Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 79: The last trick! (under)

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With a cruel and cold chill on his face, Xiao Buou tapped his finger, and the huge light flare flew towards the earth. If the light flare hit the earth, it would definitely make the earth go. Perished.

"Not good!" Buma jumped up for the first time. Even if she was not a martial arts strongman, she could understand what kind of consequences the light bomb could bring to the earth. She couldn't help but turn her attention to the only chance to defeat Xiao Bu Ou's Sun Wukong and Vegeta.

Sun Wukong and Vegeta glanced at each other, and then lowered their heads one after another, frowning, and they could see that the two of them were still not ready to be together for a lifetime. If they really wanted that, it would be better to kill them!

The realm king Sean stared closely at the light curtain and muttered: "It's impossible. Why did the devil Buu not choose to devour Ma Yuan, but to destroy him with the earth, which is not in line with common sense!"

"Isn't it that he doesn't want to swallow, but there is no way to swallow it." The eyes of the God of the Old World seemed to have a sharp light, and disappeared to nothing in an instant. Xien thought he was dazzled.

Seeing that these people hadn’t worried about the earth, Buma couldn’t help but angrily shouted, “Are you mistaken? Now Ma Yuan is fighting alone, and one person is blocking the devil Buu, but you are here doing what!"

"The earth is about to be destroyed! If you don't do anything at this time, your loved ones on the earth and those innocent people will die on it!"

Klin hesitated for a while before saying: "Buma, we all know that we also want to protect the earth, but our strength is not enough, there is no way to defeat the devil Buu, and the devouring characteristics of the devil Buu against the horse It didn’t work, but..."

Everyone was silent. They all knew what Klin hadn’t finished. If they went to block Buu, if all the battles were dead, it would be okay, if Buu engulfed them and the power was further improved, then it’s true There is no way.

The **** of the old world touched the sparse white hair on his head. When he was about to speak, his eyes widened suddenly. He slowly lowered his hand and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Sun Wukong stood up, looked at Vegeta, and said lightly: "Maybe it's a decision, Vegeta."

"Humph!" Vegeta stood up as he gritted his teeth, and said coldly, "Kakarot, I won't be willing to stay with you forever, I will separate from you whenever I have the chance!"

"It suits me!" Sun Wukong took the earrings from Sean and put them on his left ear, and then threw the other one to Vegeta.

Vegeta looked at the weird-shaped earrings in his hand, and there was a struggling color on his face, and finally he put the earrings on his right ear when he suddenly closed his eyes.

"Look, the moon!"

I don't know who said such a sentence, Vegeta's hand stopped, and his eyes looked into the light curtain again!


Ma Yuan, who was originally in a rapid fall, finally woke up. His state of restrained anger has completely disappeared. Looking at the flames formed by the friction of his fall, he couldn't help but smiled bitterly.

"Earth, are you playing with me?" Ma Yuan murmured. He didn't know how he would believe that voice from the earth, and it delayed a lot of time for this!

Before Xiao Buu started to recover slowly when he was hit by the sun, Ma Yuan heard a signal from the earth behind him, and this signal was probably only audible to him, all because he had that kind of Special gas.

"It is said that there can be a way to completely eliminate the devil Buu, but until now I have not been able to see the trace of that way." Ma Yuan's thoughts also continued to fall with his body, and it was about to be seen Sink into the abyss.

Suddenly a purple light made Ma Yuan wake up, he mobilized the energy in his body, and once again became the initial state imitating Super Saiyan II, after changing his falling posture, he moved towards Looked behind.

"I really don't give a way!" Ma Yuan gritted his teeth and pulled his body up quickly, directly greeted him, his hands pressed against the huge purple light bomb!

There was a burning sensation on the purple light flare. Ma Yuan only felt that there was hot pain where he and the purple light flare were in contact, and his body was still being rolled down.

"Damn, you can't stop it!" Ma Yuan was anxious, his eyes were all red. He had already exploded all the strength in the end, but he still couldn't change the trajectory of the purple light projectile!

The clothes on Ma Yuan's body were annihilated little by little, and there were also blood stains on his body. The blood evaporated at the moment when he touched the purple light bomb, leaving no traces.

Ma Yuan only felt that the power in his body was moving away from him, and his breathing was getting heavier. His eyelids seemed to be hung with heavy stones, and he was almost unable to control the closure.

Looking at the magnificent purple flare in front of him, Ma Yuan felt a powerlessness and said helplessly: "It seems that he was pitted by the earth, and they can't wait for Sun Wukong to return."

Ma Yuan's hand gradually left the purple light bomb, he no longer had the strength to hold the big guy to play slowly, the last trace of strength in the body was also squeezed out.

Xiao Buu sneered and watched the purple light flare enter the earth's atmosphere a little bit, and suddenly a huge silver-white light ball appeared in his eyes, which was the moon that Sun Wukong and others saw!

The purple light bomb hit the silver-white light ball that didn't know where it came from. It was originally fierce and it was like meeting a natural nemesis, dissipating a little, and finally unwillingly from the world. Disappeared.


Xiao Buu looked down from the stunned state under the huge silver-white sphere of light. A panicky, gasping guy with many bleeding on his body was holding his hands high with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The original way of saying the earth is still this trick." Ma Yuan secretly said.

This silver-white light ball is actually the vitality bomb gathered by the earth itself. Ma Yuan unconsciously broke out the special power of milky white gas, which can communicate with the earth like Sun Wukong, but he is stronger than Sun Wukong, because it is the earth. He made such a big vitality bomb!

"Hey..." Ma Yuan sneered when he suddenly rushed to his little Buu, and said lightly, "Although you have done a good job, but this last killing move will declare your death!" "..."

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