Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 72: Ma Yuan's forced breakthrough! (on)

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This transformation of Ma Yuan is not really a super-Earth as he said. In fact, he still borrowed the super Saiyan's method of change. No, to be precise, it should be simulated with milky white energy.

As a white energy with great tolerance and plasticity, Ma Yuan only succeeded with a little try, but in terms of his current ability, he can only achieve the second form, the threshold of the third stage is not yet Feel it.

Rao is so, his power has increased several times to more than ten times than before, absolutely no less than Super Saiyan 3 or Little Buu.

"Boom Boom..."

There were constant explosions in the sky, and the battle between Ma Yuan and Xiao Buu became hot in an instant. Due to the improvement of his own strength, Ma Yuan could feel that his movements and speed could keep up with Xiao Buu. .

Every punch of Xiao Buu was able to be caught by Ma Yuan, and then Ma Yuan applied a more powerful counterattack, mainly relying on the confrontation of the fists and feet. The two could not hold each other, and everyone wanted to completely kill the other side. Suppress.

"Your appearance makes me feel very interesting." Ma Yuan looked at Xiao Buou's serious look and couldn't help but laugh out loudly. At this time, the confidence in his heart is also very important.

But apparently Ma Yuan's abacus was defeated. Let's not say whether Xiao Buou could understand it. Just to see that he was sullenly attacking, he knew that he had not given up any ideas that could kill him.

Ma Yuan sipped, and the milky white energy formed a barrier, pushing Xiao Buou out. The dazzling light made Xiao Buou unable to close his eyes, but when he opened his eyes, he saw a A thick beam of light appeared in front of my eyes.

"Turtle Qigong!"

With a chill in his eyes, Xiao Buou couldn't hide at such a short distance, but he wasn't afraid of Ma Yuan's attack, he fought back, and a purple light in his hand sent Qigong like a turtle. Internal injection.

Ma Yuan's heart jumped, and his head was slightly tilted, the purple mang was swept from his face, and the mountain not far away was shattered into pieces!

Being disturbed by such a burst, Ma Yuan was no longer able to maintain the Qigong movement of the Turtle School. Not only that, he also had a moist feeling on his face, and he stretched out his hand and his hands were bright red.

Ma Yuan put his hand down, not to mention the fiery pain on his face. His eyes, which seemed indifferent at first, became a bit irritated, and said lightly: "Good job, I did not expect that I have strengthened my strength and have not been able to Oppress your full strength."

Xiao Buu smiled evilly, and mocked his finger at Ma Yuan. For him, Ma Yuan finally brought him more fun than destroying a planet.

Ma Yuan snorted and stepped forward again, again making turtle-style qigong moves, and even more blatant than just now, directly exposing himself to Xiao Buu's sight!

"This fool can't succeed with a cover, how can he put it on the face to let Xiao Buu see!" Vegeta burst into flames, but he still shut up and said nothing, this is someone else He did not have the qualification to speak.

But Sun Wukong seemed to see a little clue. After all, many of Ma Yuan's tricks were learned from him. He couldn't help but show a strange look on his face and muttered: "How do I feel a bit inexplicably familiar?"

Xiao Buou snarled and stood in excitement with great excitement. He saw that Ma Yuan's starting style was the fun beam of light just now, and a purple light flowed slowly between his fingers.

"Guipai Qigong..." Ma Yuan looked at Xiao Buou and raised a sneer in the corner of his mouth, saying one word after another.

Suddenly, Ma Yuan's figure disappeared in place, but the next moment appeared in front of Xiao Buou, the turtle-style Qigong in his hand directly pressed **** Xiao Buou's body!


A thick beam of light directly submerged Xiao Buou, and his body was pulled and deformed in that beam of light, and finally it was finally bombarded into some fragments, and fell down weakly from the sky. .

Xiao Buu's breath suddenly disappeared. Sun Wufan and others all felt the change in this breath. They couldn't help but look excited on their faces, "Wukong they successfully defeated the devil Buu!"

"Great! Earth's crisis has been lifted!" Klin jumped up. He had an easy-going character in his bones. It would be the best result for him to avoid the crisis.

Bick breathed a sigh of relief, and he also showed a smile of relief in his indifference. At this moment, his figure seemed to coincide with the **** who had left the world, but this expression disappeared in a moment. Too.

After Klin and others were excited, they noticed that Sun Wufan became confused after the initial excitement. When everyone was cheering and celebrating, his expression was somewhat wrong.

Bick patted Sun Gohan's shoulder and said, "Gohan, what are you thinking, why not happy?"

Sun Wufan frowned and said, "If the devil Buu was really killed, why didn't the original brother let his anger out? And neither of them came flying with his father."

"This..." Kelin and others looked at each other. This is indeed a very weird place. Ma Yuan's qi is like the Yaoyang in the sky. They don't feel it either. The momentum has no signs of weakening at all.

In fact, not only did Sun Wufan find the problem, but Vegeta and Sun Wukong, who were still on the battlefield, could not understand it either.

The two were first surprised by the perfect effect of Ma Yuan's turtle-style Qigong and instantaneous movement, and immediately saw Ma Yuan's complexion looking at the debris on the ground.

"Boom! Boom..."

Vegeta saw Ma Yuan start to hit the fragments on the ground with light bombs, frowning. He didn't understand why he had already destroyed Xiao Buu into fragments and why he still wanted to do this kind of whip corpse.

Sun Wukong directly shouted: "What are you doing Ma Yuan? Isn't Xiao Buu already dead? He can't be resurrected through Dragon Ball, there is no need to completely destroy his body?"

The movement of Ma Yuan's hand stopped, he pointed to the crumbling pieces underneath, and smiled bitterly: "Who tells you he is dead?"

not dead?

Sun Wukong and Vegeta looked at the pieces at the same time. I saw that the pieces gathered together, and the terrible evil that had already disappeared appeared again! ,, ..

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