Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 125: Leo picked three times

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"You have to be careful yourself. Although Leo's magic is the same as mine, there is still a big difference. Even if I don't dare to be shocked."

After hearing Ma Yuan’s instructions, Gray agreed. With his knowledge of Leo, he knew the other party’s magic was strange.

In this regard, Ma Yuan is also puzzled. Although Gray and Leo's magic is also ice attribute magic, but he can feel the difference between the two, but he can't tell the mystery of it.

Seeing Ma Yuan's puzzled expression, Gray explained: "The magic I practiced with Leo and me is the magic of modeling ice, but I practiced the static magic of modeling ice, while Leo practiced dynamic modeling. The difference between magic, dynamic and static is quite big."

After such a mention by Gray, Ma Yuan suddenly realized that it is no wonder that the ice magic that Leo just cast was able to be free and unconstrained, and it was originally presented in a dynamic way.

For example, the dragon that was condensed and summoned by Leo before was vivid and vivid, and the action was brilliant, and the roaring and roaring was also magnificent, not like it was condensed by magic.

Compared with the magic that Gray used to perform in the past, although it is also brilliant and realistic, but it is biased to some dead things, lifeless, and Leo has condensed some living things, between the two The style of operation is completely different.

Now I want to think about it, Ma Yuan knew something about it. The original magic of the same attribute still has such a difference. It seems that his previous understanding of magic is only a half-knowledge of the frog at the bottom of the well. Comprehend.

"It turns out, no wonder..."

After Ma Yuan understood it thoroughly, he quickly relieved.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I never thought your magic has reached such a level. It seems that you have worked hard all these years?"

After seeing Leo's strength, Gray couldn't help but praise.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Your magic is still standing still. Is it still stuck?"

In the face of Gray's praise, Leo did not have much pride, but he who prevailed was taunting and unrelenting.

"Unfortunately, there is a problem with the way you cast magic."

For Leo's sarcasm, Gray didn't take it seriously and said directly.

As soon as this remark came out, Leo's eyebrows were raised, his expression slightly moved, feeling a little puzzled, looking at Gray, trying to find an answer.

Including Ma Yuan and Naz, after hearing this sentence from Gray, I was also a little bit strange, so Qi Qi turned his attention to Gray, and also expressed puzzled. The offensives that Leo had just carried out were all fierce and tough. It's perfect, but why did it get this way in Gray's mouth?

In this regard, everyone present was puzzled, all focused on Gray.

Regarding Leo’s incomprehension, Gray disagreed and said seriously: “Ulu once said that modeling magic has high requirements for the balance of the caster, usually two hands are required to cast magic at the same time, so as to maintain Balance, and the magic of modeling with one hand, often has an impact at a critical moment."

Seeing Gray's so-serious narrative, everyone raised their ears and also listened very carefully, but after listening to Leo, he was stunned, even grinning.

"Oh, I thought it was a big deal. It turns out that the problems you are referring to are these. Well, you know, I am now beyond the existence of Ulu, and the manipulation of magic is naturally more and more perfect. In my opinion, the minor problem can be ignored."

I thought there was a flaw in my own magic, and I just listened to it so carefully. Now after listening to Gray's words, Leo laughed and expressed disdain.

"Moreover, I am your brother. Naturally, the control of magic is stronger than you. You cannot escape this reality."

Later, Leo did not forget to ridicule Gray and show off himself.

"If you don't listen to persuasion, you will regret it."

Leo's sarcasm continued, but Gray disagreed and said coldly, with some anger in his tone.

"It's not too late to wait until you defeat me! It's not too late!"

Let's just say, Leo was screaming, or there was still one hand, and he swiped forward violently, and a cold breath screamed out from behind him, even Ma Yuan and others who were not far away Can clearly feel that there is a cold bitter chill rushing towards them.

"Ice Eagle!"

At an order, an eagle appeared suddenly, and swept out from behind Leo. These eagles were formed by the condensation of ice, and a wonderful ice sculpture was like a piece of art. Emerged.

However, behind these gorgeous ice sculptures, there is a huge lethal force, whether it is a sharp beak or a sharp eagle claw, which makes the listener can't help but feel a trace of fear.

If these eagles were close to Ma Yuan and others, they would definitely be torn apart alive!

At this point, Ma Yuan did not dare to neglect his three-person behavior and tried his best to launch an attack.

"Magic Wind Wall!"


"Fire Dragon's Flame!"

Ma Yuan, Gray, and Naz launched the offensive at the same time. Hurricane, ice, and fire were all dumped and erupted at the same time, shaking the eagles that were rushing towards them.


The surrounding airflow suddenly gathered together, turned into a small tornado, swept out!


On the ground, there are countless ice cones rising from the ground and quickly spreading toward the front!


The two flames on Naz's hands were fused together. As Naz leapt to the sky, he threw a ball of fire down!


Those fierce ice sculpture eagles broke apart under the magic wind wall, but under the confrontation of the two forces, both were disintegrated, and the magic wind wall also disappeared after it circled.

But Gray and Naz's offensive still exists!

Naz's fireball quickly fell, and it was about to hit Leo's head, but Leo didn't change his face, only to see his one-handed wave again, a big guy with a huge figure was out of thin air Out.

"Ape of Ice! Defense!!"

The big guy was a huge giant ape, and after the roar of the giant ape, the giant ape crossed his hands and raised his head above him, but he was able to resist the fireball falling from the sky! ,, ..

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