Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 94: Delay time

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One of the benefits after Leila’s death is that Hei is willing to follow the battlefield. For Ma Yuan, the pressure is intangibly reduced. After all, on the earth where the blood bar is about to be cleared, Ma Yuan is still not too afraid to mess up.

So the battlefield was naturally selected in space. Since flying out of the atmosphere, the friction between the two sides has been very intense. Of course, Ma Yuan is still at a disadvantage. After all, his strength is much weaker than that of black. .


Ma Yuan was kicked to the waist by a black kick, so cold that he took a cold breath, and when he didn't react, he was pressed on the abdomen by a series of light bombs, causing an explosion in space.

"It seems that you haven't been able to drag them. It's only a few minutes?" Black's face was disappointed. "I thought you could rebound from the bottom, and your strength can be improved.

"That's really embarrassing." Ma Yuan's figure flew out of the smoke, and the corner of his mouth was obviously carrying blood. The wave of combination attacks just made him really uncomfortable.

He frowned, and he thought that the heavy blow just now could make Ma Yuan lose his fighting power, but Ma Yuan seemed to have received only minor injuries.

If Ma Yuan heard this statement of black, he would definitely give a wry smile. The milky stripes in the corners of his eyes have already collapsed a lot. If he persists for a while, he may return to the way of playing Buu and become black. Ordinary people with black eyes.

"Turtle Qigong!"

Ma Yuan took a deep breath and launched the Turtle Qigong without hesitation, and his body immediately came to the front of the black, which was obviously added with "instant movement"!


The thick light blue light column pressed against the black face face to face, this trick is unpredictable, and it is also the most diligent trick that Ma Yuan practiced. If even this can't cause too much trouble to the black, then the horse Originally, it was almost impoverished.

However, the fact is so cruel, not only to expose your wound, but also a thick layer of salt on the wound.

This is the case with Ma Yuan now. He even used his instantaneous movements. However, Black did not retreat half a step. A black ball appeared on his chest. As a result, the turtle sent Qigong directly over the black and moved towards a small one. The planet shot past.

"Bang!" Ma Yuan took another kick, kicking it in the chest, Ma Yuan snorted and quickly opened the distance.

"It's almost five minutes." Black said faintly. "How long are you supposed to have?"

Ma Yuan gritted his teeth and didn't answer. He roared and rushed towards the black again. At this moment the milky stripes in the corner of his eyes finally declared a complete collapse.


"I know!" The God of the Old World suddenly said, "Ma Yuan was dragging time, Sun Wukong and Vegeta are trying to fit together!"

When Sean heard the word "fitting", she couldn't help but touch the earrings at her earlobe. If you use these pair of earrings to fit, the power is much stronger than that of Sun Wukong and Vegeta.

"That's right!" God of the Old World patted his thigh and pointed at Sean. "You go to the earth and send them earrings!"

"What?" Sheen was stunned for a moment. It didn't seem to think that the God of the Old World had made such a decision. Didn't he prevent himself from going to earth just now?

"You idiot!" The God of the Old World hates iron and steel, "I wasn't allowed to go because you were already angry, and if you let it go, can you please?"

"Now that Sun Wukong and Vegeta can try the kind of time-limited fit, it means that they have begun to try to cooperate. If they are given earrings, they will also increase their combat power anyway!"

Suddenly, Sheen quickly pulled up Jabbit and shouted, "Jabbit, let's hurry to the earth!"

The God of the Old World watched Sean and Jebbit as they flew out of the God Realm of the Realm for two rays of light, shook his head slightly, and sighed, "I hope the earrings can bring them some help. In the end, the destiny of this universe will end. In which direction?



Ma Yuan was kicked off again, he couldn’t remember how many times he was kicked off by the black like a ball, and the milky white light in his eyes could only keep above his pupils. .

The white giant tiger was originally in a weak position, and now there is no support from Ma Yuan, and it is getting weaker and weaker under the crazy panther bite of the panther. Finally, he finally roared unwillingly and dissipated in space.


The black panther shook his head, and a pair of crimson eyes stared at Ma Yuan. This time Ma Yuan was about to face two enemies at the same time. The key is that he might not be able to beat either of them.

"Goku, Vegeta, how long will you guys be!" Ma Yuan also knew that the combination of Sun Wukong and Vegeta was still in the experimental stage, and it was easy to make mistakes, but he almost tried his best to stop the black.

He raised his eyebrows, and a black ball appeared in his hand. Although the space was dark, the small ball in the black hand was so conspicuous, as if the black starry sky was excluded.

"Obviously, you can't persist until the surprise comes." Black said lightly. "Maybe I should praise you, but I really don't want to say such things to people who can't provide me with a little interest."

Ma Yuan stood upright staggeringly, and his muscles seemed to be torn apart. The power in the body was very dispersed, and there was no way to concentrate it effectively. In this case, there was no way to avoid it.

"Huh..." Ma Yuan settled down, still forcibly took the attacking stance, calmly looking at the black ball, watching it grow bigger and bigger in his sight.


Hei gently waved his hand, and the repelling field spread out. His eyes turned to another direction. It was the man who saved Ma Yuan just now.

"Who are you?" He looked at the strangely dressed man in front of him, frowning and thinking but still had no impression of this person, but from his tall blond hair, he could see that he was a Saiyan undoubtedly.

"Uncle Ben's name is Gogeta!" Gogeta's right thumb crossed from the tip of his nose, and then he pointed at the underworld with one finger.

Wu Gita's voice is very distinctive, and it feels like two people are talking at the same time. Instead, he was heard a little bit by the black, and directly smiled and said: "Who should I still be, it turned out to be Vegeta Together with Sun Wukong."

"Huh! Let Uncle Ben teach you what politeness is today!" Wu Jita moved her hands and feet and rushed towards the black! ,, ..

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