Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 93: Lyra's death

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Leila covered her broken hand, where the incision looked very neat, the cross section at the bone was smooth, and blood continued to leave the broken port.

Hei didn't seem to think that he would achieve such good results after he revoked the exclusion field halfway through. He couldn't help laughing: "It's a mother, indeed, I found one of the uses of the exclusion field so quickly."

"Black!" Leila took a deep breath, forcibly pressed down the resentment in her eyes, and changed her tone, "Give me your hand, anyway, it's useless for you to hold, right?"

As the God of Realm, what can be easily repaired by breaking a hand, if it can't even do it, what **** is it? The key is still the ring of time on that hand!

"Oh." Hei Wu nodded his head and handed his hand directly to Laila. It seemed that he had cut Laila's hand away just by accident.

Leila watched as the light ring was getting closer and closer to her at that time, with an eager color on her face, hoping to be able to grab her hand directly, but she did not have the time ring, it was really restrained everywhere.

"Oh, that's right!" Hei seemed to remember something, and took the ring directly in front of Leila's face and took it into his arms. "I'm not the realm king, I really can't use this thing."

Laila watched dumbly as Black put away the Time Ring, and then tossed her off her hand at will. She didn't know what to say for a while, and she really wanted to cry without tears.

"Ahaha...laughing at me!"

Sean looked at the old ancestor who was rolling on the ground holding his belly. He felt a little embarrassed for a while. Although he saw that Lila had amputated his hand, he also made a bad breath in his heart, but the crisis at this moment has not been resolved yet.

"Old ancestors, it seems that it's a bit early to laugh now." Sean smiled bitterly. "The power of black is far beyond our imagination. Who can beat him now?"

After the God of the Old World contemplates on the ground for a second, he still laughs and laughs: "I don't care, I feel happy when I see Leila's deflation, deserve it! Who asked her to seal me into the sword? "

Sean shook his head helplessly, but he also understood that his lustful ancestor had spent such a long and lonely years in the sword. It’s not too bad to be mad. In the face of his enemies, if he doesn’t want to do anything, he absolutely Is impossible.

"Let's make you more happy for a while." Sean did not care about the King of the Old World, but continued to observe the development of things.


"Black! Quickly give me the ring of time!" Leila flew towards the black, but was suspended by the black with her throat in the air, kicking black with hands and feet.

Black put away the distressed expression in disguise, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and his red eyes seemed to see Leila transparently and said lightly: "Sorry, mother, I am not the one you used to be at your mercy. Is a fool."

"Perhaps you feel that creating me is a feat, but in my opinion this is your own deformed desire. If you want to create the strongest soldier, you will sacrifice my freedom as a life?"

"When my life in the culture medium is miserable, you are staring at the data on the computer and entertaining yourself. When I fight until the scars are scarred, you scold me again and let me continue to stand up and practice."

There was a trace of memories in his dark eyes, and he shook his head with sarcasm: "Sometimes I don't really understand you, and I clearly hate humans. Why would you make me a human?"

"Is it to satisfy the weird pleasure you abused me, or is it really to destroy the strange desire of mankind?

He looked at the bitterness in Leila’s eyes and said lightly, "You can rest assured, just as your last wish, I will help you destroy humanity. But I want to hear that at this time you will still Anything to tell me?"

Hei slowly let go of her hand, so that Leila could stand on the ground safely. Leila did not choose to turn around and ran. She also knew in her heart that it was obviously impossible to let Hee pass her this time. What's scary?


Leila's eyes burst out, her neck twisted toward the back at an extremely exaggerated angle, and she fell straight down. These two words are the only things she has left in this world.

Black gave a silent wave and threw a small black light flare. With an explosion, Leila and her body disappeared.

The three Ma Yuan who watched the good show for a long time finally reacted. The housework of others was finished. Now it is time to talk to them about the business.

"Goku, remember what we said before." Ma Yuan took a deep breath, covering her eyes with a layer of milky white ice, and milky white stripes appeared at the corners of her eyes, directly showing her strongest strength.

The last three fairy beans have all been given to them, that is to say, this is the last stroke. If they lose this time, then the earth and other humans behind them will have no hope.

Sun Wukong patted his face, took a deep breath, and did not transform into a Super Saiyan, but looked at Vegeta with a sloppy face, and said in a deep voice: "Vegeta, maybe the fit movement is indeed It’s ugly, but after all it’s the only way to improve our strength today.”

As soon as Vegeta gritted his teeth, he shouted: "Kakarot, if you dare to tell others about my fit with you, don't blame me for killing you!"

"Got it. Got it." Sun Wukong pushed Vegeta to study the transformation. The two of them had not actually practiced.

"Huh..." Ma Yuan looked at the back of Sun Wukong and Vegeta, and breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head, and looked at the black when he didn't know when he was only ten meters away from him.

"Are the two of them ready to give up on you?" After Hei put down Laila's knot, it seemed to be more casual, and the crimson pupils seemed to be bleeding.

Ma Yuan was ready to fight and said lightly: "They are going to prepare surprises for you."

"Oh?" Black glanced and asked, "Would you like to wait for the two of them?"

"Let’s just drag on for a while, I’m enough."

"Is it?" Black's body lifted a black energy, forming a huge black panther in the air, and the black panther's eyes are also crimson, "Then I want to see how you stop I."

The black panther roared towards Ma Yuan, seeming to be very dissatisfied with Ma Yuan's arrogance. With a wave of Ma Yuan's hand, layers of milky energy flew out and turned into a pure white giant tiger, separated from the black panther. hope.

"Come on!" Ma Yuan shouted, his body turned into a phantom and rushed towards the black, the giant tiger also roared towards the black panther! ,, ..

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