Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 30: God's final decision

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"So Sharu escaped in the end?" Sun Wukong frowned slightly. "He had the courage to cut off his arm, and then escaped. It can be seen that he dare not face up with you at all, and he is very cautious. "

Ma Yuan once again focused his eyes on the golden hair of Sun Wukong and his son, who had not dripped, and could not help murmuring: "I didn't expect to achieve this step much earlier..."

"What are you talking about?" Sun Wukong asked curiously.

"Ah, no..." Ma Yuan waved his hands again and again, directly changing the subject. "Shalu's strength is improving faster than I expected. If there is no significant progress, we may be difficult to kill him."

This is not a little bit of water, Ma Yuan has not yet made a big breakthrough, and may be able to suppress the first two forms of Shalu, but if it is completely, what the Super Saiyan II could have done now, it is necessary now. Put a big question mark.

"Yeah, I know the strength of No. 16," Sun Wukong looked at No. 16 and No. 18 sitting at the edge of the temple and shook his head slightly. "To be honest, Shalu's strength is not worse than mine. Where did we go, we might have to rely on Gohan in the end."

Ma Yuan was stunned. He didn't expect Sun Wukong to regard Sun Wufan's potential as so important. It can be said that he was just thinking about how to quickly improve his strength on this side, so as to achieve the purpose of restricting Shalu.

In fact, although the powerful Ma Yuan told Sun Wukong and others that he wanted to cultivate Shalu and then defeat it, one was to improve his own strength, and the other was to protect the safety of the earth in the end. It's still quite serious.

Sun Wukong knew that he and others could not allow this time to fail, so he was anxious and put most of his hope on Sun Wufan. In any case, Rao Shimayuan spent some effort, but eventually let Sun Wukong return Into the inherent thinking of the normal plot.

"Gohan is still so small, it's not a good thing to let him carry too much weight. I also know that you want Shalu to exercise Gohan, but you have to consider that Gohan can't beat Sharu, but you father He had to stand still and watch how desperate he should be." Ma Yuan stood up and patted Sun Wukong's shoulder.

Sun Wukong froze for a moment. He felt that he really had no secrets in front of Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan said exactly what he thought, but he just had such an idea, and now he heard Ma Yuan’s words, He couldn't help thinking.

Ma Yuan walked to the position of God and Popo Station, seeing them a little curious, but also looked at No. 18 and No. 16 with some vigilance, and felt a little funny, just said: "God, I will put them both here. Will it cause you some trouble?"

"I've said it all. You have caused me a lot of trouble. Now you can say less of these words, maybe I can comfort a little." God didn't anger.

Immediately God considered it again and said seriously: "It must not be long for you to put the two of them with me. Although Shalu lost a hand, but his strength is still strong, it is likely that he will go with you to Wukong. Neptune comes to attack from time to time."

"Did you lose a hand..." Ma Yuan's mouth twitched slightly, and then said, "That Sharu has Bick's cells and can recover his body, so a broken arm is really nothing for him."

God's pupil shrank slightly, took a deep breath, and smiled bitterly: "You really caused a big trouble, even if I don't kill, but I also want to eliminate this trouble as soon as possible."

Obviously, God meant killing No. 16 or No. 18, of course, the priority must be the No. 16 who was seriously injured.

Ma Yuan said helplessly: "Even if I let you do it, you won't be able to beat them, but if you really want to do it, can you really get down on it?"

"What can I do if I can't help myself? For the safety of the earth, I'm ready to sacrifice. What can I count as a little infamy on my back?" Admired.

"Anyway, it's always wrong to kill people indiscriminately." Ma Yuan still maintained his consistent principle for this point. "And it's not yet so serious."

"This matter can't be delayed." God is stubborn.

Ma Yuan paused and said with a smile: "I know your life is approaching, but you can't make up your mind to give Bick yet. I think you might as well think about it, at least someone helps you protect the earth. What?"

The **** was there. The reason why he was so anxious was that his life was about to end. Previously, in the Hall of Lords, King Yan had already told him, but after having been a **** for so many years, he was still not worried about the earth.

A wave of worry appeared in Bobo's eyes, but he couldn't make up for half of this matter. He could only stand by and wait. At this time, he discovered that God is really old, he just waited When God was, God's waist was still so straight, but now it's like this.

"Bobo, thank you for taking care of me for so many years." God said suddenly.

Bobo felt that something was not right. When he was about to ask, he saw a figure in front of God. It was Bik who didn't know where he was hiding before.

"You looking for me?" Bick looked at God with an impatient look on his face.

God looked at Bick with some emotions, like seeing when he was young, he turned around and walked towards the inside of the temple, and walked sideways: "Come in with me."

Bick's face twitched, and he gritted his teeth, and finally made a "cut", and finally followed behind God.

Seeing this scene, Ma Yuan sighed and bowed in that direction. Although he did not call God an adult, this kind old man made him admire him in a short time, It is worth his bow.

Sun Wukong didn't quite understand Ma Yuan's movements, but he felt a little vaguely that this might be the last time he saw God. With a move in his heart, he bowed to the other side as well, and the kindness of teaching for so many years was included in it.

"Okay, let's go to Jiewangxing first. I want to see what Master Jiewang is looking for from me." Ma Yuan packed his mind and said to Sun Wukong.

"Okay." Sun Wukong nodded, looked at Sun Wufan who was doing his homework seriously with yellow hair, nodded slightly, and then put his finger in the forehead.

Ma Yuan put his hand on Sun Wukong's shoulder and smiled: "It's convenient to move in an instant, can you teach me?"

"Yes." Sun Wukong replied with a smile, and then his expression became serious, "Jie Wang's madness...found it!"

"Whoosh!" Sun Wukong and Ma Yuan disappeared from the spot instantly. ,, ..

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