Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 126: Ice dragon

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The fireball hit the great ape, and after burning for a moment, it turned into nothingness and disappeared, and the arms of the ice-carved giant ape melted only a little under the flames of flames, and there was no big hinder.

Under the protection of the ice-carved giant ape, Leo was safe and unharmed.

"What?! Monkey!"

Naz's offensive was blocked, and Naz himself was shocked, staring at the huge ice sculpture giant ape in front of him, it was incredible.

When Ma Yuan saw it, he could not help frowning, even turning his eyes to the ice cones that were spreading forward.

Ice Cone's offensive was very swift, and soon came to Leo. Leo, who had remained intact before, at this time, facing Gray's fierce offensive, did not dare to underestimate. He saw his legs slammed. He rose into the air and escaped the ice cone on the ground.

However, Gray seemed to have expected Leo’s hand in general. He did not feel lost because the ice cone fell empty. I saw that Gray’s hands on the ground shook violently, and a magnificent and powerful magic was screaming out. The ice cone, which had already been stagnation, was infused by magic power, but it was soaring again at this time!


The ice cone skyrocketed, and rushed forward again, like a broken bamboo, the ice tip was pulled high, and it hit the Leo in the air!

At this moment, Ma Yuan's eyes were still, staring at the ice cone stabbing at Leo, secretly praying, looking forward very much, can Gray's attack work? !

At this time, whether it was Toby and Yuca in the Leo camp, or Lucy in the fairy tail camp, they all hung their hearts and watched the scene intently.

As if this scene was frozen, it was shocking.

At the next moment, the arc of Leo's mouth broke the suspicion of everyone.

"Ice Wolf!"

Afterwards, Leo ordered a big wave of his hand, and behind him began to pour out a pair of ice-carved wolves, rushing towards the ice cones that pierced him!


The ice sculpture wolf has grinned teeth, and its face is gritty, and its claws flutter toward the ice cone, as if fearless, as if it were a dead person returning home, it crushed all the ice cones.

What Leo condenses is not just a few ice sculpture wolves, but a group!

The ice sculpture wolf that first rushed in front has turned into ice slag, and there are still several ice sculpture wolves behind. The fangs grin and pounce forward, rushing towards the three people in Mayuan!

The matter didn't end yet, Leo seemed to feel that he hadn't enjoyed it yet, so he controlled the ice-carved giant ape behind him, and also launched an attack towards Ma Yuan and others!

Aooo! Roar!

The long-hungry wild wolf and the violent giant ape attacked with all their strength and shook the Mayuan threesome!

"Hurricane gloves, heavy blow!"

Facing Leo's offensive, Mr. Ma Yuan was amazed and quickly calmed down. He quickly summoned a hurricane and wrapped it in two fists to form a pair of gloves. His body leaned forward and suddenly attacked.

Naz also reacted immediately. Like Ma Yuan, he shot out and attacked, but his fist was not a hurricane but a fire!

At the next moment, in the face of Leo's big move, Gray jumped up and rose into the air, his left hand spread out into his palm, and his right hand hit him with his fist.

"Ice Hammer!"

After Gray completed this simple and weird action, a huge ice sculpture hammer appeared out of thin air, hitting the ice sculpture giant ape that threw over!


A sound of broken glass habitually came out. Under the heavy blow of the giant hammer, the ice sculpture giant ape turned into ice **** powder and disappeared, and the magic power of the giant hammer was also exhausted and then dissipated.

On the ground, Ma Yuan and Naz's fists were thrown, which also destroyed the ice wolves to the utmost, effortlessly.


All three of Ma Yuan breathed out a sigh of breath, and their foreheads were already covered with sweat beads after repeated battles.

On the other hand, Leo, who is constantly casting magic and picking one out of three, is also not optimistic. His face becomes a bit paler, and his original cold face grows colder.

"Next, what other tricks do you have?"

Ma Yuan looked at Leo, making a faint voice.

"Although come here!"

Naz reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead, rubbing his hands, shouting excitedly.

"Huh, just an appetizer just now, and you will feel better next!"

Although Leo's face was a little pale, he didn't weaken his momentum by half. He was still arrogant and aggressive.

"Binglong goes to sea!"

At the next moment, Leo reached out and slapped heavily towards the ground. A massive burst of thick ice power continued to flow from his arm, instantly freezing the area where the three people stood. Got up.

Seeing the ice layer covering his feet, Ma Yuan began to be alert, as did Naz and Gray, both secretly mobilizing their magical powers and waiting for them.


Immediately afterwards, the ice layer where the three people Ma Yuan is located has a range of ten meters. The ice layer is covered in a circle, surrounding the three people Ma Yuan to the group. With a thunderous roar, the ice layer at the feet of the three people Suddenly trembling.


There was another roar and roar, and I saw three huge ice dragons rising from the ground, twisting their bodies, and suddenly appeared in front of the three Ma Yuan, and surrounded them tightly.

"Oh my god...good fellow!"

Naz was shocked and sighed, while Gray on the side saw it, his mouth twitching, and was equally shocked.

"These are in trouble..."

Even Ma Yuan, facing the three giant dragons in front of him, produced a trace of fear, but shook his head helplessly, expressing a headache.

"Look at you how to deal with it!"

Seeing the expressions of Ma Yuan's three people, Leo was very proud. As his big hand waved, the three ice dragons roared, and the spins suddenly attacked, swooping down towards Ma Yuan's three people, Zhang With a big mouth, the exposed white and sharp fangs rushed to the three!

"Fire Dragon's roar!"

Naturally tough Naz was naturally unwilling to succumb, his hands were wrapped in a circle, his mouth closed, his chest suddenly undulated, the two cheeks suddenly swelled, and a blaze burst out from Naz's mouth.


The fire was strong, and when it burst out, it turned into a soaring flamingo and spread its wings to one of the ice dragons.


Faced with the strong fire, the ice dragon did not show fear, and bluntly flew up, hitting the firebird, the two collided with each other, the fire wrapped the ice dragon in full, but the fire quickly extinguished, and the ice dragon's figure was in The flames only shrank by a few points, the fierceness was still there.


Remind that the melting and shrinking ice dragon's momentum is not reduced, and the momentum is like a bamboo thrown at Naz, directly hitting Naz to fly out! ,, ..

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