Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 111: Daoliola

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"The origin of this little guy is not simple."

The mysterious man looked at the Hell Devil Dog and said solemnly that he thought that the sudden fluctuation of breath on the island was the Hell Devil Dog in front of him, but now it seems that the fluctuation of breath still exists.

And not only is it so simple, but there are several such fluctuations in breath!

At this point, the mysterious man faintly felt a little uneasy, and said, "Sydney, you should go to the Dungeon immediately to see if there is any situation, then immediately return to report."

Hearing the mysterious man's command, the young girl named Sydney was puzzled, so she asked inexplicably: "Lord Emperor, aren't the Tomb and Yuka guarded by the two of them? What am I going to do?"

The mysterious man known as "Zero Emperor" did not immediately answer the girl's doubts. He first cast his gaze into the distance of the jungle, and Xuanji slowly said, "Because I feel that there is an intruder on this small island!"

"Invader?!" The girl heard a word and jumped in her heart, but she couldn't help but feel surprised.


At the same time, Ma Yuan and others were crushed under a pile of gravel without any movement.


At the next moment, a strong wave of air blew out from the cracks in the gravel. I saw that the gravel under the ground jumped up instantly and bounced around, without the covering of the gravel, Ma Yuan and others The figure is revealed.

From the ground to the underground palace, they are separated by tens of meters, and they are smashed together with the gravel. If it is not Gray, he quickly shoots, displays ice magic, constructs a shield to protect the people, and everyone will be injured if they die. .

"Naz, are you an idiot?! Why are you so stomp!"

Gray still had a lingering fear about the danger just now. Even though the danger was still present, he was still angry, so he raised his fist and knocked **** the head of Naz.

"Oh! Why hit me?! People just want to try if the floor is not strong! This is also blaming me..."

Naz grimaced and hugged his head, although he wanted to refute Gray, but in the end, even the voice of the speech was a little lack of confidence, but in desperation, he bowed his head embarrassedly.

"I'm not afraid of god-like enemies, I'm afraid of pig-like teammates. Today I finally feel this feeling."

Ma Yuan shook his head helplessly, shoved away the gravel beside him, and came out.

"Look at you, always in trouble!"

Lucy walked up to Naz, with a white glance, tongue out, teasing Naz playfully, and also walked out of the gravel.

When Grey passed by Naz, he also sneered, but ignored it. Naz was helpless when he saw it.

"Unexpectedly, there is still an underground palace under the ruins."

As Ma Yuan walked and observed, he found that there was a lot of space beneath the ground, and he couldn't help admiring it.

"Huh?, there's such a cool feeling here? This feeling, like Grey's ice, is annoying."

At this time, Naz, who is a fire attribute, sensitively felt that the underground gave him a chilling sensation, making the fire attribute factor in Naz's body extremely active.

For Naz's words, Gray surprisingly did not refute. When he landed in this underground palace, Gray felt that there was a place in this place that made him feel familiar.

This feeling made Gray feel comfortable and comfortable, giving him a sense of intimacy.

"I seem to feel it too, something is wrong here."

Gray sent out a heartfelt emotion, looked around, and finally stopped looking at a corner of the underground palace, staring at the huge stone standing in the corner.

Ma Yuan looked down at Gray's eyes and found that there was a behemoth that stood in front of him. The huge stone was about ten meters tall.

The curious Naz also found the big guy in front of him, so he stepped forward and stroked the **** guy.


Just after Naz touched the so-called "big stone", Naz felt something was wrong, and his feel was completely wrong. Naz felt that what he was touching was not the texture of the stone at all, but I felt a piece of cloth in general.


Without saying anything, Naz grabbed the piece of fabric and pulled down hard, and a large piece of cloth fell down, revealing what was covered in the cloth.

As the strip was pulled down, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them. They were all stunned. Their faces were unbelievable. The expression was particularly exaggerated. Gray saw that half of Gray's face began to tremble, very frightened. .

"Good guy! What the **** is this?!"

Naz was terrified by the scene in front of him, and stepped back subconsciously, shocked.

Behind that piece of cloth, it was really a behemoth, a beastly beast! The giant beast is ten meters tall, with extremely strong limbs and muscular muscles. The green tendons are exposed like a dragon. A pair of red eyes staring like the size of a copper bell. With a big mouth of blood basin and bare white fangs, it is very scary.

Fortunately, this monster was frozen into a large ice block and could not move. It was only a fierce face and no ability to attack.

However, if this monster can move, I am afraid that all the people present do not have to want to be able to leave this place alive, despite uniting the power of everyone, if you want to escape from this monster, you must pay a great price.

This is where Ma Yuan and others felt horrified.

"This...this is...Dalioula?!"

Gray's expression was stunned, stunned, staring at the behemoth in front of him, and his speech was stuttering, very excited.

"Gray, do you know this monster?"

When Ma Yuan saw this behemoth, he was also taken aback. The monster in front of him brought him a strong threat and made him feel uneasy. Even the **** demon dog turned into a two-headed monster It failed to give Ma Yuan such a strong feeling.

All in all, this monster is very dangerous!

At the next moment, I saw Gray walking in front of the big ice block and reached out to touch the cold big ice block. While feeling a touch of intimacy, I was shocked.

"Really Dalyola! could it? could it be?!"

Grey stared at the frozen monster in the ice, murmured in his mouth, lost his mind, and ignored Ma Yuan's problems.

"Isn't Dalyola supposed to be on the northern continent? Now what... how could this be?"

Gray's mouth was muttering all over, his eyes loosened, as if a whisper had occurred, and he couldn't stop. ,, ..

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