Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 85: Black and Lila (Part 1)

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Seeing everyone's eyes focused on themselves, Rao Shimayuan also felt a headache himself. He rubbed his head and said helplessly: "Even if you are the God of the Realm, but you talk nonsense, I can sue you as well Slander!"

"Ma Yuan, you look like that person like you, maybe it's really yours... relatives?" Kelin looked at the black and hesitated.

Ma Yuan was full of black lines, and said sadly: "How to look at that guy is not like a normal earth person, how could it be relatives with me."

As soon as these words were finished, Ma Yuan saw that Sun Wukong and others looked at his eyes a little bit wrong. Then I remembered that he could not be regarded as a normal earth person in a strict sense, after all, which earth person Can you have more fighting power than Super Saiyan?

"The more and more chaotic..." Ma Yuan sighed and raised an eyebrow at Leila, "This is what you provoke, shouldn't you explain it?"

"Explain?" Leila said lightly, "Although I don't think I need to explain anything to you, listening to you means that I, like you mortals, gave birth to black through reproduction."

"Isn't it?" Kelin said doubtfully.

Bick shook his head and said: "If you talk about the way of reproduction, a Namiker like me is to produce an egg that can hatch a heir, which is different from the people of your earth."

"Huh! You are all low-level means, so the baby born this way will not have the best ability." Leila said disdainfully, "Like my previous child Frissa, his potential far exceeds his Father Krud."

"Visha is also your child?" Everyone was shocked. The evil emperor could be said to make everyone remember, but they could not connect Friesa with the realm king in front of him.

"Flisha is a child I inherited from King Crud's genes and my genes and inherited excellent bloodlines." Leila's voice does not have any emotion, and there will be no mother for her own children. And proud of this statement.

"But Frieza is too bloated herself, and would not exercise more, otherwise he would be the one who died on top of the Nemesis!"

"But..." Leila rolled her eyes, looked at Sun Wukong and Vegeta, and raised a corner of her mouth, smiling slightly, "Visha let me see Sun Wukong with the ability to transform into a super Saiyan. Powerful blood."

"So I used the collected Sun Wukong genes and my own genes to cultivate black, but in the battle of the devil Buu, Ma Yuan's amazing performance made me decide to collect his genes."

"I put a bit of the Devil Buu's fragments and Ma Yuan's genes into the medium at the same time. Black began to absorb these two genes and began to mutate. In the end, Sun Wukong's bloodline was suppressed, so that black became What Ma Yuan looked like."

"At this point, I didn't expect it." Leila chuckled, "but the black with so many excellent blood lines is the most powerful existence in this universe!"

Everyone looked at this king of the Western Realm, which slowly revealed all the secrets. Their eyes were still a bit shocked. They did not expect that someone would create life like this, which is an absolute taboo in terms of ethics!

"Is this woman a lunatic?" Vegeta frowned and said solemnly.

Ma Yuan nodded slightly. For the first time, he agreed with Vegeta's words for the first time. Then he asked, "Then what are you going to do to bring black to Yaowu Yangwei?"

With a smile on her face, Leila said easily: "I think humans should not have existed in this universe. Human nature is greedy and brutal. When I was the king of the world, I already clearly understood After witnessing it, I really don’t understand why such a race exists in the world."

"Humans are arrogant and arrogant, and do not take our gods who are silently observing the universe in our eyes, but we still have to guard them, day after day, year after year, I am really fed up with such days."

"This is the first pilot I chose. It should be better to test the ability of black with you. After killing all of you, I will take black to every corner of the universe and take those humans. Kill all!" Leila's cheek flashed across his face. "In the name of God's punishment!"

The people were all silent. They all could see that Leila had fallen into a very abnormal situation. In Ma Yuan's words, it was a thorough female lunatic.

"But..." Sun Wukong moved his hands and feet and said lightly, "Since she knows her thoughts, it means that she has disconnected from the Realm King God, so we can let go of our hands?"

"It seems impossible to reason with her with her mouth. Sure enough, we Saiyan people are still suitable to use fists to speak, hit her persuasively, or maybe she will know how crazy the idea of ​​destroying humanity." Beiji Although Ta was attacked a while ago, he didn't think he would lose to Black.

Ma Yuan also showed an attack and smiled, "It's not just you Saiyans who like to speak with their fists."

Watching the three people of Ma Yuan even want to defeat themselves, he blackened the corner of his mouth with a cold smile, he turned his head to look at Leila, only to see Leila nodded softly, "Human, it really is the whole Heaven's mind is full of violent garbage races. Black, you can help your mother, help me solve them first."

When Leila spoke, Black was motionless like an ice sculpture, and as soon as Leyla's order was given, Black was like awakening from the ice, a terrible momentum rushed into the sky, and the waves of the air all over the ground. It was a shock that opened a mouth!

"What a powerful qi!" Sun Wukong's eyes also became dignified, he felt some familiar taste from this huge qi, "Sure enough, as Leila said, Hei has my genes, this kind of It feels weird."

"Come on!" Ma Yuanshen sipped and rushed out first, followed by Sun Wukong and Vegeta.

"Three-to-one?" Leila pursed her lips slightly, saying with great interest, "Maybe it can block the black, but blocking does not mean that the black can be eliminated."

"Human beings are like this. God has decided on things, but they still have to struggle." Leramo held his fingers, seemingly rolling a tiny sand, "but in the end they will find out that everything is all In vain, the so-called desperate fight is just a joke.",,...

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