Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 115: Under mysterious organization

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"No, we have to go back quickly!"

After a moment of thought, Ma Yuan guessed that he was likely to be discovered by the other party, and now the only reason for the mysterious organization to go to the village is to target them.

"Go back? Where do you go back?"

Confused, Naz asked, not only Naz, but also Gray and Lucy, not knowing what Ma Yuan was anxious about.

"They may go to the village! The villagers are in danger!"

After all, Ma Yuan turned around and ran down the hillside. Everyone heard this, and then it came back, even if it followed Ma Yuan.


Soon, Toby and Yuca quickly walked through the jungle to the village.

"Hello! Who are you?!"

At the entrance of the village, a towering fence intercepted Toby and Yuca outside. After the villagers responsible for the sentry found the two, they raised their spears and pointed at the two at the entrance of the village.

"Are there any new guests in your village?"

Toby was polite and asked politely.

The villager first frowned, and after a while of thinking, the figure of Ma Yuan and others appeared in his mind.

However, the villager was also clever. Seeing that the other party was not good, he pretended to be unaware and pretended to be in a daze. He said, "What guest? I don’t know, you should leave quickly, or don’t blame me. You are welcome!"

Facing the intimidation of the villagers, Yuca grinned aside, and the savvy Yuca had caught something wrong from the villager's face, so he guessed the rough.

"Toby, it seems that Zero Emperor is right. There are really invaders on the island."

Yuca leaned into Toby and said lightly.

"Don't the villagers say no? How did you know?"

Toby asked doubtfully, feeling confused.

"Idiot, when you asked this villager just now, a little hesitation appeared on his face."

Yuka explained to Toby patiently.

"Then? What does this stand for?" Toby was still confused, not sure.

"You stupid pig! Explain that this villager is lying! Can't you see it?!"

Yuca looked a little impatient, so she couldn't help but whispered.

"Ah?! This **** villager, dare to lie to us! See how I clean up him!"

After being awakened by Yuca, he felt very angry, so he looked at the villagers on the sentry box and slowly approached the towering fence.

"I warn you that if you dare to take a step forward, I will treat you rudely!"

The villager began to get nervous and quickly took a bow from the back, hitting a bamboo arrow in a familiar way, aiming at Toby who was trying to get close to the fence.

"Well, toasting doesn't drink fines, see if I don't give you some color to see!"

Toby grimaced and said fiercely, even when he saw him spread his hands, his palms shook in vain, and with the clear sound of a steel symphony, I saw a slender and sharp claw from the support. Stand out from your fingertips.

The claws shone with a cold light. At the next moment, Toby suddenly grinned, and a fierce and gloomy smile emerged, only to see his hands suddenly turned, waving at the fence in front of him.

With just a light stroke, two harsh cold lights burst out and cut towards the fence!


Immediately afterwards, a fence made of piles of wood sounded a burst of cracks, and a crack appeared on the pile, and the crack was still spreading quickly, and quickly covered the whole door.


At the next moment, the gate of the fence collapsed suddenly, and even the sentry box on the side was affected and shattered, and the villager also stumbled, unable to aim at the target, and took his hand to grab the side stake. Only barely stabilized.

"Do you know you are afraid now?"

Toby looked at the fearful expression on the face of the villager and laughed sarcastically.

"What happened outside?"

"This voice... seems to be coming from the village entrance."

"Go, go and see!"


The movement at the entrance of the village shocked the villagers in the village. Soon, a group of villagers gathered together and watched in front of the village entrance. However, the current gate has collapsed and turned into a pile of rotten wood.

"Who are you?! Why destroy our village?"

At this time, a very majestic voice came out of the crowd, and then, a slender old man walked out of the crowd slowly on crutches, undoubtedly the head of a village here, Moka.

"Village chief, they are very dangerous and have a very powerful lethality. The big guy must be careful!"

The villagers on the sentry box reminded me that they prepared their bows and arrows again, aimed at Toby and Yuca, and waited.

Everyone heard, looking at Toby and Yuca, and found that Yuka, who was short, looked cold, but did not find any threats, so he ignored it and turned his attention to the ugly Toby. Staring at the steel claws embedded in Toby's hands, he couldn't help feeling a chill, but he took a step back subconsciously.

Yuka caught the villagers' reactions, and suddenly pulled his face down, the original cold face became cooler, and after seeing the fearful expressions of the villagers, Toby couldn't help but feel proud and turned his head to look at the gloomy Yu Card, Baku smiled.

"Hey, old guy, I know that some strangers came here a few days ago, and now I ask you..."

Toby raised his steel claws, slowly approached the village chief Moka, waved his claws and swayed in front of Moka's eyes, then said coldly, "Where are those strangers hiding now?"

Looking at the sharp claws in front of him, the village chief Moka began to see sweat on his forehead, and could not help swallowing a dry spit, daring not to act lightly.

"You told me the truth in the end, otherwise I would not dare to guarantee, will my poison claws dig a few holes in you!"

Toby put his claws around Moka's neck and threatened.

After seeing this scene, many villagers suspended their hearts and stared at the pair of claws on Moka's neck with stunned eyes, and they all began to worry.

At this moment, the whole village was silent. No one dared to speak except the crickets.


The scene was quiet enough to hear the sound of swallowing saliva, and the master of the sound was the villager in the sentry box. After he swallowed a spit, he quietly tightened the bow string, aimed at Toby, and his fingers snapped loose. , That bamboo arrow is flying out!

call out!

The villager knew at a glance that he was a good hunter. The arrow he shot was straight out of the sky, flying across, and the sound of the wind breaking up a fallen leaf, pointing directly at Toby! ,, ..

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