Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 80: Little Buu dies!

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Ma Yuan waved his hands violently, and the huge silver-white light ball slowly rushed towards Xiao Buou. Ma Yuan couldn't help but whispered: "No wonder Sun Wukong always likes to use this trick to kill. Very cool."

The vitality bomb is getting bigger and bigger in Xiao Buou's eyes, he made a sharp roar, his hands were propped on the vitality bomb, and the terrible power was able to hold the vitality bomb hard, even pushing it back. !

Ma Yuan quickly reached out a hand, and under the traction of the Qi machine, he could barely control the Qi bomb, but he had already exhausted the strength in his body, and Xiao Buu was dying. Counterattack, he could not suppress it!

"Damn it!" Ma Yuan gritted his teeth, "I knew that the earth would rub out such a big vitality bomb for me, and I should leave some strength!"

The scene is so deadlocked, if you go on like this for a long time, the final death is definitely Ma Yuan, not Xiao Buu!

"Oops!" Both God of the Old World and Sean exclaimed, and they looked at each other and found the dignified color in each other's eyes.

Sun Wukong and Vegeta could also see that something was wrong. When the situation was good, Ma Yuan had no way to suppress Xiao Buou, and there was only one explanation.

"Klin, are there any fairy beans?" Sun Wukong asked back.

"This..." Kerin hurriedly took out the cloth bag containing fairy beans from his arms, and then fell down towards the bottom, and smiled bitterly, "No one is gone, all of them are taken out, there is the Garin fairy There are no fairy beans anymore."

"It seems that I can only use a moment to move past to help Ma Yuan. Fortunately, the energy of the Qi Qi bomb is very large. Don't worry about not being able to perceive his position." Sun Wukong said to put his finger on his forehead.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on Sun Wukong's shoulder. He looked back, but he saw Vegeta's head turned away deliberately.

Sun Wukong froze for a moment, and immediately smiled at the corner of his mouth, and carefully felt the breath of the vitality bomb. His fingers were a little on the forehead, and with a whimper, the two instantly disappeared.

The crowd soon discovered the two of them in the light curtain, and it felt like they had suddenly crossed into the TV. Under the huge energy bomb, the two of them were just like small black spots. .

Sun Wukong put a pergola above his eyes with his hands, and kept amazed in his mouth, and finally concluded: "This is how much vitality has been gathered to condense such a large vitality bomb. The guy in Mayuan, really. Very powerful ah."

"Even his own tricks have been learned, are you still so happy, are you an idiot?" Vegeta said disdainfully, and then flew towards Ma Yuan.

"Don't say that, Vegeta." Sun Wukong quickly followed, and said in his mouth, "Ma Yuan was not able to evoke vitality during the special training before, and now it seems that he mostly conceals me The trick."

Sun Wukong didn't know that it wasn't Ma Yuan, but the earth. The earth absorbed some vitality from himself and the people of the earth to form this giant vitality bomb, which was more than the one that Sun Wukong produced in the original work. Be huge!

"Whatever you say!" Vegeta is too lazy to argue with Sun Wukong. In this regard, the two of them also have a lot of differences, but this is not the time to argue, because the exhausted Ma Yuan is already in sight.

Ma Yuan also quickly saw the noisy Sun Wukong and Vegeta. He was so angry that he almost let go of the control of the vitality bomb and couldn't help complaining: "Whether the two of you came here to help me or help the enemy?" busy?"

Sun Wukong smiled embarrassedly, and then turned into a super Saiyan form, his fingers together to form a palm, and directly passed the qi in his body towards Ma Yuan.

He had done this before, except that the target was Frieza, which was naturally fed to the white-eyed wolf, but now this gas is like Ma Quan flowing into the dry land for Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan felt that every cell in his body was cheering. They sucked this madness, and then transformed into his own power.

"Ha!" Ma Yuan sipped, his hair turned white, only his eyes remained black, and his hand was withdrawn. The strength was not many times greater than before. The vitality bomb immediately moved forward with the power visible to the naked eye. Pushed a distance.

"Roar!" Xiao Buu was crazy, and a terrible muscle appeared on his body, and his strength was mobilized to the limit. It was still confronting Ma Yuan and Sun Wukong!

Ma Yuan's hand trembles slightly, he can feel the hugeness of this force, Sun Wukong transmits to him very slowly, and dissipates more than it enters his body, that is, Sun Wukong alone Power, there is no way to support Xiao Buou's defeat!

"Vegeta, are you going to wait and see?" Sun Wukong snorted softly, his eyes did not look at Vegeta.

Vegeta frowned, and his hair instantly turned golden yellow. He impatiently put his hand on Ma Yuan's back, and then said, "I thought that the two of you are enough. It's really useless!" "

"..." Ma Yuan's mouth twitched, Vegeta's hypocrisy had already seen him, but Ao Jiao also had a limit, what time was it!

Feeling that Vegeta's qi in his body was also transmitted, Ma Yuan was shocked, and a white gas blew out around his body, covering him entirely.

Ma Yuan felt that his strength had gradually recovered, and the vitality bomb began to gradually press towards Xiao Buou. With such a large vitality bomb, he could vaguely hear Xiao Buou unwilling. roar.

Ma Yuan withdrew his hand back, and said lightly: "You have to say that you are doing beautifully by yourself, but that's it!"

"Drink!" Ma Yuan shouted, squeezing his hand violently, and the gas continued to flow out. The vitality bomb pressed towards Xiao Buu as a whole.

Sun Wukong behind Ma Yuan felt something was wrong, as if his own things had been stolen, but he was not allowed to think about it. The dazzling light instantly grabbed his vision.

Ma Yuan didn't close his eyes. He watched Xiao Buou be wiped out little by little in this huge vitality bomb and felt Xiao Bu's breath disappear.

Ma Yuan slowly closed his eyes, and there was darkness in front of him. He murmured in his heart: "I should let me leave this world now..."

With the fall of Little Buu, this battle has finally come to an end, but is this really the end? ,, ..

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