Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 58: Babidi's Conspiracy (Part 2)

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The already destroyed ring suddenly combined into a weird figure. In any case, there was an iconic "M" symbol on the figure. It can be expected that this must be the magic array created by Babidi!

"I knew that Babidi wouldn't be so kind to repair the ring!" Sean's face was angry, "He placed this magic array at the feet of Sun Wukong and Vegeta, and could absorb the power of both of them to resurrect. Buu!"

Ma Yuan looked over, and the two attacks between Sun Wukong and Vegeta seemed to encounter any natural enemies, melted like bubbles, and then fell into the magic circle above the ground!

"Damn it!" Vegeta originally fought with the consequences of his death after killing Babidi. As a result, his preparations seemed to have been watched by Babidi long ago. Transparent!

"Jabbit, let's go!" Sheen shouted, and flew directly with Jabbit to find Babidi, but Babidi didn't care about these two people at all, just a look, a tall figure. It was in the way of the two of them.

"Dapura!" There was a flash of anger on Sean's face. It was obviously unrealistic to bypass Dapura to attack Babidi. As Babidi's most loyal guard, his strength is undoubtedly strong. If this were not the case, Babidi would probably not keep him by his side.

"If you want to talk to Lord Babidi in the past, pass me first!" Dapura's throat exuded a dark red light, as if to be a sign of petrified saliva.

The power of Sean and Jabbit is only a little stronger than that of the Super Saiyan. Anyway, the chance of the two of them trying to beat Dapura is only zero, unless they are again. Fit.

Sun Wukong and Vegeta were surrounded by the magic circle, and the two exploded desperately to get rid of it. However, those qi were quickly absorbed by the magic circle below, just for Buu's resurrection made a wedding dress.

Both Vegeta and Sun Wukong gave up the idea of ​​exploding qi again. They changed back to their original state, and the speed of absorbing their power slowed down.

"Maybe when we were fighting, this thing had absorbed a lot of our power." Vegeta wanted to destroy the magic circle with physical power, but it had no effect.

"I obviously felt that I was weakened. This feeling is really a bit weird." Sun Wukong moved his body and exclaimed.

"Fool!" Vegeta shouted angrily, "What are you still aftertaste at this time!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Sun Wukong said with a smile on his face. "But things are happening now. Even if you are angry, it's useless. You might as well save your physical strength and prepare to deal with Buu."

Sun Wufan saw that his father and Vegeta hadn’t had any meaning yet. He was anxious and flew directly towards Babidi. Ma Yuan still didn’t shoot. At this time, Buu’s resurrection energy I'm afraid it's almost full.

"Satan, don't you run away?" Ma Yuan looked at Satan aside, with a flirtatious taste, "A monster that is more terrible than Sharu will come out in a while."

When Satan heard it, his feet were soft, and he almost didn't sit directly on the ground. He had wanted to go back to a safe place behind him. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the cameras in the hands of the reporters facing here.

Satan weighed it a bit, after all, he stood silently and didn't leave. Ma Yuan looked at him and was startled. The man's eyes were all red. This was how scared he was.

On the other side, Sun Wufan has already arrived on the battlefield. Dapura, who is unable to do anything about Sean and Jabbit, is defeated by his men. Son Gohan is not psychologically afraid anymore.

"Sun Wufan!" Dapura naturally saw Sun Wufan, and rushed up as soon as his figure moved, leaving a gap directly to the realm gods Xien and Jiebit.

"Ha!" Sun Wufan directly became Super Saiyan II. This transformation is not a short-lived one. The blood of the Saiyan can remember the power he once had. Perhaps this is also Vegeta's choice of the devil. One of the reasons for the imprint.

A trace of annoyance flashed in Babidi's eyes, but it was more a pity that without Dapla's obstruction, Sean and Jabbit arrived in front of Babidi almost instantly.

"Babidi, if you want to live, quickly untie the magic circle, and then seal Buu again, you will go back to the realm of God Realm with me!" Sean snapped.

"I said God of the Realm, who would agree to your negotiation like this?" Babidi carried his hands on his hands and did not take the words of God of the Realm at all, "Are you treating me like a fool or you are too stupid yourself?" What about?"

"Dare to insult Master Wangshen!" Jaybit stared, and immediately wanted to take care of this incredible Babidi.

"Slow down, Jabbit!" Sean gritted his teeth, no matter how much he hated the Babidi, who had almost annihilated the Realm King Realm, but as the Realm King, his duty was to create, not destroy.

"Oh? Why, don't Lord Realm King dare to kill me?" Babidi's face had a fearless smile, and he knew the urine of these Realm Kings too well.

"He doesn't dare, I dare." Bick didn't know when he appeared in front of Babidi, and with his hand stretched out, he grabbed Babidi's neck and lifted him up.

"You..." Babidi was speechless. Although he was a powerful magician, his fighting ability was very weak, so he would know by looking at his figure.

"Are you... the **** of the earth?" Sheen felt the breath of Bick's body a little and realized that, she suddenly broke Bick's identity.

"Maybe you call me the Great Demon King, and I will be happier." Bick said lightly, "So, what should this person do with it, kill him directly?"

"No, we still need him to lift the magic circle. If it develops according to the current situation, I am afraid that Buu's resurrection is in sight." Sean shook his head.

Bick was not good to oppose the opinion of the King of the Realm. He directly put Babidi down and pushed him to the edge of the ring, urging: "Quickly remove the magic circle."

"Relieved?" The released Babidi seemed to have changed, with a wild smile on the corner of his mouth, stretched out his two small hands, and said coldly, "It's a pity that it can't be relieved, the strongest The devil is going to Su,...

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