Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 89: Time Band (Part 1)

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Lila's profound glance fell into the eyes of Sean and the God of the Old World is undoubtedly a provocation, as if to say, "I am here, do you dare to come?"

Sheen was young and vigorous, and naturally she was very annoyed when she encountered this situation. At the moment, she stood up and prepared to go towards the earth. Jebbit appeared at his side in time. As a guard, he only needed to follow Sheen, and Not to influence his opinion.

"Where are you going?" The God of the Old World took a deep breath and looked at the white clouds floating slowly in the sky, with a little tired color on the old face.

Sean's footsteps paused without looking back: "Of course it is to go to the earth. After all, Leila was once the king of the realm. This is also a matter of our part. We should stop her."

"Stop?" God of the Old World sighed, "How are you going to stop? Our strength is far inferior to Sun Wukong, how to defeat Laila?"

Seeing Sean's face change and preparing to speak, the old king of the world shook his head directly and said, "If you just fill your life to fill it, it will have no effect at all."

"Furthermore, even if Sun Wukong and others dragged the black to enable you to defeat Leila, what are you going to do? Kill her? Doesn't it also violate our duty as the realm king?"

This series of questions asked Sean to only open his mouth, and finally sat down on the ground in dismay, and said: "Anyway, I just don't understand why your ancestors can sit here so calmly."

"Now I can only believe them." The God of the Old World sighed and frowned immediately. "And I don't know why I saw the dark mist, I also felt a sense of panic."


"I seem to provoke a terrible guy." Ma Yuan twitched at the corner of his mouth, looking at the dark mist in front of him, and smiled bitterly.

Vegeta gave him a cold look and said: "Hei has such a strength, and it will be exposed at any time. I'm rather ridiculous about your distraction during battle!"

Ma Yuan touched his head and felt guilty, and he only laughed and didn't answer.

Sun Wukong tried to rush into the black mist, but the result quickly appeared on the other end of the black mist, as if it was a short distance from the sky, and the space seemed to be swallowed by the black mist.

"Kakarot, do you have any strange feelings?" Vegeta frowned, and it was obviously impossible for them to interrupt the black state now, only to wait for the black mist to disperse.

"Feel?" Sun Wukong slapped his face and spread his hands. "There is no feeling...... If I want to say, that's what I walked like I usually walk."

Ma Yuan and Vegeta glanced at each other, both of them were stunned. At this time, it is usually the biggest abnormality.

In such a big dark mist, Sun Wukong said that he walked over as usual, that is to say, no matter the field of vision or other things have not changed, if there is a change, then in terms of Sun Wukong's sensitivity to the surrounding environment, Certainly it can be found.


These four words can really describe the mood of Ma Yuan and the three people at that moment. The dark mist is clearly in front of himself and others, but there is no way to affect it.

Vegeta suddenly raised his head and looked at Leila who was sitting peacefully at the door of the spaceship. There was a flash of anger in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Maybe we still have a way to solve the problem."

Ma Yuan understood it all at once, and looked at Leila equally badly. After all, this matter was picked out by Leila. If he can successfully control Leila while he is away, he may be able to reverse the whole situation.

"Just do it!" Ma Yuan's figure moved, and he rushed towards Leila below. The terrible momentum spread out. This is a must-have momentum, enough to see him hesitate at all. No.

This is how Sun Wukong reacted. Although he was not very willing to use this method to solve the problem, but in the face of an evil **** who opened his mouth to destroy humanity, there was no need to speak any reason.

"Want to grab me?" Leila's face was still indifferent, and she slowly stood up from the chair, and the chair disappeared quietly again.

Ma Yuan raised her vigilance, and Leila was too calm. It could be seen from the fact that she was able to put away her chair easily under such pressure from Ma Yuan, but Ma Yuan couldn’t control it and had to send !

From midair to Leila's front, Ma Yuan only spent a few breathing hours, which was the reason he deliberately controlled so that he could react to Leila's movements in time.


Ma Yuan smashed the spaceship like a shell and directly smashed the spaceship out of the air. With the spacecraft as the center, cracks appeared abruptly, just like a huge spider web!

Magma and sand waves danced the middle and wrapped it up, making it impossible for people to see the scene at all, but they could clearly feel that Ma Yuan's cold air was erupting.

"Have you succeeded?" Bick clenched his fists, forcibly pressed some excitement in his heart, staring closely at the sand, waiting for Ma Yuan to come out from there.

This action of Ma Yuan also aroused the help of two realm kings above the realm of the realm king. Although they cannot kill the realm of the realm of the realm king, if Ma Yuan moves his hand, it is another matter.

"I didn't expect that Ma Yuan would actually do it. It seems that the pressure of the dark mist on them is not a little bit big. It must have been a weird situation." The **** of the old world pondered for a while and said slowly.

"Anyway, if Leyla is controlled or even killed, this is very beneficial to the current situation!" Sheen was rather excited, and Ma Yuan was equivalent to doing what he wanted to do. Things.

"Beneficial?" The God of the Old World looked deeply at the direction of the earth and said lightly, "Now looking at the killing of Leila, maybe it will make Black lose control and control Leila..."

There was a cold light in the eyes of the **** of the old world, and then said: "If you can control her so easily, you don't have to wait until today to get a black one."

"Old ancestor, do you mean... It is impossible to control Leila?" Sean was startled, and quickly said, "But isn't Ma Yuan's strength far better than Leila?"

The God of the Old World was silent for a while, and then he sighed: "No matter how strong it is, you can't control the heart of a God of the Realm that has been enchanted."

In his speech, Ma Yuan had already flew out of the sand and the magma, but his face was not very good, his hands were empty, and it just explained this: he wanted to control Laila's move and failed. ,, ..

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