Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 113: Discovery in the Underground Palace

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Even the perpetrator Naz, after seeing this scene, his heart softened, his anger suddenly disappeared, and he and Gray can be said to have played from small to big.

I remember when Naz entered the guild, from the first time Naz saw Gray, Gray had always had a stinky face, a pair of high, very proud looks.

In the end, Naz was disappointed and beaten. Afterwards, two people began to appear and communicated in this special way.

In Naz's eyes, Gray, who had always been strong and cold, turned out to be like a child, lying on the ground, ignoring the image and holding his head in pain. Seeing this, Naz was very unhappy.

Because of the unbearable past, he touched the fragility deep inside Gray, making him want to cry like a child.

After listening to Grey's words, everyone cast their eyes on the monster in front of them. This monster, with its ugly face and claws, didn't know how much blood was on its hands.

At the thought of this, everyone looked at Dalyola with hatred.

"At that time, I was almost killed by Dalyola, but at that moment, a snow-white light suddenly shined in front of my eyes, dazzling, and the sky was snowing at this time, I felt A breath of ice swept through, and I thought that the feeling it gave me before death was more frightening, and the crying was amplified a lot."

Ma Yuan and others listened carefully to Gray's remarks and wanted to know what happened later.

"But I couldn't help but open my eyes, so I saw a woman, stepped on Shirayuki, and walked slowly towards me."

A woman with a graceful figure appeared in Gray's mind. Admiration and admiration were in her eyes. The corner of her mouth was at this time an arc and a smile.

"This woman is called Ulu, and she rescued me from Dalyola. Ulu is my master, and I am Ulu's apprentice."

Gray smiled and raised his head slightly, a trace of pride emerged from his heart.


Ma Yuan and others were all surprised, and said in unison, the most shocking presence was Naz. In Naz’s impression, Gray entered the fairy tail earlier than him, so he didn’t know much about Gray’s life. Naz did not ask anything. Over time, he subtly regarded Gray as an orphan like him.

Now listening to Gray's statement, Gray has a master besides his parents, and Naz is a little surprised.

"Gray, you still have a master? What about her now?"

Naz couldn't help asking.

Unexpectedly, Gray heard Haz when he heard Naz's words, a cold face with a trace of misery and loss.

"Well, the piece of ice in front of you is Ulu."

Gray grinned helplessly, with a hint of self-deprecation in his tone.

Everyone heard it, staring blankly at the big ice block in front of them, all puzzled, not knowing what Gray was expressing.

"This ice? What the hell? What are you talking about?"

Naz wondered, thinking that Gray was irritated and started talking nonsense.

For the doubts of everyone, Gray also smiled, condensed her smile, and said seriously: "In order to seal Dalyola, she turned herself into an ice cube... In order to save the wayward child, she was willing to become an ice cube. ..."

As he said, Gray's face was twisted, very painful, and there were tears in his eyes, but Gray was persevering and holding on hard, so there was a tangle of tears.


Finally, Gray still couldn't hold it back, holding his head and sobbing in silence.

Ma Yuan looked at Gray holding his head, and his heart was very emotional. Although Gray did not want to talk about the specifics, Ma Yuan was still able to guess that the death of his master Ulu was probably caused by Gray.

After Naz and Lucy heard it, they were still confused, stunned and lost.

Da da da!

At this moment, there was a sudden sound from the underground palace, which seemed to be the sound of footsteps.

After Ma Yuan heard the movement, everyone immediately reacted and stayed vigilant. Even Gray stopped his voice in an instant, raised his head, and looked around.

Under the dim ground palace, a faint light beating back and forth, inadvertently stretched the two shadows and presented them in front of Ma Yuan.

"Someone has come! Hurry up and find a place to hide!"

Ma Yuan hurriedly urged everyone to tell him that he was pulling Gray and found a large stone to hide. After hearing the movement, Naz and Lucy also followed the original Ma Yuan very cleverly and hid.

Da da da!

The sound of footsteps grew louder, and the two figures appeared in front of everyone.

"Well, it's boring, Yuca, let's just go out for a while?"

A strange-looking man with a fluffy face, a nose like a cat and a dog, hairy ears on his head, a strange voice, and a strange sound, like a duck talking, some unique.

"If you want to go by yourself, if Zero Emperor discovers that no one is patrolling the Underground Palace, it will definitely be a curse."

In the man named Yuca, he was a little short, with long blue hair draped over his shoulders, and with that cold expression, it gave a cool feeling.

"Cut! Not interesting!"

Seeing the little friend being so bored, the strange-looking man pouted and said, "Look, this big guy isn't good to stay here, it won't run, we still visit every day. What's so exciting."

Listening to the complaints of the little friends, the man named Yuka also expressed helplessness, shaking his head and sighing.

"Huh? When was the cloth strip opened?"

Yuca couldn't help wondering that the strip of cloth used to cover Dalyola had slipped down.

"It may have slipped by yourself, don't worry about it."

Another man waved his hand and said casually that the man named Yuka didn't care anymore when he heard the words.

"Hi! Toby! Yuca!"

At this moment, there was a crisp and bright girl voice in the underground palace. At the next moment, a graceful girl with a long pink hair ran happily in front of the two men.

"Oh, Shirley!"

The two greeted the girl habitually, as if both sides knew each other.

"Oh, by the way, have you seen Angelica? I haven't seen it in two days!"

The girl Shirley remembered suddenly, and asked the two.

"You're talking about the big mouse... I just saw it yesterday, right in the jungle. It seemed to have been seriously injured at that time."

The man named Yuca recalled the back of his head.

As soon as this remark came out, it aroused the reaction of Ma Yuanyi, who were all surprised. ,, ..

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