Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 114: Mysteriously

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"Hey, Ma Yuan, did you say the big mouse they just talked about was beaten by you?"

Naz lowered his voice, leaned into Ma Yuan's ear and whispered.

Gray and Lucy were also curious about this. It wouldn’t be so coincident. The group of people we met now had something to do with the big mouse. So, everyone forgot the suppressed atmosphere just now and turned their attention. All concentrated on the group of people who appeared in the underground palace.

Ma Yuan saw that they were all looking at themselves, and they felt a little helpless, so they whispered: "Maybe it is, but we at least know that this island exists in addition to the villagers. A group of people, according to my guess, the Hellhound is also likely to have a great relationship with this group of people!"

Ma Yuan concluded that everyone heard the news and was immediately shocked. Lucy almost screamed in surprise, but fortunately, the side of Naz shot in time and covered Lucy's mouth.

"What?! Angelica, is it hurt?!"

The girl named Shirley jumped in surprise after hearing that the big mouse was injured, and her pretty face was full of worries. She said quickly, "What's wrong with Angelica? Why didn't you tell me earlier?! Now it where is it?!"

The girl Shirley grabbed Yuka’s shoulder and shook it violently, anxiously said that Yuka couldn’t stand such a toss, so she quickly said, “Sherri, calm down, the big mouse may now be at the foot of the mountain. By the creek, I thought at first that big mouse was fighting with other animals, so I didn't tell you, in fact, you don't have to be so nervous?"

"What do you know?! Lord Emperor Zero told me that just a few days ago, he suddenly felt a few strong breath fluctuations on the island, so Lord Emperor Zero went down the mountain to inspect it, and ended up on the beach Found a puppy!"

"A puppy?!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was shocked, including Ma Yuan and others, their eyes widened.

"Not just a puppy, what can this mean?"

Seeing the serious look of Maiden Shirley, the man named Toby disagreed, and was shocked because their master, Zero Emperor, found that there was a strong fluctuation in the atmosphere on the island, and did not care about the little girl Shirley emphasized. dog.

However, Yuca beside him was not as ignorant as Toby, but frowned, and muttered in his mouth: "Strong breath? Puppy? Plus injured mouse..."

When Toby, who was still confused, heard Yuca's words, he immediately woke up, patted his head, and exclaimed: "Is there an intruder on the island?!"

This sentence was spoken by Toby and Yuca together, and the two thought of it at the same time.

As soon as this remark came out, it made Ma Yuan Yigan and others "click", the heartbeat accelerated, and the frequency of breathing was reduced a lot, for fear of being discovered.

"Huh, say you are stupid, you still don't believe it! Now I understand."

The girl Shirley pouted, blamed, and even turned around, trotting along the way.

"Hey, Shirley, where are you going?"

When Toby saw Sydney turn around and left, he asked aloud.

"I'm going to see what happened to Angelica. The two of you will immediately go to Lord Emperor Ling to report to him."

After all, Shirley's figure disappeared around the corner of the underground palace.

Toby and Yuca heard the words, but they reacted, and Xuan ran in a hurry and disappeared into the underground palace.

Seeing Shirley's group left, Ma Yuan and others dared to show up and walked out slowly.

"It turns out that the Hell Devil Dog is in their hands. It's really nowhere to be found.

After Ma Yuan learned from the gang that there was a puppy caught by them, he decided resolutely that the puppy was **** devil!

"Zero Emperor?"

Gray murmured, deeply puzzled: "Who are they?"

"What matters is their purpose?"

Ma Yuan responded.

"Hey, isn't it easy? We can just keep up with those two guys!"

Having said that, Naz happily ran ahead, bearing the brunt, and everyone agreed after hearing the words, and he quickly followed.

Ma Yuan and others followed the steps of Toby and Yuca and quickly walked out of the underground palace to a hillside.

"Lord Emperor Zero!"

Toby saw a tall, slender figure standing on the edge of the cliff, but could not wait to scream and scream, speeding up and running forward.

"Go! Let's follow up!"

Having said that, Naz is taking a step and wants to keep up.


Unexpectedly, the next moment, he was forcibly pulled back by Ma Yuan and hid behind a large rock to hide.

Naz and others were puzzled and did not know what Ma Yuan meant, so they looked at Ma Yuan with a blank face.

Ma Yuan directly ignored the bewilderment on the faces of the people and said seriously: "I can feel that the figure is not simple. The breath he exudes is very strong. If we come bravely close now, I am afraid it will be discovered. "

After Ma Yuan said this, everyone understood this, so he bent down carefully, hid, and looked away not far, observing the enemy's every move.

"What happened? Shouting."

The mysterious person whom Toby and Yuka called "Zero Emperor" turned around and said coldly.

After Toby and Yuka heard this solemn and icy voice, they were in awe, but there was an emergency, and the two of them couldn't take care of so much. They went straight to the topic and talked to Shirley in the underground palace. Whispered.

"It seems that there are really guests on the island..."

After listening to Toby and Yuca, the mysterious man named Zero Emperor wore a mask to cover his smile, and only a cold voice came out of the mask.

"Toby, Yuca." After a moment of silence, the mysterious man said.

Seeing that the mysterious man had acted, Toby and Yuka were shocked and waited for their orders at any time.

"The moon-drop ceremony is about to begin. No matter what kind of intruders come on the island, they will immediately rush to the village and search them out for me! Never let them destroy my plan!"

The mysterious man sternly ordered the two of them to be very majestic. Toby and Yuca heard the words and focused on their heads. Even if they turned around and left, they set off towards the foot of the mountain.

"Too far apart, can't hear what they are talking about?"

Naz took his ear and found nothing. He didn't overhear any information.

But Ma Yuan's eyes turned to Toby and Yuka. After meditation, they suddenly discovered that the two people's direction of travel was the village in the jungle! ,, ..

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