Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 138: Jedi hit back

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Seeing the miserable appearance of Naz's grief, Ma principle is apathetic, but just watching quietly, it seems that he did not intend to shoot.

But Lucy looked in his eyes, the whole heart was pulled up and twisted into a ball, the taste was very uncomfortable, seeing Ma Yuan on the side didn't mean to shoot, thinking that Ma Yuan had not recovered, spin Lucy He gritted his teeth and pulled a golden key from the keychain around his waist, trying to step out.

Actually, otherwise, Ma Yuan has recovered almost at this time, and his consciousness has been completely awakened. Even if Yuka’s wave magic is so powerful and strange, as long as he shoots, he can definitely defeat it, but Ma Yuan has not done so.

Instead, Lucy was about to wave the lotus arm and wanted to summon Protoss out of Protoss to take the opportunity to launch an offensive, but Ma Yuan stretched out his arm at this time and grabbed Lucy.

Suddenly, Lucy's leaning body was pulled back, so Lucy looked back subconsciously, looking down the slender arm, staring at Ma Yuan with a stunned face, for unknown reasons.

"Ma Yuan, you are..."

Lucy frowned, feeling very puzzled, not knowing what Ma Yuan meant.

"Don't go, this is Naz's business, let him solve it alone."

Ma Yuan ignored Lucy's stunned and doubtful face, didn't even raise her head, her eyes kept focusing on Naz in the distance, her tone indifferent.

"But, Naz now..."

"I hope to take this opportunity to make Naz understand that while he is strong, he should never underestimate the threat posed by his opponents. Lions and Rabbits do their best."

Lucy is very puzzled. Now that the situation is in crisis, she still cares so much. She was interrupted by Ma Yuan when she was about to export the rebuttal.

Afterwards, Ma Yuan took his gaze back from Naz and looked at Lucy in front of him quietly, his eyes firm and determined. The hand holding Lucy held tighter, and Xuanjian said lightly: " Please believe me and Naz."

Looking at Ma Yuan's resolute and determined appearance, Lucy's previous stunnedness and incomprehension were suddenly relieved. At this time, Lucy was moved, and finally set her heart, and once again gritted her teeth, it was no wonder that the noble nodded. .

Seeing this, Ma Yuan gave a slight smile, and then continued to shift his attention to the battle of Naz and Yuka.


Yuka’s wave magic continues to intensify, and Naz’s arm that didn’t get into the ripples began to become twisted under the wave of wave magic. The skeleton of the entire arm was under this powerful air pressure. , Become twisted and fractured.


Naz could feel the severe pain from his arm. At this time, Naz was already pale, determined and painful, and his face was covered with sweat beads.

As the so-called emergency medical treatment, Naz, who is in a hurry, does not have the ability to think independently. He has tried many times to summon flames to defend, but under the influence of fluctuations, there is nothing to do.

"Damn, if I go on like this, my bones will be torn apart!"

Naz gritted his teeth and murmured.

Naz’s flesh is much stronger and tougher than ordinary mages, and Yuka’s wave magic is also very powerful. If he is replaced by a general magus, if he does not enter his wave ripples with one hand, his arm will have been Shattered, Naz was able to support it until now, which also shocked Yuka.

"Huh, I think how long can you persist?!"

Yuka was a little annoyed at Naz’s physical strength. If it was consumed in this way, his magic would also be exhausted, so now Yuka is fighting endurance with Naz, see who supports first Can't live.

At this point, just in case, in case something happened, Yuka's hands shook suddenly, a magnificent magic poured out in vain, and the attack power was increased again.

The pain from his arm became more intense, but at this time Naz no longer screamed because he was numb, but the pain still existed. Naz's shirt was soaked with sweat, as you can see How much pain he has to suffer now.

"Fire Dragon's... Yan Huang!"

Naz could feel that his consciousness was gradually losing, so he repeated the stupid experiment again, trying to summon fire magic.

Seeing that there was nothing in Naz's arm, Yuka laughed and said that he was disdainful, his eyes teasing, but whenever Naz wanted to cast flame magic, Yuca's face appeared a trace of fear.

Although Yuka knew that his wave magic was immune to the existence of all magic, he still felt a little frightened, fearing that Naz was really doing magic, but in the end it was just a false alarm.

And Naz himself, frowning at the arm in front of him, was empty, and a sense of loss came again.

"Ma Yuan, can he really do it?"

As the situation worsened, Lucy began to worry about Naz again, frowning at Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan heard that a smile appeared at this moment, and he gazed quietly at Naz in the distance, revealing a meaningful smile.

Seeing this, Lucy felt more puzzled, so she started to follow Ma Yuan's gaze, and when she saw Naz, her pretty face suddenly stretched.

Naz himself, at this time, seemed to be aware that something was wrong. A very familiar temperature made Naz suddenly vibrate, so he turned his head subconsciously and saw the burning flame on his other arm. , Flashing constantly.

"Hey, you're done."

Naz raised his other arm and shook it in front of Yuka, with a smile on his face.

Yuka was startled, staring at the flame on Naz's arm with a daze, suddenly panicked and pale.

But a moment later, Yuca calmed down and laughed, saying, "Ha ha ha, are you an idiot? I said, my wave magic can be immune to all magic, even if you can summon flames, how do you Can you pass through my ripples? Hahaha!"

Yuka was very confident in his wave magic, and proudly said that he believed that if Naz was so stupid that he hit that arm on the wave ripple, the end would definitely be the same as it is now.

However, the smile on Naz's face remained unchanged, but the smile became more intense.

"Since that is the case, then I will change the method and still hit you."

Naz has now completely ignored the pain from his arm, grinning, and said coldly to Yuca. ,, ..

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