Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 84: Black, Ma Yuan's child

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"Impossible, Leila is about the same age as me, and the ancestors are unlikely to know her." Sean first rejected him, but soon fell into doubt, "If you don't know her, why would the ancestors know? her name?"

"Don't you think it's weird?" The **** of the old world seems to have finally returned from a certain thought and sighed.

Sheen hesitated for a moment before he nodded and said, "Yes, it seems that the ancestors knew Leila?"

"Recognize?" God of the Old World touched the messy hair above his head, and seemed to laugh a little, with a little ridicule. "It should be considered."

"No, I just want to ask, is it possible to seal you in that Excalibur..." Sean's tone was delayed, he was observing the expression on the face of the old king, if the signs were wrong, he would naturally shift the topic .

But the God of the Old World is already a living figure. After so many years in the Excalibur, his mind has been greatly trained. Although the expression on his face has not changed, it has been gently. nod.

"How is it possible? Isn't Leila the same generation as me?" Sean suddenly felt his worldview collapsed, which made him somewhat unacceptable.

The God of the Old World patted his shoulder and shook his head: "Sometimes what you see is not the truth, just like Laila in your mouth looks exactly like the one I know."

"And I'm sure she is the one I know. Her eyes are so different from her body. It's definitely not the same as yours. We don't know the secret, so we don't need to suspect it. Now."

"We just need to know that it was almost possible to conclude that the dead Leila suddenly appeared and flew to the earth in the Fleisha spaceship. This matter is a big doubt for us, the king of the world."

Although the God of the Old World spoke a little bit roundly, Sean still understood what he wanted to express, no matter how good the previous Layla treated him, but now Layla is standing on the earth, this is fact.

Leila came on Frisha's spaceship, which showed that she had been in contact with Frieza for a long time. This is an absolute taboo in the rules of the realm king!

"I see." Sean let out a breath and looked at the strange and familiar face in the picture, his eyes gradually showing firmness.


"You are Lord Jieshen?" Sun Wukong stepped forward and questioned. "It seems that Lord Jieshen didn't see you when he came."

"Jingwang God?" Leila smiled softly, and said in a light voice, "Once it was."

"Once?" Sun Wukong was a little stunned. Could the king of the realm still be able to change people?

"Explain that you don't understand. Let's talk about the purpose of my coming today." Leila seemed reluctant to deal with this issue more and said directly.

"Oh?" Vegeta sneered. "Anyway, I don't think you will come with a friendly purpose, and it seems that you and Frieza have a certain relationship with them. Otherwise, how could they be like this spaceship?" Just take it out and give it away?"

There was a trace of annoyance in Laila's eyes, and she said coldly: "The Saiyan people really don't understand the etiquette, they only know the fighting nation, and their behavior is still as strong as before."

"But if it weren't for such a dead brain, the Saiyan home star wouldn't be wiped out by Fleisha, would it?" Leila patted her palm lightly, looking at Vegeta with her teeth clenched, her face suddenly He smiled, "It's really a stunning big bang."

Vegeta can’t control his anger anymore, he doesn’t care whether the person in front of him is a woman or some kind of king of shit, although the pride of the Saiyans makes him not care about the deaths and injuries of the tribes, but he never allows anyone to insult The name of Asian!

Ma Yuan had always been vigilant in his heart. When he saw Vegeta rushing out, he did not stop him, and he was not sure what the inexplicably appearing Western god, Laila, did.

The story of the Western Realm King Laila is still explained in a fan comic Dragon Ball AF, but that comic seems to have died in the end. Ma Yuan only has some preliminary understanding, so it is good for Vegeta to explore in the past.

"Drink!" Vegeta did not entrust, facing the King of the Realm, he came directly into the Super Saiyan II, a ray of light walked above him, carrying in his eyes Awesome.

"Oh?" Leila had a look of interest in her eyes. It seemed to be curious about this transformation of Vegeta, but it was only curious. Although her strength was not strong, it was not revealed. A look of fear.

Vegeta's figure moved, and came to Leila's face in the next moment. The fist was slammed into Leila's face, and the strong wind on the fist made Leila's hair dance wildly.

"Black." Leila frowned slightly and said a word softly.

The vigilance in Vegeta's mind rose instantly. At first, he thought that Leila was talking about the name of the trick, but it was not very similar. It seemed to be calling someone.

"Doesn't it make people feel too late now?" Vegeta sneered in his heart. He knew how fast his fists were and how powerful he was, but because of this, he was more carefree.

However, in this world, there is always no shortage of people who are stronger than you. They will always hit your face inadvertently, so you dare not swell, and you have no temper!


This is the case of Vegeta. When he flew out, he only felt a sharp pain in his face. His narrowed eyes saw the look of the hands-on person, but he felt a big shock in his heart!

Leila gathered her sloppy hair, somewhat dissatisfied with the timing of the man next to him, and said: "Black, the next time you have to move it a little faster, this kind of person need not be polite to him."

"Good mother." Hei smiled slightly, exposing his white teeth, and the Qingxiu's face felt inexplicably awful.

Vegeta forcibly broke away from the trend of flying backwards, and looked closely at the man who suddenly appeared beside Leila. He would never forget that face.

Vegeta looked back sharply, looking at the same dull horse, and gritted his teeth: "Who can tell me what's going on?"

"That man looks... like Ma Yuan." Klin pointed back and forth between Hei and Ma Yuan, and he felt shuddering. This thing was full of weird colors.

"Want to know why Hei looks like Ma Yuan so much?" West Realm King Laila had a weird smile on his face, "Because he is my child and Ma Yuan."

"What?" Everyone was surprised! ,, ..

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