Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 82: Stormy

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In the distant space, a stream of light was sliding fast. There was only one person sitting in this spaceship. The dress of this person was almost exactly the same as that of the realm God, Shion, but it was a woman.

"Well done very well, even killed Buu." The woman gently shakes the goblet in her hand, and the blood-like red liquid gently shakes in it, and it looks extraordinarily beautiful against the starry sky. , There is danger.

The woman took a sip of the liquid in the glass and looked at her exquisite body reflected on the glass. A smile appeared on her face and said casually: "But it's a pity that I'm doing the wedding dress for me."

Western world king Leila, she deliberately told the Babidi demon Buu to be sealed on the earth, leading the war to the earth, and she disappeared from the world king **** realm, plotting a plan.

Layla put the cup on the table at her hand, and then picked up a small container from the table. There was a small piece of creeping thing on it. The thing was pink and showed amazing. Of activity.

"A bit of flesh and blood of Demon Buu." Leila couldn't help but think of her risking a scene of forcibly snatching this bit of flesh and blood before the demon Buu was completely eliminated.

At that time, the huge and powerful vitality bomb made her feel trembling, but soon she found that the vitality seemed to bypass her and continue to erode the devil Buu, so she quickly retreated from there.

In fact, when Sun Wukong used this trick to deal with Vegeta at the time, he told Sun Wufan that this trick would not hurt good people, and Leila escaped from this by virtue of his identity as the king of the world. An attack.

"I didn't expect that I was ready to abandon this identity, and I was able to help me withstand the next attack." Leila touched the earring next to her ear, and a mocking smile appeared on her face.

Leila slowly got up from her seat and walked deep into the spaceship, where there was a container with unknown liquid, and there was a person who could not see clearly.

"Come on, absorb this thing for me too, and we will soon find your fathers." Leila put a little flesh of Buu into the container, watching the flesh gradually melt, and then Absorbed into the body into the body, a look of anticipation flashed in her eyes.


The container suddenly burst, and Leila seemed to have expected it. A thin protective cover appeared in front of her. The splattered container fragments and liquid did not cause any harm to her.

The rest of the debris flew out, scratching the inner wall with cracks, and the splashed liquid was surprisingly corrosive, directly corroding the inner wall into a big hole.

"Fortunately, this wall has been thickened, otherwise it will really break my spaceship, and it will not be easy to handle by then." Leila seemed to be talking to herself.


Slow footsteps sounded, and a strong figure came out. His footsteps seemed to have a peculiar rhythm. The liquid that could corrode the steel plate had no effect on him.

"Mother... are the fathers ready to welcome the death my son brought to them?" The figure seemed to smile with a proud voice and some disdain.

At this time, the spacecraft passed a radiating star, and then the light reflected on the man's face, even looking like Ma Yuan!

Leila walked to the man's side, touched the man's face with her hand, and chuckled: "You really look like your father, his genes are really the most powerful."

The spaceship is still flying in a quiet and unmanned space, and its destination is the earth. I am afraid that the people on earth will not be able to realize it until nearly a year later.


"Ma... original... uncle!"

"...It's called Brother Yuan, your brother always called it like that." Ma Yuan looked at the small Sun Wukong in front of him, but he couldn't help but looked at Kiki, who was smiling sideways.

Sun Wutian hesitated, but still insisted on calling his uncle. Ma Yuan rolled his eyes, and he could only let him go. He touched his chin and thought about this age gap, he should really be an uncle.

"Bidili, eat this, and that, uh, that's also delicious!" Sun Wufan was quickly sandwiching dishes for his girlfriend, but he didn't see Bidili on the plate. The pile is higher and higher.

Bidely is still very beautiful, a very gentle and virtuous girl, but Ma Yuan still can't believe that Satan is her father, is it the principle of extreme rebellion?

On the 18th and Kelin sat on another table, the two laughed from time to time, each with a happy color in their eyes, the dog abuse index was almost perfect.

"Ma Yuan, do you also think that this party of Buma is boring? Or shall we still fight?" Sun Wukong's voice has an ambiguous meaning, but he can still hear the battle in his tone meaning.

Ma Yuan turned his head and saw that Sun Wukong had a table full of empty plates in front of him. Next to him was Vegeta. The two of them just tore apart a roast suckling pig and seemed to be hostile to each other to divide the stolen goods. .

"I said!" Several black lines appeared on Buma's forehead, suppressing his anger. "Can you respect me, the host of the banquet?"

"Buma, it's not that we don't respect you. I really didn't find where the focus of this banquet was." Sun Wukong said sadly.


This time, it wasn't Buma's shot, but Sun Wukong's fierce wife Qi Qi. Vegeta wanted to sneer, and suddenly felt a murderous attack coming from behind, and quickly lowered her head to eat.

Ma Yuan looked at the virtue of the so-called Saiyan who loves strong women, and sincerely felt funny in his heart, he said: "You two... This time is Tennix's two-year-old birthday. Make up for one year old birthday."

"It turns out that way!" Sun Wukong suddenly realized, "I remember the last time Wutian was one year old, I forgot to inform everyone to come over and eat a meal."

"You're so kind!" Kiki roared with Buma.


It is very lively on the earth, but the two kings of the world, one old and one young, all show dignified expressions.

"Adult ancestor, I remember that the spaceship should belong to the Frieza family. The three most powerful people in their family were killed. Why did this spaceship still give me a bad feeling? Asked Sean.

The God of the Old World narrowed his eyes and shook his head, "I don't know, but you still inform Sun Wukong that they are ready."

While watching Sean's focus on the transmission of sound, a glimmer of light flashed in some muddy eyes of the **** of the old world, and he looked at the scattered white clouds in the sky and muttered: "The wind and rain are coming... will be my old man Friends?",,...

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