Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 31: Early changes

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Ma Yuan only felt a flower in front of him, and then felt a very strong weight. Fortunately, his physical strength was strong enough, so there was no embarrassing scene that was directly pressed down by this gravity.

Ma Yuan took a deep breath and moved step by step, gradually getting used to this kind of gravity, and then being able to move freely. This process is still very fast.

"I didn't expect you to be able to get used to the gravity on the planet Uranus so quickly." Sun Wukong was not in a hurry, waiting for Ma Yuan to get used to the gravity here, before he stepped forward to talk to him.

"The last time you entered Realm, even Vegeta couldn't beat it. Of course, you can't get used to ten times the gravity here, but Ma Yuan's current strength may be stronger than you. How can a ten times gravity be rare? Live him." Slightly with a hoarse voice, Ma Yuan and the two turned to look around.

Ma Yuan saw a weird man with sunglasses, a monkey beside him, and an insect flying in mid-air. This combination is the realm of King Wang, after all, the characteristics are too clear.

"Master Jiejie." Ma Yuan stepped forward and greeted him.

"Huh! You are so ill-qualified. When Lord Jie Wang called you over at that time, you should run over obediently, even dare to mention the conditions!" The insect uttered.

Of course Ma Yuan knew that this insect was called Gugligli, and he was the most faithful believer of the realm of the realm. Even if the realm of the realm did not maintain his image, he still respected the realm of the realm as always and restored the image for the realm of the realm.

"Gregory, he has something to be busy with. There are a lot of crises on the earth now. He and Goku are very busy and can't force others to come." Jie Wang smiled.

"Humph!" Gregory was obviously a little dissatisfied. He stared at Ma Yuan fiercely before he flew down. His face was still filled with indignation, but since the world king has spoken, of course he is not good to say anything. Too.

Sun Wukong reluctantly spread his hands, he already knew that Gureggli had always been like this, and he was not surprised.

"You two come in with me." Jie Wang beckoned, and suddenly he remembered something, and looked at Gregory and the monkey babrus and smiled.

"Eh..." As a servant who has always been with the King of the Realm, Gregory naturally understood the meaning of the King of the Realm, and took Babrus to play with a depressed face.

Ma Yuan and Sun Wukong glanced at each other, and they both felt their surprises. After all, these two people have been accompanied by Jie Wang, but Jie Wang next wants to tell Ma Yuan that the two of them can’t let them know. .

"Don't think about it, come with me." Jie Wang shook his head slightly, and then walked straight into the room. Sun Wukong and Ma Yuan looked at it and quickly followed.

There was nothing in this room, only Jie Wang was sitting alone on the table, with a dignified look on his face. Due to the shade of the sunglasses, he could not see his eyes.

"Perhaps you feel a bit strange, why I can't tell Guregli about what I told you, but what I want to say is that this matter may be more serious than what happened on your earth."

"Accurately, this thing is happening in a world one level higher than us, and it is about to threaten the earth."

With a move in his heart, Ma Yuan blurted out and said, "Do you mean the king of the realm?

Jie Wang raised his head and looked at Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan now knew that he had lost his word and seemed to have been discovered by Jie Wang. However, Jie Wang's performance was very flat, and he didn't say much, just followed his own words. Went out.

"Just as there are gods on your earth managing human beings, on the level of our world king, there are also world king gods managing, and like our division of labor, it is divided into four world king gods of east, west, south, and north, and the big realm. King God."

"The gods of the realm have always made a great contribution to the protection of the peace of the universe. Often they are in the high-end situation that we can't feel, so this universe has not been destroyed by the evil that appeared."

The Realm King looked at Ma Yuandao intentionally or unintentionally: "In a previous battle, an extremely terrible evil force appeared, called the demon. This demon killed three Realm Kings, Great Realm. It took Wang Shen a lot of energy to seal it."

The voice of Jie Wang is very low. Although there is no modification in the words, Ma Yuan and Sun Wukong still feel the terrible atmosphere carried between the lines in the characters. Coming from a higher level of fighting, it is exciting to think about it.

Of course, the main reason for this passion is Sun Wukong. Ma Yuan already knew this, but what he didn't understand was why he was still attacking Shalu, and this demon ran out?

For the first time since Ma arrived in Dragon Ball World, he felt for the first time that things were beyond his expectations. As if everything was in advance, he had to quickly improve his strength.

"At present, the Lord of the Eastern Realm has contacted me and said that the evil Babidi is coming towards the earth with the seal of the devil Buu. He wants to use the energy of the earth to resurrect the demon Buu!" Jie Wang then said.

Ma Yuan frowned deeply at this moment. If the devil Buu was released, it would undoubtedly add to this moment's earth, and he and Sun Wukong could not hold so many people at the same time. arrival.

"Vegeta!" Ma Yuan suddenly thought of the name. In the plot, Vegeta was once deceived by Babidi and became a demon, so it is likely that Vegeta will be affected again!

No matter how dull Sun Wukong was, he was able to perceive the seriousness of the matter, and he could not help asking: "Master Jiejie, is there no way to stop that demon?"

"There is no way..." Jie Wang shook his head with regret, and immediately looked at Ma Yuan, who was caught in thought, and whispered in his heart: "If there is a way, it will only appear in you, which is invisible. On the boy, what the **** are you?"

"Ma Yuan, after we go back, let's solve the problem while Shalu is still not fully grown, so as to avoid our enemies in the back and forth, it will be difficult to do." Sun Wukong said.

Ma Yuanxin said that the demon can be more difficult to deal with than Sharu, but these two have never fought, I don’t know who is stronger or weaker. After all, Sharu still has a trick to absorb cells, just in case he finds an opportunity to absorb Buu. The cells of the two are really hard to tell.

"Wait!" Ma Yuan reacted suddenly. "Since we can't fight these two people at the same time, why don't we just let their dog bite the dog?"

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