Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 14 Chapter 29: The discovery of resurrection

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"Sorry, humans, in fact, I still want to take care of the friends brought by Larque. After all, he rarely really introduces us to work, but some things belong to the secrets of our Asians, even if not Relevant people, any outsiders with knowledge will be wiped out by us!"

Trance recalled the plot, Ma Yuan seemed to have a hunch in his mind. If he was not careful this time, even the trio could easily kill himself.

Facts have proved that his crisis instinct is still portrayed in his mind, so he hopes to complete the plot through the clue of the Asian, but he finally forgot the basic relationship between the Asian and the human, especially these lizard people, their Hate is more than any sub-ethnic.

"Oh, damn..."

Falling powerless to the ground, Ma Yuan's brain gradually went blank, although Larque around him tried to defend himself, even trying to get a little room to live, but he understood that the Asian with only one eye had a determination , As long as the things identified will never change.

Sure enough, not all thieves speak as well as Firut. This group of people living under the poison and sin mostly treats their interests as their friends.

"Obviously, only one step away..."

"Come on, there may be someone over there. The smell of humans is much stronger than ours. It would be troublesome if they were discovered by the guards."

The cruel knife light I saw at the last moment, when Ma Yuan gradually endured the pain of death, I finally understood how crazy this group of Asian thieves, even if they were discovered by the guards in the city, as long as they blocked my interests, they would kill you. !

Uh ha!

Between the trance, the picture of the fusion of death and blood flowed in front of him. Ma Yuan tranced back to his mind, only to realize that he had died once, and he was extremely depressed during the whole process.

Da Da, the sound of footsteps, the waterwheel horse dragon around him is still there, but the deep fear of Ma Yuan is exposed in his pupils. Any sub-person seen on the street at this moment has become the source of his fear in a sense.

"Hey, what are you doing, why do you stop suddenly when you walk? Humans are really unreasonable."

The bird roared across, and the noisy streets and conversations around Ma Yuan reacted, but found that it was the fateful face that hit him.

"Yes, it's you!"

Surprised, Ma Yuan even consciously clenched his fists with both hands. This alert gesture stunned everyone around him, even the uncle Apple on the roadside protruded to look around.

"Hey, this little brother did nothing wrong, he may just be unfamiliar with his life, who made your Asians so big."

Some conversations that don’t fit the human character have permeated the uncharacteristics of Uncle Apple. They are usually just irritable and fully integrated into their identity as a businessman, but they still bear a domineering scar, and they are still very strong in their bones.

"Why, what! A guy who bought an apple would dare to yell at Ben this way. Forget it, I won't care about you today. I will teach swordsmanship to other people, so you are lucky."

After muttering a few words, the Asian swordsman realized that the eyes around him were gathering more and more. The crowd was not just numb visitors, even if there were many enthusiasts in the outside world, Ma Yuan had restored some calmness.

"Sorry, I only rarely see Asians, and there is nothing malicious."

After getting the chatter of the Asian people, this matter came to an end, and Ma Yuan also realized that it may not be easy to get in touch with the other party this time, but does it mean that he can choose another line to develop first.

In a sense, I do have some new ideas, but now that I have learned the swordsmanship of the Asians, I still want to let the other person help myself more, but forget the temperature between each other.

People in other worlds live like hedgehogs. If they are too distant, they will feel cold, but if they are too close, they will inevitably be hurt by the sharp points between each other. It is really necessary to grasp the balance.

"Uncle, thank you. Thanks for your help this time. In fact, I don't have any plans to buy apples. I will definitely take care of your business if I have a chance."

Ma Yuan said subconsciously, but found that Apple's uncle waved his hands impatiently, it seemed that even the mood of selling his goods was completely lost.

"Let's go, I'm not in the mood to talk to you nonsense. Just now I just happened to be unhappy. Don't be affectionate, stupid boy."


Ma Yuan looked at the shop and found that the boss was not there, and immediately flashed, and ran quickly towards the downtown.

"Wait for me! Uncle, I won't let you down, I know why you are upset."

"This guy whispered something, wouldn't it be crazy, really a weirdo..."

Ma Yuan didn't hear the uncle's nagging. After all, he went back again. Everyone here forgot about Ma Yuan, as if he had never existed before, and he himself adapted to this setting. The inner uneasiness and embarrassment walked towards the nearby trading market in memory.

I vaguely remembered that I was still near that place, and I found the green-haired little loli, Ma Yuan's guess was that Uncle must be anxious because of the loss of his daughter, so he would maintain that attitude towards himself.

Although it is a seemingly inconspicuous small branch line, the original Lai Yueang may also skip it, but Ma Yuan now knows the dangers of intestinal hunters. If he can grasp it more, even a little information is extremely good. Ok.

"Well, this is it, according to the time, it should have been lost."

After watching around for a while, Ma Yuan was in a great embarrassment. After all, compared with the people around him, his dress and belongings were too weird, let alone a few steps away, I saw a short distance away. The mother and daughter in the happy shopping are two, it is Uncle Apple's wife and daughter.

"It's miscalculated? Then why is he so anxious..."

Facts have proved that the hunch is not always accurate. Ma Yuan watched the mother and daughter passing by, and forgot their own, so she just smiled politely, and then passed by.

"Well, mom, let's find it again. Dad is very unhappy after throwing things away, maybe we can find the thief!"

"Hush, be quiet, it would be terrible if it was heard, go back."

The fleeting wind and grass still failed to escape Ma Yuan's senses. Sure enough, talent is a very important thing. I have come into contact with sub-humans and have mastered this powerful natural instinct. ,, ..

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