Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 13 Chapter 95: The vitality bomb that decides the outcome! (on)

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Although Wu Gita was formed by the combination of Sun Wukong and Vegeta, the strength is not just as simple as the addition of the two, so even if Wu Gita at this moment seems to be at most the state of Super Saiyan II, he can still Fighting against the Black Warfare.

The two are constantly swapping positions in space. Perhaps they were still facing the punch in the east of Ma Yuan in the last second. The next moment they will appear under Ma Yuan to fight hard for a leg, and occasionally pass by Asteroid fragments will be cracked directly!

"Happy!" Dark eyes brightened. He no longer suppressed his strength, and showed his strength a little bit. In this dark environment, he became more handy.

Goujita can deal with it quite well. Every wave of attack is blocked. As Black is improving his power, he is also gathering Qi in his body. In short, he is not allowed to have any chance to occupy. Advantage!

Ma Yuan looked at this situation and frowned slightly: "This is not a good thing, but Wu Jita's transformation has a time limit. If you continue to fight like this, then we still suffer!"

Thinking of this, Ma Yuan rejuvenated, and the milky white energy in the body trembled slightly, seeming to be running along a peculiar trajectory, with a calm breath spreading from Ma Yuan.

Hei suddenly felt his brow jump between battles, and then subconsciously looked at Ma Yuan sitting on the steering wheel of the earth, as if the repulsive force in his body was becoming restless due to the movement of Ma Yuan .

"What the **** is going on?" Hei had fought Ma Yuan for so long just now, but the repulsive force in his body still had no reaction, and now he reacted after leaving the battle?

"There are flaws!" The situation on Ma Yuan's side attracted Hei's attention. Wu Jita saw this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, shouted, and directly bullied Hei's arms.

When the black face sank and there was no reaction, the figure of Wu Ji Ta gradually dissipated in front of him, and behind him was a huge force that kicked him out.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Gita appeared on the path of the black flight, kicked him on his chin, and kicked the black again to change the direction. The next moment appeared directly above the black, and fisted with both hands as if The heavy hammer usually hits hard!


He flew out and collided randomly in an asteroid belt. It seemed that this was the general reaction. He controlled his figure and stood there without saying a word.

"Hey! How is it? I told you that fighting against Uncle Ben is not a good choice. Then fight down and be careful of your life!" The biggest shortcoming of Wu Ji Ta is arrogance. He is strong and strong, but he will be Sun Wukong. And the shortcomings of Vegeta have also been amplified!

He slowly raised his head, and the crimson pupils in his eyes seemed to be infected with blood. He could feel the evil breath he emitted from Laoyuan, and the black panther who was lying on the side suddenly shouted. Suddenly, creeping on the ground, it seems to be expressing his surrender.

"Hey, it's this time, you still have the power to hide?" Wu Gita felt a little weird, but the increasingly strong and evil spirit could not help but he did not believe this fact.

Suddenly Black Panther rushed towards Wuji Tower as if he had received any order, as fast as a black lightning, and the huge claw had already been smashed towards Wuji Tower in the blink of an eye.

Vegeta did not hide, crossed his hands, and stiffened the claw directly, and then grabbed the black panther's claws violently, a colorful light appeared on his hand, which became more than ten meters long. The giant blade directly crossed from the body of the black panther.

As the colorful light spread, the black panther sobbed, and his paws unwillingly grabbed a few strokes in the air, and then slowly dissipated.

"Hey!" Goujita put away the colorful giant blade in his hand, and suddenly felt an amazing momentum coming from behind. The sharp evil spirit will pierce him almost instantly!


At the time of the attack, Wuji Tower was separated directly, and became two of Sun Wukong and Vegeta, successfully evading this trick, but the transformation was also easily broken by Hei.

"Vegeta, let's come again in another place!" Sun Wukong's face sank and his body retreated. Vegeta didn't talk, and formed a horn with Sun Wukong, and quickly retreated.

"Want to go?" Black smiled, grabbing at Vegeta with one hand.

Vegeta suddenly had a bad hunch in his mind. At this time, he naturally chose to believe his fighting instincts, changed the angle without hesitation, and flew in another direction.

And just after Vegeta was not far away, a black ball appeared in his original position. If Vegeta flew from there, I was afraid that a part of the body would be cut directly!

"It's dangerous..." Vegeta shed a cold sweat on his forehead. This move was really silent and unpredictable.

Vegeta saw that Sun Wukong had arrived at a safer place, and hurried over in a hurry. The two stood symmetrically, with their hands in different directions, accompanied by a weird crab step. The two said in their mouths: "Rong ...Hehe!"

Seeing that the fingers of the two are about to come together, suddenly a black ball appears at the joint of their fingers, so that not only the fingers can never be touched, but as long as there is a black thought, their fingers will be Qi Gen falls!

"I know that your fit has a time limit," Hei slowly walked over, carrying his hands, as cold as the dark knight who walked out of purgatory, the huge breath made people feel desperate, "You think I Will it also give you a chance to fit?"

For Hei, it was an unforgivable sin to be attacked by Goujita just now. He was naturally annoyed, and he didn't want to see the Laozi Gogeta again!

"What should I do now?" Sun Wukong and Vegeta glanced at each other, and their eyes were full of dignity. If they didn't change their shape, none of them would be able to break the black wrist.

"Sun Wukong, Vegeta!" Suddenly a shout rang out, and the two lights suddenly fell in front of Sun Wukong and Vegeta. It was the realm gods Shion and Jabbit!

"Master Wangshen?" Sun Wukong said doubtfully. "What are you doing here?"

"Jing Wang Shen?" Perhaps recalling Leila, Hei didn't even get the shot in the first place, but also gave Sean the opportunity to give his pair of earrings to Sun Wukong.

"Fit!" Sheen nodded heavily. "Even if you are one, you should be able to separate from the dragon!"

"Where can I manage so much now?" Sun Wukong put the earrings on his left ear without hesitation.

Vegeta hesitated and put another earring on his right ear angrily, shouting, "Death is dead!"

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