Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 14 Chapter 30: The most unexpected appearance

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It can be said that in a fantasy world without exaggerated abilities and settings, hearing must be an ability against the sky.

It turned out that Ma Yuan nodded secretly to understand the ins and outs of the matter, and he didn’t choose to go directly back to the Apple Store, but subconsciously walked into the ghetto, and smeared the dirt on the face by the road, and put his clothes on. The deliberately obsolete, perfectly integrated into the environment.

"This may change their attitude a little bit, after all, it is a group of poor people who have suffered hardships, and he will be rejected."

Recalling the previous trips to the slums, Ma Yuan is still vividly remembered. Sure enough, he should be more careful to discover the necessary means of mining information and customs clearance.

Everything was ready, Ma Yuan was a little dumbfounded when he came to the necessary way. He still forgot the existence of the trio. The dark alley in front of him no longer knows how many times he crossed, but this time it may not be. The debut of the silver-haired elf girl.

"Really, if it appears halfway through, it's very nerve-wracking, so it's hard for them to wait for them to be okay. Those three idiots are nothing but tricks. I'm sure I have no strength to meet the present!"

Ma Yuan waved his arms, sat confidently on the stone bridge and waited for the rogue trio to appear, trying to overwhelm the other psychologically with a reversal tactic. After all, how many'old friends' had he played, from psychological On the other hand, the other party is positioned as a three-wolf configuration in Xinshou Village, and you can easily get up experience.

"Strange, it hasn't appeared in such a long time. It seems that the time clue should have changed this time. I still go to the slums to see and talk."

However, after a period of time, Ma Yuan did not find any turbulence, and immediately began to question whether the trigger system of the outside world is not reliable enough, it is a waste of his expression.

"Oh, I feel inexplicably good. At this time, you should eat something to treat yourself. After all, you may come back after eating, hey."

A large number of puffed food bags were opened. Ma Yuan chose wavy potato chips instead of the corn **** originally bought by Le Yueang, and it is still the purest original flavor. It tastes awesome and continues to be the main line. The mood of the task is about to be forgotten.

"Hey, this kid is very happy to eat. It's too little to be conscious. But here are the three sites of our brothers. Do you think you can sit back and relax without worrying?"

However, as several shadows approached, Ma Yuan immediately looked up at the trio that fell from the sky. They were simply modern masters of parkour. They said that these thieves climbed the walls and alleys of the alley because of long-term'work' and escape reasons. The house is simply handy.

Damn it! I actually forgot this important detail, and sat in the alley to eat snacks. This hand was covered with the residue of potato chips. The greasy feel greatly affected the actual combat ability of Ma Yuan, let alone It is said that he has ignored some important factors now.

"It's your three scums again! Don't think that success in ambush can be arrogant, now I will let you... hey!"

Unstable undercarriage is always a fatal problem. The convenient bag that Ma Yuan placed next to him just tripped on him and fell directly on the spot. The whole process was like a slow-motion camera, and he knew that he had committed a low level. Wrong, Ma Yuan couldn't think of a way to get rid of the dilemma immediately.

"Ha! It seems that you are planning to resist. It really surprised us. For a long time, you have not seen such a courageous idiot. You must entertain yourself."

Killing the little bastard, he called out his short knife and quickly rotated it in his hand. The light reflected on Ma Yuan's face was endless despair. He was indeed an idiot, and he once again played such a bad hand. It’s simply that I don’t have a chance to turn over.

"Yes, there are always a lot of ignorant guys who think they are old, and dare to rush up with such unscrupulous luck. Even an idiot like you can't be our opponent even with a weapon! Who makes us three individually."

The little man fooled around and looked around. After making sure that no one had even given up the work of the windbreak, the crowd around him was piled with face and flesh, showing another smile that was even uglier than crying.

"Scrap with him less, let's see if there is anything valuable, this kid looks like a poor ghost, if we can't find anything good, we'll beat it, we don't come out in vain ."

The three again surrounded Ma Yuan, which also made him re-recognize his true strength. As long as he neglected the enemy a little, even the rope attack of the little dwarf could not escape, and the water **** on the spot could not leak.

Although the defeats over and over abused the three of them, this was just a fragment of memory. In this timeline, he was just a loser, at least for the current battle.

"Me, I really don't have any good things, and these are still useful! You can leave me a little more."

"Bah! Obviously just some garbage that has never been seen before, and it is still treated as a baby. We haven't made a good idea yet. You don't have to talk and interfere. It's really an uninteresting guy..."

The little dwarf seemed to know that Ma Yuan had beaten himself in another time and space. When he shot, he showed no mercy and pinched Ma Yuan's neck to make a confession.

Under the depressive atmosphere, the big guys started to count the loot. Only killing Matt because he was holding the important props and ramping up the opponent, he did not participate in the search operation. The tacit cooperation between the three was staggering.

"It's really bad luck. Sure enough, there is nothing valuable. This kid has wasted a lot of our time. He can't return anything. Want to resist?"

With a roar, the big man wearing a finger tiger pointed at Ma Yuan’s head, and the blood rolled down the scalp, while the two people around him only changed their looks slightly, only the little dwarf’s expression was more intense.

"Idiot! Why did you start so hard at this time, maybe you can still find out more secrets about him, maybe you can still hide some good things, just let him go, it is a pity."

Under the deep wound, Ma Yuan felt a tingling moment, and the little dwarf took one of the daggers in Matt's hand, and even performed colder than the other party, as a tortured watching Ma Yuan exposed the little devil's gesture . ,, ..

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