound immediately showed a fierce look, grinned his teeth, and made a low, fierce voice.

Hellhound didn't know what was going on, just knew that after waking up, he was held in an iron cage by a strange group of people.

Seeing the **** devil with open teeth and claws in the iron cage, the girl couldn't help laughing and said, "This puppy is so cute, Lord Zero, how can you call it a beast?"

The fierce momentum of the Hell Devil Dog is completely disproportionate to the young figure. At this time, the Hell Devil Dog is very funny and very cute, which makes the girl laugh.

And the mysterious man saw the fierce **** dog in the cage, his eyes narrowed slightly. Although the girl did not know the situation, he knew the danger brought by the puppy in front of him.

I remember that when the mysterious man found the Hell Devil Dog floating on the sea on the beach, he was surprised that he caught him and imprisoned him.

But what surprised this man was that when he put the huge **** devil dog in the iron cage in the front foot, the knuckle in the blink of the back foot, the giant in front of him was gradually shrinking, and finally became a Harmless puppy and cub.

After being shocked, the mysterious man felt that if something went wrong, there must be a demon! So he kept the hellhounds in custody temporarily, just in case.

Hell Devil Dog also noticed the look of the mysterious man, so he also opened his eyes and stared deadly.

Although the Hellhound really wanted to break out of the cage at this time, but the magic power was exhausted, and the injury was too heavy, so he could not restore the magic power and was imprisoned.

However, if he loses or loses, the hellhound still poses a fierce appearance, confronting the mysterious man. ,, ..

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