Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 12 Chapter 139: Under Jedi Counterattack

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After hearing Naz's words, Yuka raised her eyebrows slightly, and began to circulate something strange in her eyes, and her face was stiff.

"Fire Dragon's... Pusher!"

The next moment, before Yuca could react from the surprise, Naz was already on the offensive. As soon as the voice fell, he saw a sudden flame burst from Naz's elbow.


Then, a dull sound came, and the flame beating on Naz's elbow burst in vain, and the arm that did not enter the ripples was also clenched into a fist at this time. Then, the flame of the elbow exploded, and there was continuous flame. Ejected from Naz's elbow.

Bang Bang Bang!

At this point, Naz's elbow was like a full-powered pusher, firing ablaze, unstoppable like a yellow dragon.

Seeing the black lacquered fist in Yuka's pupil suddenly shrink, his face was pale and bloodless.

I thought that under mutual consumption, Yuka could easily take Naz, but unexpectedly, Naz was able to speculate and ingeniously, to see a loophole in the wave magic, to cast magic on the periphery of the wave ripple, and use inertia to promote the whole. Arm, launch a fierce offensive.


Afterwards, Naz's fist hit the face of Yuka heavily, and there was a subtle sound of bone tearing in a dull sound.

After being severely hit, the wave magic disappeared instantly. Without the shackles of Naz, the momentum on his fist became more and more majestic. When the fist fell, Yuka flew out.

Watching Yuca's figure draw a slender arc in the sky, and then fell heavily on the ground, there was a roar in the depths of the jungle, and suddenly the birds flew and howled the beast, and there was a lot of movement.

This scene was seen by Naz in his eyes, and he saw that Naz took a deep breath and tasted the taste carefully, which was the taste of victory.

Not far away, Ma Yuan and Lucy, including those villagers, felt relieved when they saw the war ended, and their previous tensions and worries disappeared with the victory of Naz.

At this moment, contrary to the mood of the people, Toby, who was paralyzed and leaned on the edge of a tree trunk, was also beaten by Naz before, and then he persevered, maintaining a trace of consciousness, I thought I would witness the victory of Yuca.

As everyone knows, with Naz alone, it was a Jedi counterattack, turning the tide, and finally defeated Yuka. When Yuka's body flew out, Toby no longer had the motivation to support it, slowly Closed his eyes and passed out completely.

"Hee hee!"

A moment later, Naz looked back suddenly, and set his sights on Ma Yuan, Lucy, and the villagers who had been following him. The corner of his mouth suddenly evoked an arc, and he grinned and laughed out loud, silly, very sunny.

When Ma Yuan and Lucy saw this, they also smiled knowingly. The three of them stared at each other with an indifferent taste in their hearts.

At the beginning, Ma Yuan’s purpose was very simple, just to make Naz aware of his mistakes, don’t underestimate his opponents under any circumstances, and the Lions beat the rabbits to do their best. But what Ma Yuan didn't expect was that Naz actually won.

In this regard, Ma Yuan felt very relieved and in a very happy mood.

"Cough cough!"

At this moment, a violent cough suddenly sounded, Ma Yuan and others looked subconsciously, and found out that Gray was awake!

Grey flat lay on the ground. Grey, which belongs to the nature of ice, couldn't help coughing when he touched the cold ground. His face was as pale as white paper.

It can be seen how much damage the previous battle between Leo and Gray brought to Gray.

After seeing Grey awakening, Ma Yuan and others gathered around him, Lucy gently and gently lifted Grey up, and the principle of Ma was to take the water sac passed by a kind villager and put it on Grey’s lips to let Grey Learn as much as possible.

"Huh, you rookie, finally woke up."

Naz stood in front of Gray and said in a mocking tone that the smile in the corner of his mouth did not mean the ridicule, but a cheerful smile.

After taking a sip of water, Gray soothed his throat, raised his head to see Ma Yuan and Lucy in front of him, and then fixed his eyes on Naz, his mouth slightly raised.

"I'm sorry, it caused you a lot of trouble."

Moments later, Gray lowered his head silently, spitting out such a hoarse voice, full of guilt.

"I don't know what you are talking about? What caused you to cause us trouble, this time we are here to perform the task, God knows that it will be so bloody, and has a relationship with you."

Ma Yuan spoke lightly and said.

"So, don't be too narcissistic, narcissist and exhibitionist!"

After Naz heard it, he was shocked for a while, and Xuan said.

If it were to change the usual way, Naz would tease Gray with such a tone, and Gray would definitely be beaten hard, but now, after Gray hears it, his heart becomes more and more unpleasant.

"Gray, this happened so suddenly that none of us expected it, so this is not your fault."

Lucy patted Gray on the shoulder, comforting.

After brewing for a long time, Gray suddenly raised his head, not knowing whether it was sand in his eyes or what was going on. Under the ray of sunlight, Ma Yuan and others even faintly saw the luster flowing in Gray's eyes.

"Thank you, I will beat that guy next time!"

Gray clenched his fists and made up his mind that when he meets Leo next time, he will never repeat this scene today.

Seeing Gray's resolute and determined appearance, everyone was relieved, and at the same time reassured a lot. I thought that Gray would be entangled by this. Now that he is relieved, I can't help but feel happy for him.

After that, Ma Yuan and others helped Gray back to the village, adjusted interest rates and recuperated, ignoring Toby who fainted at the entrance of the village. What happened today, although the twists and turns continue, but it is beneficial to Ma Yuan and others.

Soon, the night came, and there was silence in the village, occasionally a frog blaring, and a worm crying.


In the calm jungle, the sound of a grass and tree friction suddenly sounded at this time, and the villagers on duty at the village whistle kiosk seemed to perceive what was happening. The body was shocked in vain, froze in place, and frowned. .


At the next moment, the villager suddenly felt an inexplicable gust of wind behind him. When he turned subconsciously to check, his body froze.

After the villagers lowered their heads slowly, they saw a sharp blade placed on their neck and a cold flashing sharp blade. They were suddenly scared pale! ,, ..

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