Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 88: Abnormal

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"I always felt that this time he was already making him angry." Sun Wukong pulled his face and smiled bitterly.

"Anyway, I don't necessarily see where I can get along with him." Vegeta pouted, but his eyes didn't move too dark.

Ma Yuan nodded, and suddenly exclaimed: "I finally feel that he is like my son!"

"Where?" Sun Wukong and Vegeta said in unison.

"You look at my eyes when I transformed, and look at him again, isn't this the same as my transformation?" Ma Yuan laughed.

"It makes sense."

Bick heard black lines in the back, he thought that the thick line had Sun Wukong one is enough, did not expect Vegeta to come to join in the fun, but also did not expect the original Ma Ma even chaos at this time.

"The three of you still have a joke?" Klin touched his head, something unclear.

Sun Wukong waved his hand and took a deep breath: "I always feel too excited to concentrate, so it is necessary to say it properly."

"Black's strength is indeed strong, but since he began to use his full strength, it means that we are not without a way to win." Ma Yuan smiled.

"It's just that the price may be a bit high." Vegeta responded, "Maybe the entire planet will be lost."

Everyone is silent. These three people may be the only existence in the universe that can contend with black. If even three of them are defeated, then the humans in the entire universe will be eliminated.

At this time, the pressure on the shoulders of the three of them was quite large. The people asked themselves that they might collapse directly in this situation, but the three of them were able to find a little life in the minutiae, even if that life. Tiny as cosmic dust.

"I finally know why the three of you are getting stronger and stronger." Bick sighed, and in terms of his temperament at this moment, he was about to fall.

Ma Yuan suddenly waved his hand and said: "If it is hypocritical, we will say it after our victory...He is coming!"

The faces of the three Ma Yuan changed instantly, just because Hei had started to walk towards them step by step. Although he didn't seem to move fast, he quickly moved the distance between the two sides.

"You retreat quickly!" Sun Wukong shouted, "Go to Buma, they have the opportunity to drive him into space!"

"Come on!" Vegeta flashed a cold light in his eyes, and with a low growl, he was the first to rush towards the black.

"Drink!" Vegeta's punch hit the black head straight, with a golden air over it.


The black steps didn't stop at all. His eyes were still looking straight ahead, as if the sounds he had just heard were auditory.

But Vegeta was now holding his fist by black, and raised it to the side. The loud noise just now was actually the sound of Vegeta's fist blocked by the black palm.

"Vegeta!" Sun Wukong screamed and rushed up. Small light flares condensed on his hand, and he smashed them towards the black one by one.

Black grabbed Vegeta and waved it directly, so that Vegeta directly blocked the round of light bomb attacks. Sun Wukong dropped the mousetrap and dared not to continue such attacks.

However, this does not mean that Sun Wukong stopped here. He stomped fiercely under his feet, and the whole person turned into a phantom and rushed to the front of the black. However, he turned around strangely in the middle of the sky and kicked hard to the black back.

Black seemed to have long eyes in the back, and he didn't look at it. He flung his arm around and directly threw Vegeta onto Sun Wukong, making them both retreat towards the back.

"Although the strength of the two of them is strong, I understand that my ultimate enemy will only be you." Hei took a deep look at the person in front of him who was exactly the same as himself, faintly.

The milky white lines around Ma Yuan's eyes exuded some chill, which allowed Ma Yuan to focus on his opponents. It felt weird, like playing against another one.

Suddenly the black disappeared in place, Ma Yuan's pupils shrank, and he quickly evaded to the side, just kicking one foot from his flanks, with the kind of black on his feet, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Ma Yuan gritted his teeth, hugged Black's feet, and hit a knee directly to make Black's body flew. He was about to get a heavy hammer on Black's body, but Black's arm locked his head. People fell to the ground together!


The two took off almost at the same time, did not fight on the ground, and continued the tug of war in the sky, but they had seen dozens of moves in a minute or so.

Then Sun Wukong and Vegeta also joined the battle circle to ease the pressure on Ma Yuan. After a battle, Sun Wukong and Vegeta were both injured, but they still did not give up the attack, of course, as a black key care horse Originally, the injury was more serious.

"Interesting, it's so interesting!" Black's situation is not much better. After all, the three people who besieged him are rare masters in the universe. There will always be some flaws that are caught by people, but the more he beats The more excited.

Ma Yuan can see that the black eyes have all been occupied by black. Not only did his fist not reduce his strength with the exhaustion of physical strength, but he was stronger than one punch, both Sun Wukong and Vegeta had to be careful and not dare to be hard bump.

The milky white lines in the corners of Ma Yuan's eyes have already begun to dissipate, which is definitely not a good sign, because black has no physical weakness, which may benefit from the Buu gene in his body.

"Having the Buu gene basically means that he has an immortal body, plus the characteristics of the Saiyan who will rise in strength after recovery, it is really difficult to kill him." Ma Yuan gritted his teeth, Secretly.

"Is it necessary to use a vitality bomb again?" Ma Yuan's heart raised the idea once he was rejected. If he wanted to kill the black, I am afraid that the vitality above the earth would not be enough, even if everyone was killed. I am afraid it will not be enough. Secondly, Hei will not give him this opportunity.

"Bang!" Hei Yi punched Ma Yuan's face. Ma Yuan's body was all too far away, and then kicked away by Hei Yi.

"Actually distracted when playing against me?" Black was irritated. Since his birth, there has been only battle in life. Leila instilled in him knowledge of battle, and he was very painful in the culture. Just want to become stronger.

But the object that Hei always wanted to defeat turned out to be distracting when he was fighting with him. How does this make him not angry?

When Ma Yuan hadn't responded yet, a sudden burst of black energy wrapped him up in the black body, making it impossible to see the scene in the dark mist.

Leila looked at the dark mist, frowned slightly, and immediately looked at the sky. It seemed to see two other people who were also in a confused state in the other king of the realm, pondering for a while, murmured: " Anyway, as long as the goal can be achieved."

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