Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 14 Chapter 19: The truth that the Asians disappeared

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Before coming, he deliberately smeared his face evenly as a means of getting in touch with the poor. However, although partial results were obtained, the eyes of those poor still made Ma Yuan's mood extremely complicated.

"Little brother, I think you must be dealing with them for the first time. Since you are also a life-threatening man, don't take the risk. These sub-people are all cursed, and they will definitely be unlucky with them."

Poor people often have some paranoia or belief-like thinking. Of course, Ma Yuan is not strange, but these few contacts with Asians have not been smooth. Nowadays, even he is shaken.

But perhaps, it is the difference between each other's souls. Yasheng exists in this continent, which is heavily oppressed and discriminated against, so it almost lives in a dark corner, and at the same time it is a group of pretentious people who will never be content with the status quo.

This kind of existence, and cooperation with some stable human beings, it seems difficult to avoid doom.

"It's okay, man, we returned from the triumphant return. Good luck, maybe we can give you some bread later."

Ma Yuan was pretending to be generous. Although he knew that even if he came back alive, he might not remember Cheng Ruo at the moment. Now he is trying to get closer in a certain direction, but he still sees his inferiority invisible.

In contrast, he is even more mortal than Le Yueyong.

"I've already inquired, boy, you don't have to do some useless work. These poor people are unlikely to tell us some useful information. If you plan to survive on their strength, that's really ridiculous."

The Asians wriggled their pupils, and at the same time they came outside Lord Roman's house again. The creepers growing on the walls gave people an inexplicable sense of stability, somewhat decadent, but with tranquility and serenity that did not belong to this area.

In a sense, the giant gave Ma Yuan a gentle or steady feeling. Although he only saw the other person’s body, that feeling made him very contradictory. After all, according to the preconceived concept, the giant, maybe He will only use his height and strength to bully humanity.

It's like the Asians in front of me are scolding, like the little bastards. Maybe even if they are a clear positioning, in the view of Ma Yuan, the labeling of this world will collapse in a sense.

He carried out the strategy and classification according to the RPG method, but found that everything was out of his expected trajectory...

"It's really quiet here."

"Humph, idiot, that's because you have a problem with your ears."

Opening the door gently, Ma Yuan sighed, but found that the Asian people around him were much more rude, kicked the wooden door rudely, and at the same time a lively picture was also present.

"Old man! How many times have I said, uncle, I am a discerning person, although I want to hide my identity now, but you also see, I am not just doing transactions with you as simple as this, I hope this one in my hand Things can be sold for a good price, do you understand?"

It was an exaggerated middle-aged man who came into sight. Ma Yuan rarely saw such an alternative wearing noble clothes. Obviously, the other party’s way of acting and eyes also revealed that this is a person who has been fighting for many years. , At the very least, is a good mercenary.

In front of the bar, there are still some masked mercenaries beside this human man. Although they try to keep their bodyguard status low-key, but their masks and hoods dress up, they still reveal their identity.


And not far away, there was a tall, drunk, tall man who had already drunk, the giant Lord Lom, who tried hard not to show an overly contemptuous expression. Even so, if he thumped the table casually, he could let the mercenaries in front of him We shivered, it really was not a level of existence.

"Little Bunnies! There are rules for doing anything, it is an exception to let you in. Remember, today I am here to entertain many guests. If you disturb the business, I think I will be forced to do it too Cleaning up."

The giant gave the man a faint glance, and Ma Yuan also felt endless hostility from Larque around him. Sure enough, this should be the knight.

"Mattem! You came so early, don't you think there will be other people who can't buy it out of you, it's ridiculous enough, look at these mercenaries around you, it must have cost you a lot of holy gold coins Well, as a knight, you actually need other people to protect yourself, which is really not funny at all."

Trying to speak back, successfully spurred the man with a malt on his beard, and Mattem could clearly see the identity of the coming person. Sure enough, there was a trace of disdainful smile, but he was not angry.

"Oh, it turns out to be you guys. Sure enough, it’s really nonsense to talk to Asians, but it doesn’t matter. The boss here is very fair. I don’t think anyone can take away the things in my hands unless you really live. Tired."

"Oh, it seems that some people are really blind and confident. Didn't you find that you didn't complete the registration at all?"

The strong smell of gunpowder permeated, and Ma Yuan also began to scan the room aimlessly. Sure enough, it was another world when the light remained here, but it was a fool's dream to get so many clues in a period of time.

"Humph, it's really still people of yours who are more observant. Larque hasn't been seen for a long time. Sit down and have a drink. I haven't seen your old man's black scar for a long time. How is it?"

Lord Roma was kinder to Larque, who is also a sub-Asian. This scene is also a mad trembling. But he also realized that the huge equipment held by the mercenaries around him did not complete the registration or even lost it. Not even the responsibility of this thief den.

"Obviously, even if this equipment is a Hercules in humans, only two people can barely keep moving. A strong mercenary can only hug it hard, so ordinary swordsmen will never choose it, so This is an exclusive prop belonging to the Asian people, and even if the price is high, it makes no sense."

Ma Yuan opened his mouth, although it was a little abrupt, but at this moment, Lalquay gave a thumbs-up, including Lord Roma, and he laughed happily.

"Houhou, a good boy, he has the courage, it seems that you have a lot of rare things in it, and the old man has never seen it before."

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