Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 78: The last trick! (on)

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"Ah ha ha……"

The old man rushed to Kiki and Buma's side in an instant, and hearts burst out of his eyes, shouting: "If every time she was sealed, two women could be waiting for me outside, then I recognized this treatment. !"


The old man squatted down with the big bag on his head. Buma's hand still held a fist tightly. A few black lines emerged from her forehead, suppressing her anger. "I don't know why, this old man The guy gave me an inexplicable sense of familiarity."

At this time, an old man who was nervously watching the yoga program in the TV on the island of the earth suddenly sneezed, and in suspense, continued to watch the TV program with a very nervous mood.

Sheen saw a pair of earrings above the old man's ears at a glance, and said in surprise: "Where are you from?"

"What are you, yours, I know your ancestors!" The old man stood up directly, glaring at him, "You little bunny got me locked in that broken sword for so long!"

After some exchanges, the **** of the old world exchanged information with Sean, and there were many important messages.

One is the old king of the realm because it was calculated by a bad guy, which was sealed in the realm of the king of the realm. The two are the earrings of the realm of the king of the realm have the function of making the wearer fit. The third...

"Magic Buu?" The old man wondered, and then looked before the light curtain. His eyes seemed to have traveled through many unknown light years, feeling the soaring power of the two fighting people.

"Wow! How could these two guys be so powerful? No, no, this way, the whole universe will be destroyed by them!" The God of the Old World screamed and jumped away.

"Old ancestors, don't we have no way to wait for the results here?" Sean smiled bitterly. "Originally we thought we could kill Buu through this world, God Realm, but we didn't expect..."

"How?" God of the Old World stared at the eyes, his ears seemed to stand upright, and said aloud, "You are too old, I'm in trouble!"


The **** of the old world squatted down again, covering his head.

"I said, perhaps the most important thing for us now is to come up with a solution as soon as possible to solve the evil demon Buu over there, right?" Buma shook his hand and looked at the battle on the light curtain with a trace concern.

"That's right!" Sean took the earrings from his ears and handed them to Sun Wukong and Vegeta. "If there is a super warrior from our strongest two, they might be able to defeat the demon. Buu!"

The God of the Old World murmured: "Let's get together, there's no way to separate after finishing."

This sentence made Sun Wukong and Vegeta who had already prepared to reach out and withdrew their hands as if they were electrocuted. If it is possible to let them cooperate only this time, but if they cannot be separated, then they are extremely reluctant. of.

The atmosphere suddenly stiffened, and now it was not so tense, the earth was able to linger for a while, and Ma Yuan did not have any appearance of defeat. At this time, Sun Wukong and Vegeta had no way to make a decision.

"I don't think you need to be so anxious." The God of the Old World stood up again, looking at the distant starry sky, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, lightly authentic.

"Although I don't know who the man who fights the devil Buu is, I can see that this person's strength is not lost to the current Demon Buu, and even has a strong line."

"But strange is strange here!"

Vegeta and Sun Wukong shouted almost at the same time: "He didn't use his full strength to fight, he was delaying time!"

The God of the Old World looked at these two people with a surprised look and nodded slightly: "It is worthy of being the two most powerful combatants here. Their eyes are very poisonous."

"Yes, that guy is really delaying time, but I don’t see his purpose. It’s just that as an observer of this universe, I have a hunch that the kid’s next move is the real kill. trick!"

"A fatal blow!"

Buma suddenly felt that the old man in front of him seemed to have changed. He had a mysterious temperament on him, as if he had pretended to be the kind of cynicism he had just now. Now, this wise appearance is what he is.

The God of the Old World looked at the horizon, his nose suddenly left blood, and the expression on his face became strange, and Xien glanced over and his face turned red suddenly, dragging the God of the Old World even dragging. Pull away.

"Oh, it seems that I think too much." Buma pressed her eyebrows straight, she was afraid she couldn't help but go out and beat the old guy, without thinking that she also knew what the old guy was looking at.

While everyone chatting above the Realm of King Realm, Ma Yuan was still fighting desperately with Xiao Buou. If he knew what was happening in Realm of King Realm, he did not know what he would think in his heart.

Half of Ma Yuan’s eyes were already exposed, and his body had signs of weakness, and that little Buu didn’t know what fatigue was like a machine.

"How long will it take?" Watching Xiao Buou rushed up again, Ma Yuan also rushed up with his teeth clenched. He had to prepare for the last move and use all his strength to hold Xiao Bu Europe!

Otherwise, even if Ma Yuan was able to suppress Xiao Buu a little, even if he once again used turtle-style qigong to blow Xiao Buu into pieces, it would not be of any use. The energy is not enough to wipe Xiao Buu from the world!


There are red lines on the body of Xiao Buou, which are already bulging at the moment, making people feel terrible, but the murderous intention in his eyes has not disappeared after so long a battle trend!

After all, Ma Yuan was only a person with blood and flesh. After so long a fight, he finally made a mistake. When his body rushed forward, he was slightly staggered, but he recovered again in just one second.

"Oops!" Ma Yuan felt a shock in his heart, and his body flew back towards the back, but at this time, Xiao Buu, who had rushed in front of him, let this opportunity pass and hit Ma Yuan directly with his head!


There was a sharp pain in Ma Yuan's body, and the milky light in his eyes dissipated again, but apparently Xiao Buu did not intend to let him go like this.

"Roar!" Xiao Buu began to destroy Ma Yuan excitedly. His fists and feet fell like raindrops everywhere on Ma Yuan's body. Every blow used all his strength, and the bones of Ma Yuan appeared. It made the acidic friction sound.


It seems to be tired of playing, Xiao Buou kicked Ma Yuan towards the already red earth, and then a purple-black light flare appeared again in his hand, and black electric awns walked on it. With. ,, ..

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