Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 56: The world is coming

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"The two of you wait a moment." Babidi suddenly said, preventing the fight between Sun Wukong and Vegeta. "Although Shalu is dead, in order to ensure peace between everyone, this kind of discussion is still in accordance with Let's play the game of Sharu."


Everyone glanced at him strangely. There was no change on the horse's face. Although he could not understand what Babidi was going to do, in the end his purpose was not to become. Knowing this, no matter what Babidi wanted It doesn't matter what tricks you play.

"Babidi, what the **** do you want to say?" Vegeta frowned. Although he became a demon, he did not completely surrender like Dapula.

"Vegeta! Pay attention to your tone of voice!" Dapula's face sank, and he couldn't help but kill this **** who didn't understand it at all.

Babidi smiled slightly, took out a crystal ball, and then said: "I just think the ground has been damaged so badly that I want to help you recover."

After that, the magic ball in Babidi's hands shot out a light, which enveloped the entire competition field. After a while, the ring destroyed by the battle between Ma Yuan and Shalu had returned to its original state.

"Okay, let's start the battle between you." Babidi withdrew the crystal ball. It seems that he really just recovered the ring during the process, and did not do other small moves.


Suddenly a young voice came, and with the shining light across the sky, two figures, one tall and one short, appeared beside the ring. They were all wearing strange costumes, and the tall one had long hair. The short one had a strange killing hairstyle.

"Jingwang God..." Ma Yuan recognized the identity of these two people, isn't that the king of the Eastern Realm King Shen and Jiebit that Jie Wang said on the road, but he didn't say anything, so as not to be questioned again .

Sean glanced at Ma Yuan secretly. As the King of the Realm, he knew everything, but the origin of this person was like a blank sheet of paper, which appeared out of thin air, making him care, but the things at hand were the most important. of.

"Jingwang God? It turns out that you can still catch up with the earth, I thought you were too scared to show up in the Jade King God Realm." Babidi mocked.

Sean's face angered, and then turned to Sun Wukong and Vegeta who were ready to fight and said: "Two, Babidi is the evil demon leader, he wants to absorb your energy as the resurrection demon Buu You should join forces with the outside world."

Vegeta's face was instantly gloomy. For him, the battle with Sun Wukong was what he dreamed of. He eagerly wanted to prove that he was stronger than Sun Wukong. What did the king of the world say and want them? Don't fight anymore? dream!

"Master Jieshen, we have already stood on the ring, we have to separate a victory and defeat." Sun Wukong said with a smile, "And isn't Babidi doing anything bad now? We pay attention to precautions Enough."

"You..." Sean gritted his teeth. "You don't know Buu's horror, but he killed several realm kings. If you fight big, you can stop Buu from resurrecting!"

"Unfortunately, I can't wait!" Vegeta shouted and rushed towards Sun Wukong, making Sun Wukong who wanted to explain a few words too late to speak.

"Master Wangshen, you don't have to worry so much. Babidi has planned for so long, it can't be stopped by just saying a few words. Even if the two of them stopped fighting, it won't change what Babidi wants. The determination to resurrect the demon Buu." Ma Yuan walked to Sean's side and said with a smile.

Seeing Ma Yuan approaching, Jabite immediately stood in front of Sean. His face was full of vigilance, and there was a meaning of direct disagreement when he had a discord.

Ma Yuan shrugged his shoulders. The God of the Realm and Jebbit could not defeat Shalu at all, and he could not pose a threat to him, but he was a **** after all, and he still had to give some face.

"Jiebit, leave it." Sean walked out of behind him, looked at Ma Yuan, and said lightly, "I heard the king of the world said to you, are you called Ma Yuan? Unknown people on earth. "

"You don't have to say this kind of thing if you don't know it." Ma Yuan said with a smile.

Sheen sighed and sighed: "As you said, Sun Wukong and Vegeta are Saiyan. It is basically impossible to stop them from fighting. We can only wait and see what has changed."

Ma Yuan patted him on the shoulder, comforting: "Relax, Buu can't turn a big wave."

Sean was stunned for a while. He had never been patted on the shoulder like this, but he did not have much annoyed emotions, but just looked at the anxious ring and murmured: "I hope. "

Sun Wukong and Vegeta were originally two people who met each other in the game. Originally, Vegeta's bravery did not follow him to practice in the spiritual time house. He was behind Sun Wukong, but he strangely accepted the magic power of Babidi. He had a battle with Sun Wukong.

During the talk, both Sun Wukong and Vegeta had become the original Super Saiyan version. The two golden qis were rolling against each other. Surging again!

Babidi looked at the anger that had disappeared and disappeared, and raised a mysterious smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Kakarot, your biggest shortcoming is that you are too arrogant. You obviously have more powerful power than this, but you have to hide it. Why don't you just fight it!" Vegeta said angrily. .


Sun Wukong was punched in the face by Vegeta, his body flew some distance, he rubbed his face, and then said: "Compared to this, I want to ask why you accept this power, I don’t believe in acting You, the Prince of Saiyan, will abandon your arrogance and accept strengths that are not yours."

Vegeta waved his hand: "Before accepting this power, I fought with Dapura and was defeated by him, before being planted by the demon power."


Ma Yuan is speechless, you can express your meaning clearly, and then look at Dapura, the battle is clearly just an excuse to comfort yourself to accept that power.

"Is that so?" Sun Wukong didn't have much doubt, but just nodded, "Since that's the case, I will come up with some real skills."

"Ha!" Sun Wukong yelled, his body's qi rose again, and a ray of electricity appeared beside his body, his eyes colder.

"Super Saiyan II?" Sun Wufan looked at Sun Wukong's current state, and naturally knew that he could reach Super Saiyan II himself, but compared to him, Sun Wukong's breath seemed more powerful and stable, full of oppression force!

"Humph!" Vegeta sneered, and also began to explode his qi, the breath also increased several times, and there was a flash of electric light on his body, which was almost the same as Sun Wukong!

"It's worthy of Vegeta, even turned into Super Saiyan II." Sun Wukong smiled lightly, he felt the blood was boiling.


The two disappeared at the same time, and the next moment, they began to enter a crazy battle again. ,, ..

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