Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 55: Death of Sharu

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Shalu finally stabilized his figure in the air, even though he was dull, he was able to find out that this was indeed his strength declining, not the strength of Ma Yuan suddenly leap.

"How is this possible?" Shalu looked at his hand and muttered.

It was almost a moment that Shalu broke into the **** from the beautiful feeling of invincibility in the world, and it was still so naked that Sharu was not given any chance to weaken his response. According to the current degree of weakening, it will not be long before he You won’t even be able to fly.

"I just looked at your state just like a virus in a computer. Perhaps the virus is multiplying fast, allowing you to save enough combat power, but that comes at the cost of damaging yourself." Ma Yuan sighed. .

In fact, it can be said that Shalu was given a pit once by Dr. Gro. Even if Shalu was not completely completed, he could not change Shalu to be able to devour the three man-made human beings at the same time as No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18.

The key lies in the material. If Sharu is still fighting like before, he may stop at Lightning Sharu, but he will never be weakened like this. The external instability of No. 16 makes him unprecedented. Powerful, the materials that make up his body can't bear it anymore.

"If you really want to say it, you can think of it as the complaints of No. 16, No. 17 and No. 18 in **** that made your body collapse." Ma Yuan shrugged.

Shalu lowered his hands, his red eyes were ablaze for a while, and his body landed slowly towards the ring. It was not that he didn't want to stay in the air, but his body was no longer allowed.

Ma Yuan shook his head and wiped off the blood at the corner of his mouth. This blood was forced by himself, otherwise how could it lead Sharu to continue to attack and finally fall into the slough of body collapse?

Everyone is silent. This entire game of Sharu seems to be an inexplicable drama. It is full of excitement. After the excitement, it is deeply ironic. The leader of the game is deeply restrained by the game and lost all.

"Shalu..." Ma Yuan fell from the sky. It was all about the fight. Ma Yuan naturally didn't want to bully a Shalu who didn't even have basic combat capabilities.

"Don't say it." Shalu raised his hand, and the redness in his eyes remained unchanged. For him, any comfort at the moment was a shame. How could he be proud to accept it?

"Uh, you think too much, I'm not here to comfort you, I just want to say that the bomb in your body will not explode because your strength fades, then the earth is still in crisis, this battle is white. Fight." Ma Yuan shrugged.

Sharu was silent for a long while, and looked up at Ma Yuan. This man who destroyed everything with one hand still seemed to smile heartlessly. Isn't he worried about detonating the bomb in his body?

"You made me feel surprised, how on earth can a person achieve this level?" Shalu tried to raise his hand, but an arc above his arm exploded directly, making his simple The idea was directly broken.

"If you can let us remove the bomb for you, maybe we can let Buma try to repair your body to see if it can guarantee the basic needs of life." Ma Yuandao.

Shalu Chihong's eyes flashed a light, but in a flash, he dimmed. He understood that repairing to meet the basic needs of life was already the limit. This virus-like thing will accompany his life.

"No, I can promise you not to detonate the bomb. This bomb will have no effect at all as long as I don't detonate. In return, you have to promise me one thing." Shalu said plainly.

"You said."

Shalu lowered his head slightly, as if still struggling, and finally let out a breath: "Kill me."

Ma Yuan was stunned for a while. He thought that Shalu would put forward some very difficult conditions, but he did not expect that he would let himself kill him. After all, Shalu changed his life in the official plot but he suddenly changed his life. .

But soon Ma Yuan was able to understand Sharu’s idea. Although Sharu detonated the bomb in his body, it was just the way he chose to fight Sun Gohan in the state of Super Saiyan. This bomb also It can be said that he is a means of attack.

But now Sharu can’t do anything but control his head. This is no longer unreconciled after being defeated, but has despair for the future. The death of choosing to detonate the bomb is undoubtedly suffocating and cowardly. , He will die on the battlefield!

"Promise him, Ma Yuan." Bick suddenly said, "As a strong man, if there is no prospect of becoming stronger, it is really more uncomfortable than killing him."

Ma Yuan nodded and took the turtle-style qigong posture, and the condensed qi surged between his hands. With this trick, he definitely had enough respect for Shalu.

"Unfortunately, I can't let you use all your strength. This is probably the last regret before my death." Shalu whispered gently, closing her eyes slowly.

"Turtle Qigong!" Ma Yuan's eyes flashed a light, firmly pushing the light ball out of his hand, and the light ball instantly expanded to form a light wave that could completely cover Sharu.

Shalu's body was quickly defeated by the Turtle Qigong. When he had only his head left, he suddenly felt a sudden terror that suddenly disappeared.

"It turns out so." Shalu smiled a little on his face. "Is this the answer you gave me?"

The light wave slowly calmed down, and Shalu had turned into a dust. I don’t know where the wind was blowing to this place. People in the future may only regard Shalu’s invasion as a post-meal talk. Did you tell a joke?

Satan was undoubtedly happiest to see that Shalu had been wiped out, and even felt a little conceited in his heart, thinking that he had solved Shalu without any effort, and the title of this hero could not escape.

"Cough, since Shalu has been solved, then let's go back and have a feast!" Satan suggested.

These reporters were also very happy, but they found out that Ma Yuan and others did not mean to leave. On the contrary, the atmosphere became even more tense.

"Mr. Satan, look at these people. They haven't meant to leave. What are they going to do?" The reporters asked cautiously.

"Well..." Satan couldn't figure it out, and suddenly clapped his hands, "I know, most of them are also waiting for the feast, but they are too inferior to dare to come over."

"Is it?" The reporters looked at Sun Wukong and Vegeta who walked to the ring, and their faces flashed with doubt. ,, ..

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