Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 83: Leila, King of the West

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When the transmission of the king of the realm, Shien, fell into the ears of Sun Wukong and others, the joyous atmosphere of the original banquet disappeared instantly. No matter who came, it was expected that they would not be in good faith.

Ma Yuan clearly knows Frieza and the urineability of his men. In general, everything is all about thinking how to put other people's planets in their pockets. They will never sit on a spaceship to talk to you about friendly agreements.

"It's just right. I haven't tried my best in a long time!" Sun Wukong took a piece of roasted leg into his stomach and was excited.

"Humph! Kakarot, this time the enemy should be solved by me!" Vegeta is unabashed, and can see that he has untied Vegeta who is more attached to the earth, and his heart is renewed. Became stronger.

Ma Yuan actually wanted to say that he hadn't tried his best in a long time. Within a year, only Sun Wukong became the Super Saiyan three, which caused him a little threat, but he has not yet forced his full strength.

"Have you forgotten the great hero Satan?" Someone swelled by his daughter in an instant. It was okay to deceive others. All of them have fought against Sharu and the devil Buu. It's a bit embarrassing to say this kind of saying.

"Anyway, I will use the satellite outside our capsule company to see where the spaceship is coming." Buma, a man who couldn't sit still, hurried towards his laboratory.

The capsule company has launched a lot of reconnaissance satellites in the outer space of the earth, which are incidental to the launch of military satellites by the great powers of the earth, in order to one day be able to detect threats from aliens earlier, but now it comes in handy.

"Speaking of it, I haven't exercised my body in a long time." Sun Wufan stretched out his arms, and he could still see the muscles on it, but his physical fitness was worse than more than a year ago. I don't know how much. .

"Being negligent in training, I'm afraid you are even struggling to transform into a Super Saiyan now." Bick said lightly, so Sun Wufan could not help but shrink his head, he was still more afraid of Bick's preaching .

"Yeah, Gohan, I have always warned you that only our own appearance is the best form, because there is no burden on our body, and the burden of becoming a Super Saiyan becomes greater. If we don’t exercise regularly, we simply can’t withstand that force.” Sun Wukong extended his fingers.

Sun Wufan's face was hot. Recently, he and Bidely were busy playing heroes to fight criminals. They encountered small roles. Coupled with their studies, how could they have time to temper their bodies?

"Found it!" Buma ran quickly, breathlessly, "It is indeed the kind of spaceship that has seen Frieza's forces, and the landing position was there last time."

"In this scene, it seems that Frieza will come again?" Ya Mucha couldn't help whispering, but looked up to see everyone around him looking at him, and quickly waved his hand, embarrassed on his face. Smile.

Everyone knows clearly the power of Ya Mucha's crow mouth, and Kling directly smiled bitterly: "When I face the Frisha guy, I feel more afraid than Sharu and Devil Buu, after all It was once killed by him."

Shalu and the devil Buu are indeed stronger than Frieza, but Frieza has no bottom line in killing. He is called the emperor of evil, and there is no reason for it. Evil is frightening!

"Where is there such a coincidence, they don't have Dragon Ball." Ma Yuan patted on Klin's shoulder and smiled, "In any case, we have to look at it in the past, even if Frieza is resurrected, we can Kill him again."

Klin stayed a while, then suddenly remembered that the two men who were more powerful than Frieza were easily slaughtered by Ma Yuan. Even Frieza himself was easily cleaned up by Vegeta.

"That's true, there's really nothing to be afraid of." Kling laughed, and the others looked relaxed.

"So, let's go together and see where is the sacred place!" Sun Wukong raised his hand and flew out directly into the sky, and everyone agreed in unison.

"That..." Suddenly, Wu Wukong stopped, his face embarrassed, "I didn't seem to have participated in that fight, and I didn't know where to fight."

The smiles on everyone's faces were stiff. Think about it. After the killing of Frisha, Dragon Ball went out to resurrect Sun Wukong. He didn't know where to fight. He couldn't blame him.

"I'll lead the way." Klin said helplessly, his friend, who had been for many years, always lacked a string in his mind, especially when he encountered a strong enemy, he couldn't find North when he was excited.

So everyone came to the place where they once fought. In the past year or so, the scene here has not changed much. The rocks and rocks are still broken and collapsed there. The flag of the Red Ribbon Army has been completely submerged in the desert. .

"I seem to have been to this place?" Sun Wukong said a little suspiciously. Although this place was destroyed by him in the beginning, it was a kid's thing after all, and I still remember it now.

"Probably." Ma Yuan nodded casually and then looked into the sky. "Now it's not time for you to remember the past, our enemies have come."

Ma Yuan's words just fell, and a huge spaceship landed slowly from the sky, without the kind of domineering sense of Frissa and Son, and no breath leaked out, as if it was a real alien who came to sightseeing Tourists are average.


"Your news is really well informed. Now the technological level of human beings is really good, but it is because of this that it becomes more dangerous." The hatch of the spacecraft slowly opened, and one came out of it. A woman in the costume of the God of the Realm.

"Jingwang God?" Ma Yuan and others all showed surprise. How could Jade King God come by the spaceship of the Frieza family?

"Leila!" At the same time, above the Realm King Realm, the Old Realm King God and Xien exclaimed at the same time, and then Xien looked at his ancestor in amazement, he even knew a junior ?

The God of the Old World didn't care about Sean's eyes. He just looked at Leila in the picture silently, his eyes beating with light, as if he saw something incredible.

"Old ancestors..." Sean looked at the state of the king of the old world at this moment, and there was a guess in his heart, but he did not dare to say it, because it was so ridiculous!

Because Sean’s guess is that Leila is the one who sealed the ancestors! ,, ..

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