Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 14 Chapter 18: Perfect Defense

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"Hey, black scar, you are too indifferent. The thing in this boy's hand is quite...oh no, I mean he looks very friendly. Since he has this magic weapon, it must prove that you are a magician. Right?"

The comer is the Asian swordsman Lalkui. The clown-like presence in the same race caused a lot of laughter.

The black scar's eyes just suppressed a lot of smiles, but it was obvious that everyone did not recognize his ability. This swordsman is obviously not in the shadow of the war god's warfare.

"It's just that we have some questions that need your help right now. We're quite in touch."

Lalkui's joke is boring, but his thoughts are exposed unconsciously.

"If you are talking about that matter, Larqui, I think you have the freedom to move, but I will not intervene."

The tall Asian seemed to be sulking and left the scene so arrogantly, but what disappointed Ma Yuan was that this time it was really difficult to win this powerful foreign aid into the team, but fortunately there was Larque, better than nothing.

"Sit down, my friend, it looks like you are clever, you know that you should have been kicked out this time, but everyone looks on my face, cough, it’s not because of the guy with black scars, so you have to Help me do one thing."

However, the development of the matter has always exceeded Ma Yuan's expectations. My magic item knows why it fell into the hands of Larque. What happened was that the attitude of the other party was completely different from the previous one.

"Then, that's my thing!"

"His, at least it is no longer... Although we despise this rubbish, we hate weak and hypocritical humans even more."

Countless Asian mercenaries pulled out their weapons, and a ray of cold light shone on Ma Yuan's face. This made him realize that something was wrong, but he dared not act lightly because of the danger.

After all, his martial arts are even more powerful, and there is still no way to defeat too many Asians. Their scale hardness and power to surpass humans are always a big trouble.

"It's a bad luck for me, but even if you dominate this thing, I won't do anything casually for you. Know that I have a hidden profession..."

Ma Yuan talked and started to try to find a musical instrument from the hotel, but was disappointed to find that the size here is completely unsuitable for himself, and the group of guys in front of him, it seems that the culture is completely different from humans.

"Cut, would you be a bard among human beings? We would not worship similar professions here, only combatants are the most reliable."

Lalquigo brazenly accepted the magic item, and at the same time took out his own key chain with deep meaning, which is the Asian Hotel Pass that Ma Yuan had previously owned.

"Thank you."

Ma Yuan soothed some emotions, but found that the opponent's cold paws did not intend to release the key.

"Hey, imp, I think you must have made a mistake. The Asians will not hand over their keys to humans. It seems that you are really a stunned boy! Remember my conditions unless you can Help me teach a human named Mattham, the **** guy and I met today in a thief's den in the ghetto."

The Asian swordsman flicked the opponent's arm angrily, but Ma Yuan was not angry and rejoiced. This was the reason why the other party would go to Lord Roma's residence.

After some explanation, he learned that the original one of the few trophies against the magic dragon in the past, the attribution of the earth dragon tower shield belongs to another sub-person, but that guy was obtained by a human for special reasons. treasure.

Now this third-rate human knight named Matem has released the news of sale, just because this shield is very suitable for sub-humans, so basically it is a group of people who target Lalque and Black Scar, and want them to bleed a lot. Fan.

This also explained the doubts of many things before, and Ma Yuan also suddenly came to the spirit, realizing that things finally had a key breakthrough point.

If it is really what you expected, then instead of holding the hope of Reinhardt to help, it is better to do something yourself, Ma Yuan naturally does not meet the simple customs clearance, if you can play some hidden achievements, even perfect If it is archived, that is his ultimate goal!

"So, is this shield strong?"

"Of course, isn't this nonsense."

"So, even the most powerful assassins and blades, as long as this shield is used, can they be perfectly defended?"

"Well... you guys talk a lot, don't agree with each other, if you can succeed, you will have your benefits, that **** human has a lot of good things, but he has always been stingy, even if people look at it, they must curse. a few days."

After some inquiries, Ma Yuan finally finalized the basic tactical guidelines. Sure enough, the network resources are the king. Although I don’t remember Lei Yueang’s encounter in the outside world, Ma Yuan always felt that the enemy was extremely powerful and could have a little more cards. Absolutely not wasted.

So as long as you get the initiative to negotiate this time, get the best armor, and then trigger the event with Firut at the same time, you have a lot of chips here, if you use it properly, you may be able to take the badge perfectly, and then find it. Emilia, shining to return things to their original owners, not too perfect!

Defend, and then strike back unexpectedly. This is the tactics that Ma Yuan thought of today, just like the basic idea of ​​dealing with the gang of three. At that time, he first knocked down the killing of the bludgeon, which is to deprive the other offensive weapons and equipment. To maximize your own safety factor.

It is the same today to strengthen the defense. Although I know that Lalquay certainly did not tell the truth to himself, but since the human employer is also going to appear in Lord Roma’s site, things are much simpler, maybe he can still use the other party. The energy balances the BOSS.

The overlapping calculations show Ma Yuan's courage, but at the moment, because of his lack of memory, he always makes some rash and reckless judgments, and even chooses at this node with Lei Yueang. .

"Wait, I'm sure, I will make everything smooth before I meet you."

"Muttering, really a strange human being."

After finalizing the division of labor between each other, Ma Yuan and the Asian swordsman came to the ghetto happily. I don’t know how many times he came here, but he had a hunch that it might not be the last time, and at the same time felt that his plan was almost seamless... …、、.

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