Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 73: Ma Yuan's forced breakthrough! (in)

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The appearance of Fat Buu made Xiao Buu very hot, so big that he had no time to pay attention to the Ma Yuan who had begun to silently try to break through to the next form, and there was no possibility of interrupting Ma Yuan's breakthrough.

If no one bothered him at the time, Sun Wukong would not be able to break through to Super Saiyan III in a rage, but there are not so many ifs in this world.

Judging from the state of Sun Wukong and the cognition of Sun Wukong by these people on the earth, even if a vitality bomb is produced, he does not know how big it can be, and it may not be able to destroy Buu. Is body.

Ma Yuan scratched his head, the milky white energy returned to his body, his white hair turned back to black hair, and he sighed, "It's very tiring to carry the responsibility..."

Symbolically speaking, Ma Yuan landed on the ground, looked at the two madly bumping Buu in the sky, and then slowly closed his eyes, the breath gathered.

This change of Ma Yuan immediately aroused the attention of Vegeta and others who had been far away from here. The blaze like Yaoyang was getting smaller and smaller, even under the influence of the Battle of Buu. I can't feel it at all.

"Uncle Vegeta, is it the original brother..." Sun Wufan's face appeared a little uneasy. If even Ma Yuan failed, who could stop Buu?

Vegeta pondered for a while, and slowly shook his head: "I don't know. Although Ma Yuan's qi is very weak, he can't feel it, at least it's not life-threatening."

The **** of the realm, Shion, looked at the two pink figures in the sky, chasing, and comforted: "In any case, Buu seems to have a problem inside, they have no free time to control the horse."

Sun Wukong barely raised his hand and touched Sun Wufan's head, and said with a smile: "Ma Yuan's strength is stronger than me, I believe he will not lose."

Vegeta squinted at the smile on Sun Wukong's face, and suddenly asked, "Kakarot, do you know anything?"

Sun Wukong paused, looked at Vegeta, and nodded: "Maybe Ma originally thought to follow the same path as me."

"You mean... breaking through to Super Saiyan III? Is this possible?" Vegeta said with surprise, he still couldn't believe that a Ma Yuan who was not a Saiyan was able to walk in front of them in this respect. went?

Sun Wukong said with a bitter smile: "You seem to be too difficult for me to ask you this question, but in terms of my experience, Super Saiyan 3 is indeed a very terrible force, and it should almost be the limit of the state we can reach at present. "

"But..." Bick also understood, but he didn't understand why Ma Yuan had such a choice.

"Bou has an immortal body. Presumably Buu's breath suddenly disappeared and appeared suddenly for this reason." Sean waved his hand.

"Yes, Ma Yuan had broken Buu into pieces before, but he still could not kill him completely. I can see that Ma Yuan did not keep his hand, but..." Vegeta shook his head.

"So all we can do now is believe in Ma Yuan!" Sun Wukong grinned and said, "After all, without him, I can't even get into the threshold of Super Saiyan II, let alone the Super Saiyan. Three things."

"You mean Ma Yuan told you that there is Super Saiyan III?" Vegeta raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Sun Wukong nodded. "Sometimes I also wonder who is the real Saiyan between us and him."

Everyone looked at each other, they all remembered the mystery of Ma Yuan bit by bit and the magical means they showed. They both nodded slightly and deeply agreed with Sun Wukong's words.

However, Ma Yuan, who is the center of their discussion, is now in a difficult situation. Although he has more time than Sun Wukong, his ability lies in simulation rather than deduction.

Sun Wukong can deduce the process of entering Super Saiyan III based on the process of breaking into Super Saiyan II and the trait of Super Saiyan transforming into anger. Give him some more time, maybe he can really succeed.

"But this milky white gas in my body is not mobilized by anger, just like the energy of my body itself, there is no trace to find, even if it is enhanced, I have not found it at all."

"So what exactly is needed to break through to the next form?"

The energy in Ma Yuan’s body is constantly being mobilized to try, and even he is trying to simulate the anger of the Super Saiyan, but he is not a Super Saiyan after all, so there is no way to really understand that trait. .

At the time of Ma Yuan's various attempts, the battle between Fat Buu and Xiao Buu was almost over.

Even if Fat Buu knows that this is an ontology, he still stubbornly thinks that he is an ontology. As long as he devours him, there is only one demon Buu in the world.

Of course, Xiao Buu will not let Fat Buu's ideas succeed. Before he devoured the Great Realm King God, he caused a crack in his evil heart, and then a fat man who opposed him appeared. He couldn't absorb the fat man back!

Although this fat man's body contains a part of Xiao Bu's own strength, it is harmless. With these strengths, he can also destroy and kill as much as he wants in the universe!


Xiao Buou shouted lowly, and a purple man appeared in his hand, as if he was giving Fat Buu an ultimatum. If Fat Buu continued to struggle, he would not mind shooting to destroy him.

Fat Buu's face tightened, and his tight facial features were like being punched together. He also knew that he was not Xiao Bu's opponent, but now he has become a kind body, he will not allow it Xiao Buu continued to act like this.

Fat Buu shook his head slowly, and the next moment he found a figure slammed into his arms, and a dull purple mango burst out, drowning him!


Fat Buu was beaten far away. He was scorched black, and he fell into the sand, his life and death unknown. Beside him, Satan opened his mouth wide and didn’t know what to do.

After Xiao Buou cleared up the fat Buu, he snorted and looked at Ma Yuan again. The toy he liked so much changed back to its original appearance, and his breath was weaker than before.

"Things that don't bring fun have no value in existence." Perhaps with this idea, a purple light popped into his hand. The dark purple mansions made people feel diminished, and even make People feel the call of death...

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