Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 74: Ma Yuan's forced breakthrough! (under)

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Buu gently squeezed the flare in his hand, as if not playing with a dangerous flare in his hand, but as if playing with a large tennis ball, his expression looked relaxed and freehand.

This is already considered Buu to give Ma Yuan a chance. When did he hesitate to destroy something, but he was still waiting, hoping that Ma Yuan could open his eyes and play with him for a while.


Buu seemed to have run out of patience. He threw out the long-stood light bomb in his hand and caused a violent explosion above the ground. The yellow sand was full and wrapped Ma Yuan's body directly.

"Huh?" Xiao Buou had a weird look on his face. He originally wanted to scare Ma Yuan with this light flare so that Ma Yuan could notice his existence, so the light flare was deliberately deflected.

After the fall of Huang Sha, a huge pit appeared next to Ma Yuan, and Ma Yuan already had a lot of yellow sand on his body, which looked a bit embarrassed, but his eyes were still closed, no One point to open.

Xiao Buou touched his head and waved his hand. Dozens of light bombs appeared again in front of him. He tapped gently with his fingers, and a light ball flew out in the direction he wanted. Ma Yuan's surroundings exploded again.

"叽!" Xiao Buu saw that Ma Yuan still didn't move at all. He couldn't help but feel that he was only playing the role of teasing others, but this person dared to ignore him!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The explosions were endless, and even Vegeta, who hid far away, and others heard the horrible explosions. From time to time, the light and dark rays could be seen interlaced, and the earth shivered violently.

"Ah!" Klin didn't pay attention, and almost fell from the crack that suddenly cracked on the ground. Fortunately, Sun Wufan grabbed his hand and pulled it up.

"Thank you for Gohan." Klin wiped the sweat on his forehead, thanked Sun Gohan, then looked at the sky solemnly and muttered, "Is Buu planning to destroy the earth directly?" "

"I don't think so." Sean shook his head. "Although I don't know what happened there, I can feel that Buu's shots are heavier than before. It should be Ma Yuan who angered him."

"That means..." Jabbit said horrificly, "Buu has gradually lost his patience?"

"Yes." Sean sighed. Although he didn't want to admit it, he still doesn't have the ability to prevent the destruction of the earth, so he can only watch it obediently.

"In my capsule company, there is still a spaceship, which allows us to temporarily hide in the universe for a while, and wait until the earth crisis is lifted before returning!" Buma suggested.

"No need." Sean waved his hand. "I will take you to the Realm of God Realm. I believe that the ancestors will not blame me for this matter."

"But Lord Realm King!" Jiebit stretched out his hand. It seemed that he wanted to stop Sean's decision. As a result, Sean waved his hand and directly told Jabit not to speak.

"Among the realm of realm king, there is another realm of realm king. I can't pull it up, maybe...these people can do it." Sean looked at Vegeta and others with a face on his face With a smile.

"Then this is the case!" Buma made a decision. "We will flee to the realm of the realm king, if the earth is destroyed, we will use the dragon ball on the Nemesis to restore it!"

Sun Wuhan hesitated for a while, and then said, "How will the original brother escape?"

"On this point," Sean reached out and pointed out, "I will pay attention to everything here on the realm of the realm king, and then I will be able to instantly come to Ma Yuan's side and save him."

"That's fine." Sun Wufan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Let's go!" Buma shouted.

Sean glanced at these people, nodded slightly, his fingers flicked slightly, and everyone turned into a dazzling light group, and instantly disappeared in place. By the way, he even took away Fat Buu and Satan.

Xiao Buou felt the power surge at the moment when the King of the Realm left, looked at this side, his heart was very annoyed, and then stared at the one who only had a pair of feet and only stood on one person. The man on the slender stone pillar.


Xiao Buu once again condensed a light bomb in his hand. This time he did not rush to throw the light bomb out, but raised it over his head, and the violent evil power suddenly poured in. This The light bomb instantly became full dozens of meters in diameter!

Perhaps it was because of the power of terror that Ma Yuan's eyelids could not help but flick, but there was still no sign of opening.


Xiao Buu roared, and threw down the huge lightbulb. The purple-black light reflected on Ma Yuan's face, looking very strange.

That extremely oppressive force fell so little, it exhaled a trembling breath, and the earth seemed to tremble and sob because of such a terrible force.


The gusty wind rolled up layers of sand waves along with the movement of this light projectile, and the stone pillar at the foot of Ma Yuan finally couldn't hold the last spine, and directly broke apart, and Ma Yuan stood so blankly The ground was motionless.

"Humph!" Xiao Buou's voice came from his nasal cavity. He slammed at the flare, and he saw that the flare's compression speed became faster. Entirely shrouded in it!


The sound of tooth-pounding rupture came. Before the light bomb exploded, it was undoubtedly an extremely unbearable weight for the land here, and a series of cracks extended from its drop to the distance.


A shocking explosion sounded just after that, and the air wave overturned the ground almost all over, a huge mushroom cloud emerged from the explosion, and the red magma was sprayed out.

This terrible effect, like the meteorite hitting the earth, made this area into a miserable state of human purgatory. People on the earth felt the horrible shaking feeling, and countless buildings shattered. Many people were killed in the sudden earthquake.

"The end of the world is here!" Many people exclaimed in shock.

As the initiator of all this, Xiao Buou was looking at the depth of the mushroom cloud with a trace of doubt. He seemed to feel that at the moment when the light bomb exploded, a white light like electricity seemed to turn this light instantly. Bounce cut in half!

With a cold expression on his lips, Xiao Buou was still the first time he had expectations for something, for example...the person who seems to be alive in the mushroom cloud! ,, ..

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