Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 87: Black and Leila (Part 2)

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As the creator of black, Leila naturally understands the strength of black. At this moment, it is also a little surprised to find that black has started to get excited, but it is just a surprise.

"The power of black is more than that, you just have to experience it." Leila snapped her fingers gently, and then she sat back, and a chair that came out of nowhere just supported her.

Leila also carried the kind of indifferent temperament belonging to the realm king, which made her seem out of place with this battlefield, just like fighting with the surroundings, but you tasted the wine elegantly in the center of the battlefield.

Two yellows, one white, one black, and four rays of light suddenly hit together. The earth was cracked by this power. A lava flowed up from under the ground, like a dancing fire dragon, which caused the sky to be red.

"They are so powerful that they can't fight on the earth!" Bick is after all united with God. Although he is not as abnormal as Ma Yuan, he can communicate with the earth, but he can still feel that the earth is about to collapse. Too.

Bick shouted: "Goku, Ma Yuan, lead the black into the universe to fight, otherwise the earth will still be destroyed!"

The three of Ma Yuan exchanged glances. After struggling to collide with the black, they flew towards the sky immediately. The purpose is obvious, that is, to lead the black hitting Xing's head out!

"Hey!" Hei was not afraid at all. The sudden withdrawal of these three people made him feel uncomfortable. Of course, he would not let them go easily, but he wanted to catch up.

"Black, not allowed to go, just take the guys over there, and I don't believe they won't come back," Laila said lazily.

"But mother..." Black opened his mouth. Although his strength was strong, he didn't understand the world, and he didn't know why he attacked those people. Ma Yuan and the three would fly back obediently.

"Yeah?" Leila's nasal cavity made a sound, and her eyelids rolled up slightly, looking at the black in the sky. "Black, I let you attack the people over there. In the same way, I don't want to go on to say second. Every time, do you hear clearly?"

The black face changed a few times, and then he made a fist and flew towards Kelin and others. He finally listened to Leila’s words and was instilled with this idea from an early age, so that he is now stronger than Leila. I don’t know how much, but still feel subconsciously weaker than her.

Leila nodded with satisfaction, her body slightly relaxed, her eyes looking at the little black dots in the sky, her mouth showing a disdainful smile, murmured: "I am not playing a samurai game with you now, it is to be eliminated anyway. , What does it matter?"

Bik sweat came out of his forehead, and quickly took off his weight, posing an attack stance, shouting: "Attention, the enemy is coming!"

The rest of the people were vigilant, and Sun Wufan directly became Super Saiyan II, but because of lax cultivation, it seemed that his breath was not stable.

"Fortunately, this time did not let Buma and them come." Kling smiled bitterly, "Although the strength of No. 18 is stronger than me, it will not play a big role at this time."

Heiju glanced condescendingly at the following group of people and shook his head in disappointment. Among them, except for the yellow-haired boy, he was slightly stronger, and the rest could only be said to be waste.

"It's really a waste of my time, or I solved you earlier. It's more interesting to fight the three slippery guys." Hei reached out his hand, and Heimang was inspired from his fingertips, like raindrops. Ke and others flew away.

"Oops!" The three Ma Yuan naturally felt that Hei didn't follow up from behind. Not only that, he even moved towards people like Bick and so on!

Ma Yuan and Sun Wukong directly used the instantaneous movement, and Vegeta naturally failed to catch up with the two trains, and rushed towards the black with a bite.


A series of explosions sounded, splashing yellow sand, and surrounded everyone below.

With a black eyebrow raised, he felt the breath of Sun Wukong and Ma Yuan, but the two were not...

Subconsciously, he wanted to look into the sky. He just hit Vegeta's skyrocket head-on. He pressed the skyrocket with his hand, but withdrew his steps slightly.


Two sounds of breaking the sky sounded, and Sun Wukong and Ma Yuan flew out of the yellow sand, slammed, and fists banged directly on the black abdomen!

This time, because of the support, Hei had no time to change his movements. He was directly hit by the fists of Sun Wukong and Ma Yuan before falling to the ground. Around him were the erupting magma.

"Everyone is okay?" Ma Yuan asked without looking back. He didn't dare to carelessly. Just one or two attacks worked and wouldn't cause any damage to Hei.

"Cough..." Kelin and others came out first, then Bick and Sun Wufan. The two of them suffered some help and resisted some attacks, which made them a little embarrassed.

"This power is really not covered, it is just a random shot, and I haven't faced that power head-on yet, I feel like passing by the ghost gate." Kling said with a lingering fear.

Sun Wufan also nodded solemnly, his face was pale, and the light that just passed by just passed through him almost fortunately. Fortunately, he let it go when he shot.

"Gohan, your body has really deteriorated too much." Sun Wukong felt the ups and downs of Sun Wuhan and frowned.

Bick nodded in agreement, but he was forced to carry a ray of light. Although he was more embarrassed than Sun Wufan and blood was on his arms, he was blocked anyway. This is the gap between experience and physical response.

"Yes." Sun Wufan was a little surprised. Just a few months of relaxation made his strength decline. If it takes longer, wouldn't it make him even a Super Saiyan?

"It seems that I still have to strengthen my exercise, not always relax." Sun Wufan settled down and looked at the three strongest people standing in front of him. "Target my father!"

Leila's hand was on her face, and her brow was lightly wrinkled, and then she stretched out and said lightly: "Black, how long are you going to stay in that place, or are you just defeated by them?"

The black body trembled a little, and then slowly climbed up from the ground, patting his clothes calmly, the black part of his eyes expanded even more.

"Ah, I haven't felt the pain for a long time, this is really strange emotions." Hei moved his hands, and against the background of the magma behind him, he was like a devil who was ready to hunt. "It will be addictive... "..."

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