Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 57: Babidi's Conspiracy (Part 1)

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Rao is the crowd who saw Sun Wufan turned into a Super Saiyan, but when he saw the battle between Wu Wukong and Vegeta, he would feel the power of earthshaking.

This game is better than the first two games. There are more or less crushing scenes in the first two games. There is no crush between Sun Wukong and Vegeta, as long as one side relaxes a little. , Another convenience is to return to the Thunder!

"It's worthy of Vegeta, who was able to fight Sun Wukong for so long in the state of the devil." Ma Yuan nodded slightly, he knows the strength of Sun Wukong today, but Vegeta can't fall off the wind at all, and it's also a little out of the way. Just as he expected.

The strong men present were all moved for this battle. The leaked breath only made the ground tremble, the ring has long been distorted, and Babidi’s previous repairs changed in less than a few seconds. Become tattered.

Ordinary people like Satan can only watch the thunderous sounds in the sky, and there are still a staggered array of electro-optical lights, and then when one face is forced, one or two light bombs may fly out, annoying them Jifeigou jumped up.

"Mr. Satan, won't you be able to go out and stop them? Shalu has already been killed, what else is there to fight?" A female reporter leaned on the sand and leaned beside Satan, looking forward expectantly. Asked.

Satan feels bitter in his heart, and the great gods fight, and it’s good to see him next to me, and let me go up together, isn’t that death?

"Mr. Satan!" The female reporter moved closer, and the microphone was almost stuffed into Satan's mouth.

"I... I got it." Satan ran a few steps forward quickly, and he didn't realize that he was very close to the ring until he found the reporters getting further and further away from him.


Vegeta suddenly appeared on the ring, leaned his hands back, and then slammed forward. The thick light wave directly crossed a huge ditch above the ring. Its goal was... Satan? !

Satan was so frightened that he didn't move at all, staring at the sky cannon coming towards himself, and he ran away when he clearly wanted to pull his leg, but his feet seemed to be rooted on the ground, and there was no room for movement.

"It's over!" Satan couldn't help closing his eyes, leaving only this thought in his heart.


Suddenly, the figure of Sun Wukong appeared on the path of the skyrocket. He saw that he stretched out his hands and stopped the skyrocket directly. Then he snorted and guided the skyrocket directly to the sky.

"I didn't expect you to be able to see my next move, which really surprised me." Sun Wukong blew his hand and once again made an attacking gesture, his face was full of excitement, this battle turned out to be The more interesting.

Satan closed his eyes and waited for a long time, but still did not wait for the huge pain to come. He secretly opened one eye to see, and found that the two people on the stage stood in a pile again, ignoring him. meaning.

"It turned out to be a coincidence." Satan thought so, but his foot was a little faster. He ran directly to Ma Yuan and others. Even if he is stupid, he must know that it is safest to stand on the side of the earth. of.

Ma Yuan looked at Satan and was rather helpless. This Satan was not a traitor. He was just greedy for his reputation, but this man was able to conquer Buu by mistake. Talk about making people fool around.

Both Sun Wukong and Vegeta's qi are raised to the limit. At this level, Sun Wukong should lead a bit, and the collision between them is mostly dominated by Sun Wukong. Vegeta gradually has a defeat.

Suddenly Vegeta stopped, and his face was calm. He could not understand Sun Wukong. He quickly pulled back some distance and wondered: "Vegeta, why are you stopping?"

Vegeta reached out his hand and said lightly: "The devil's power I borrowed has reached its limit and cannot be improved any more."

Sun Wukong's face was amazed. He didn't know why Vegeta suddenly said this. He couldn't help frowning and said: "Do you say Vegeta..."

"Humph! Don't be kidding, I won't admit defeat to you!" Vegeta shouted with a rage on his face.

"So what do you mean?" Sun Wukong scratched his head.

Vegeta was silent for a while, whispering something, and Sun Wukong froze for a moment, then put away a look of laughter, and said aloud: "Do you really want to choose this way?"

"Do I have any other choice?" Vegeta suddenly straightened his body, and his whole body was shaken. Ma Yuan could feel that Vegeta had adjusted all his qi.

"What is this for?" Ma Yuan felt a little weird. He didn't hear Vegeta's words just now. The two men seemed to make certain agreements when they were unknown.

Sun Wukong was silent for a while, and suddenly burst his anger to the limit too. A terrible blast burst from between him and Vegeta, and the already fragile ring broke down directly.

Sharu’s only thing left in this world also disappeared, turned into gravel dust, and Sun Wukong and Vegeta are still accumulating energy, they seem to be determined by one blow!

"Cakarot!" Vegeta shouted and his body disappeared instantly!

"Vegeta!" Sun Wukong's figure also disappeared.

Only the two still terrible forces are still affecting everything around the ground. The ground collapsed directly, and a red magma burst out from between the cracks and rushed into the sky!


The figures of Sun Wukong and Vegeta finally appeared. Their fists were stretched out almost at the same time. The terrifying forces confronted each other. There was a loud noise between the bones. Several lavas spewed out of the cracks around them. Like a flying dragon!



Buma and Kiki in front of the TV almost jumped in front of the TV at the same time. Although these two women are very strong, they are also full of worry about their husbands.

Ma Yuan felt the flow of gas in the magma, and there was a sudden color on his face. "It turns out that the agreement between them is this! But... is that person really not prepared at all?"


"Turtle Qigong!"

Two thick waves of light ripped apart the magma, blended together, and went directly towards a goal!

Babidi watched the two attacks getting closer and closer to him, a grinning smile flashed on his face, and the crystal ball appeared again in his hand, "I already knew that you never thought of obeying me."

"So let you contribute to Buu's resurrection!" With a grin on Babidi's face, the crystal ball gave out an amazing light! ,, ..

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