Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 75: Restrained anger

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As soon as Sun Wukong and others arrived at the Realm King Realm, they couldn't help letting the Realm King Sean get out the images on the earth. Even if Buu had destroyed the earth, they would have to see it with their own eyes to be assured!

"Jabbit, help them get out a light curtain to watch." Sean commanded, then glanced in the crowd, and finally focused on Sun Wuhan.

Sun Wufan looked left and right for a while, only to find out that Lord Realm King Realm was pointing at himself. He couldn't help but wonder, and asked, "Master Realm King Realm, are you looking for me?"

Sean nodded slightly and said, "Come with me and try to see if you can pull up the realm king sword."

After Sun Wukong had eaten the last fairy bean, his physical strength had recovered, and he jumped directly from the ground and said loudly: "Okay! Realm King God, what kind of Realm King God Sword will let me pull it out for you!" "

"Humph! I think it's up to me to pull it out, you step back, Kakarot!" Vegeta waved his hand with a trace of frost on his face.

Seeing his father’s appearance, Tenex couldn’t help but want to climb from Buma’s arms towards Vegeta’s body. Buma failed to hug him, only to watch Tenax climb to Vegeta Head up.

"Both of you will save yourself." Sean said lightly, "You are not needed now. If Sun Wufan can't pull out the sword, you will use your power."

"Your power is the most powerful combat force I know now. Your power must be used on the blade and where we need it most!"

Sean’s words were already very clear. The people subconsciously turned their attention to the fat Buu who was being taken care of by Satan. This Buu needed a strong man to monitor. In addition, if something else happened, Vegeta and Sun Wukong One of them must also join the battle!

"Understood." Vegeta's head turned relatively quickly, and he sat directly on the ground, holding Tennix above his head and holding it in his arms.

Although Sun Wukong didn't understand it very well, Kiki pulled her ears aside and took a lesson. I was afraid that there was no way to think about the sword.

"Come with me." Sean looked at Sun Wufan and nodded. Sun Wufan quickly followed.

Jiebit opened a light curtain, showing the light of the stars, and saw that his hand gently waved a few times, and those lights instantly expanded and became stars, dazzling.

In the end, the picture was finally fixed on a planet that made everyone feel strange and familiar. Everyone couldn't help standing up, and Qi Qi also forgot to continue to reprimand Sun Wukong.

"This... this is..." Buma murmured, "has the earth been destroyed?"

Wherever the eyes of the people were, the earth was split open, and the red light was visible everywhere, even if they could not hear the sound, they could feel the wailing of the pain and despair of the earth people above!

Sun Wukong took a deep breath and sat down to the front, looking at Jabbit: "Let us look at the situation of Ma Yuan and Buou, they are the key to everything."

Jabbit nodded and nodded on the surface of the broken earth, and that spot instantly enlarged to reveal the sky-high mushroom cloud and the little Buu standing in the sky.

Under the mushroom cloud is a huge red hole, where the violent magma is trying to spray out, and there is no shadow of Ma Yuan!

"Does Ma Yuan already..." Buma's face was white, and there were some crying in his tone.

"Stupid..." Vegeta shook his head and said coldly, "If Ma Yuan died, would Buu still stand motionless in the sky? Can the earth barely linger?"


Xiao Buou’s eyes swept through the red magma. He did not see Ma Yuan’s body. Although it is not ruled out that Ma Yuan had been blown into powder, he was more convinced of the coldness he saw. The white light is not an illusion!


Xiao Buou shouted. He was disgusted that someone was playing tricks in front of him. Now he just wanted to pull Ma Yuan's body out of the thick magma and destroy it completely!

"It seems that you are a little impatient." The young man's faint voice sounded behind Xiao Buou, and Xiao Buu turned around suddenly, his eyes just meeting Ma Yuan's cold milky pupils!

Although the white eyes and pupils almost become a color, but the eyes of Ma Yuan's eyes make people feel very cold and can be easily distinguished from the white eyes. It is not the same as the super Saiyan's outgoing anger. This should be It counts as a restrained anger.

However, generally speaking, the more you suppress the anger, the more terrifying it will be. The appearance of Ma Yuan at this moment does not seem to be different from the previous state. Even those electro-optical lights have disappeared, as if they were dyed with white hair. Non-mainstream youths wearing color lenses are generally.

At the moment of looking at each other, Xiao Buu subconsciously stepped back, and he immediately reacted. He could only express his dissatisfaction with his grotesque behavior.

Ma Yuan raised his head and slightly ticked the corner of his mouth. Not only did it not make people feel like a spring breeze, but it also made people feel a little chill out of thin air.

"Let you wait for a long time, I almost forgot that my power is called Super Earth Man." Ma Yuan looked at his palm, the majestic power in his body was roaring, ready to rush out of the body at any time!

In fact, Ma Yuan did not find an opportunity to break through to the next stage at the last minute, and it is impossible to learn the transformation of the Saiyan.

However, when he was about to give up, and then left the place, he heard the wailing from the people on the earth, the pain from the earth itself, and the long suppressed anger.

An electric light flashed from Ma Yuan's mind. He understood that the milky power of his body should actually be some kind of intrinsic power. It represented not only peace and simulation characteristics, but also the perception of the surrounding environment. The power contained.

So Ma Yuan broke through and came back with revenge with the suppressed anger of the whole earth. With his eyes closed, he could see the desperate expression on the faces of the people who were affected. Their hands stretched out towards blood and fire with a kind of Very unwilling spiritual power.

"Now..." Ma Yuan took a deep breath and stepped out. The whole space seemed to be frozen by an extremely cold force, and even Xiao Buu was not spared.

Ma Yuan's body suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Buou. The milky white pupils seemed to be solidified by Bing Ling, and said lightly: "Are you ready to pay the debt?"

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